wonky donky.'s Comments
SCIENCE HAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Would it Kilt these numpties to just wear something Scottish instead?!!
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Cocotte (French): Term of Endearment. Literal Definition(s): chicken [familier], fireproof casserole cooking dish, potentially fancy-ish prostitute [abit ancient].
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Only in Italy.
-Or France.
-Or France.
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I know that feel, bro
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3 Things:
1)The fact that most people turn out to be more similar than we are different.
2)How good, and sometimes Massively Kind they are.
3)The hair-trigger rudeness of many Italians, French and Spaniards.
1)The fact that most people turn out to be more similar than we are different.
2)How good, and sometimes Massively Kind they are.
3)The hair-trigger rudeness of many Italians, French and Spaniards.
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Ok, thanks. Didn't know & couldn't find a Preview button.
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Location and acreage; otherwise that is not nearly $190M worth of house.
You could get a fixer-upper on the north shore of Long Island for about $170M less; -but then you'd have to live on Long Island, proximity to Jay Gatsby's stomping-grounds be-damned.
You could get a fixer-upper on the north shore of Long Island for about $170M less; -but then you'd have to live on Long Island, proximity to Jay Gatsby's stomping-grounds be-damned.
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A very nuanced humanist reply. And here I was, bracing myself for shrill, harpy, feminazism.
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I didn't read the whole piece or the book, but Kodak wasn't REMOTELY killed by Instagram.
It killed itself by failing to keep up with digital in any meaningful way.
They also failed to acquire when they were at the height of their powers.
You could just as easily say that Samsung, Nokia, Apple, Sharp, Philippe Kahn, and the inventors and manufacturers of CMOS and CCD killed Kodak.
The Freakonomics guys and Robert Reich are probably better at analyzing this type of thing. -Here's one good example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTzMqm2TwgE
It killed itself by failing to keep up with digital in any meaningful way.
They also failed to acquire when they were at the height of their powers.
You could just as easily say that Samsung, Nokia, Apple, Sharp, Philippe Kahn, and the inventors and manufacturers of CMOS and CCD killed Kodak.
The Freakonomics guys and Robert Reich are probably better at analyzing this type of thing. -Here's one good example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTzMqm2TwgE
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I do hope the real Mr. Ziggy Stardust himself saw this vid and was proud.
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-easily 221DD