Thanks so much for the useful info nihil, it's much appreciated and I'm sure people will find it useful if they decide to incorporate prosthetics into their costume. I mentioned spirit gum mainly because it's by far the easiest prosthetic adhesive to find, but I do agree that it really isn't very good to work with and is rather old school in my opinion.
If I watched any more movies I wouldn't have time to work, procreate, eat, sleep, shower or converse with other human beings...oh wait, I don't do any of those things anyways! I guess I'd better get to watching more movies!
Yeah, that was my point but I tend to forget that sarcasm doesn't translate into text very well so I updated it with a point that hits you over the head.
I was probably one of the few people who actually saw eXistenZ in the theater, which means I am a tried and true lover of Cronenberg films and I'm getting old...
Thanks for the feedback Rebecca! I'm very selective about which tutorials I post to the site, so I'm glad to hear that this tutorial is a winner. If you have pics please feel free to post them in the comment section, I'm sure other readers would love to see them!
I was probably one of the few people who actually saw eXistenZ in the theater, which means I am a tried and true lover of Cronenberg films and I'm getting old...