Actually, I've seen those popped out with nothing more than a can of clear-coat and a butane lighter... and lots of experience. Still... great sharpie art.
Looks like a tie so far... personally, I don't have time to use charcoal... messy, and takes too long. Me for gas! And since I'm just cooking for myself mostly, I use a table-top grill (Weber Q 100) on a home-made stand (mmm.... angle iron) with an adapter hose to a big tank. Push-button grilling!
"30. Draw five circles that one common interlocking part." The big zinger at the end... a non-sequitur, makes no sense at all, not a sentence. And 20 seconds per question to answer them!
I learned this long ago... the longer you let your beard get, the easier it is to cut it with dull blades. I can get a five-pack to last for over a year... and I vastly prefer the five-blade refills, even though they're more expensive... the flat plane limits the angle of attack so you don't cut yourself as much... and five dull blades are better than one.
The whatsis is a grill lid prop... I can definitely believe the person that asserted this... just look at the handle, Chinese grill tool handle if ever I saw one.
yes... I think most folks would rather have them OM, if they knew the option was there... they think they're cool saying 'over easy', when what they're ordering is just beyond 'sunny side up', which is one step beyond raw.