Zeon Santos's Comments

So knit sweaters of Bart Simpson and shoes and hats that flip people the bird are supposed to be an art form? Looks like tacky trash to me. Sure, there are some pieces in the gallery which could be considered art, but get real-most of these pieces are a joke, and they're really scraping the bottom of the barrel of high fashion. And we get it, the 90s are back, but that doesn't mean bring back the worst of the 90s, unless you're a fashion designer who's just plain tapped out of ideas.
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Out of respect for your researching skills, and mad love for MC Frontalot (who I feel is a lyrically gifted mastermind) I'm going to do something Conan could never bring himself to do on the show-I'm going to correct this travesty and edit the article! I love love love me some Frontalot AND some MC Chris, but I also appreciate a solid stance backed up with a quote ripped straight from wikipedia ;)
Frontalot-sorry I ever doubted your role in the origin of Nerdcore, and your flows keep me smiling on a daily basis. Dave, you are the victor of this particular Nerd Battle, but I'll be back! *shakes fist angrily at the sky*
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True, both men are badassery incarnate, but MC Chris released his first album four years before Frontalot, which means waaaaaay more people were exposed to his nerdy brand of hip hop before most people even knew the name Frontalot. And it's true that Frontalot released his song Nerdcore Hiphop in 2000 and is the originator of the term Nerdcore, and MC Chris prefers to think of himself as a gangsta, but really would Frontalot have gotten as much attention without MC Chris leading the way?
And dear Dave, in case you don't know by now, we who write for the interwebs tend to exaggerate a lil bit here and there, so if you're going to go around disputing every claim that something is the "cutest ever" or "lamest ever" or "single-handedly did x, y or z" then you're going to be a busy man! Frontalot is amazing, I have nothing but respect for him, but MC Chris had Adult Swim notoriety behind him, which made it easier for him to blow up. Frontalot had to ride the waves in that MC Chris had created, and now he's taken Nerdcore farther than anyone else, so I'm glad he was allowed to come out of the library and do his thang. So your argument has been defeated like a Conan O'Brien fan correction-better luck next time!
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@ joseph- True, but I clearly meant that he uses an old school medium (i.e. marble).
I can't help but wonder-do you guys scrutinize yourselves and your own lives/works as much as you scrutinize these blog posts?

"Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how it's done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves."
-Brendan Behan
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