Toyvo Bassman Nachesa's Comments

I would definitely not put a human in jail over that, fine them and make em fix what they broke? Sure, jail em or put a criminal record on their head? Hell no, I'll leave that to murderers and thieves thank you.
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I'm sorry, but if I'm reading correctly you're all for jailing people... because they modified ROCK FORMATIONS?!?!?!

Wait, let me say that again, just to make sure I'm understanding this correctly.

You want PEOPLE, to be jailed, over doing something to ROCKS?

Sure, it's a bit childish, but, JAILING? Criminal Activity?

Shit, I better not move any sand while I'm walking in the desert! I might get charged with blood and murder!
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Funny thing about cavemen was that they actually didn't have 'short lifespans' in the full meaning of that sentence, they could live to 70 years it's just that those who couldn't keep up usually were left behind, but there have supposedly been findings of elders who were taken with presumably of the wisdom they posessed, cavemen could live long, it's just that most wouldn't because cavemen weren't extremely social.
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Well Lynda, I myself will align myself with Timm partially, while there's some interesting points in those tweets even a simple mind like me can come up with some counters to them but I never trust the internet as far as 'this was said by this person' goes, only visual-audio confirmation is ever enough. If I hear or see him say these things - then he said them. On Twitter though it's usually some geek hired to post stuff unfortunately.
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Well, if you work somewhere and want to do something that isn't listed on your job description you should ask if you may do it, I mean, his heart was in the right place, but it wasn't a properly thought through thing to do.
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On all those points: Jedi's were humans too, with their own hopes and dreams and ideals, and they also gambled and eventually won, so that concerns all the points except for this one: "And why the hell did Obi-Wan allow himself to be cut down by Vader in A New Hope, anyway?"

Is that a valid question? Really? Obi-Wan was old, he may have had his tricks but he was old, and he could never do what Luke could do, it was already hard for him to face Darth Vader, it was all tough for him to deal with, plus, in his 'ethereal' form he could always be everywhere, no spaceships needed :D

Obi-Wan just got extremely sick of it all and wanted to become a ghost, sometimes, we all want that.
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It's funny, cause I enjoyed ALL of Star Wars movies to absolute full extent, maybe it was because I watched it when having an own opinion didn't mean anything to me yet, so I didn't look for ways to individualize myself and I could just enjoy things in a chillike way? I don't know :D
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