I’d be grateful if the US even switched to metric for weather. Trying to compare the level of deep freeze with american friends is always a hassle, nevermind I’ll see someone post about it being 40 degrees and assume they’re boiling to death.
I learned in my 20s that my brother and I were conceived through anonymous sperm donation (different donors), so I signed up for 23andMe to see if I could find some heath info. I matched with a half-brother who hadn’t heard any of this! Poor guy. Rotten way to find out.
I ditched the Girl Guides the moment Scouts Canada began letting girls in. GG taught me things I didn't care for, like hair braiding and table setting. Scouts was WAY more fun.
Maybe it's different in Canada but we didn't have a cafeteria and so we always ate in our classrooms. You could get milk from a canteen in the gym but otherwise you brought a lunch.