Sandy's Comments

When I was little, my mom used to occupy our time with all kinds of crafts but my favorite was homemade play dough. We made ornaments for every holiday imaginable. I still use this activity with my own daughter and she loves that there's a never-ending supply of play dough and that Mom likes to play with it just as much as she does.

Thanks for the giveaway!
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Bucks bed down together all the time, when not in rut. And they have to bend down and get under trees sometimes. They don't always bed down out in the open grass.

Anyone have any idea where this picture came from? I'm interested in knowing what part of the country this happened.
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I find it a little suspicious that this story has just recently been reported in the news. The guy has been growing a horn out of his head for the last 25 years and we are JUST NOW hearing about it? Puhlease!
There were no stories, reports or information about this horny old man or the "Aden Specialized Hospital" mentioned in the article found on the internet until the Yemen Observer

From the article:
"Had you heard of any similar cases throughout the world?"
"No, I have done a lot of research and searched medical records of different health organizations around the world, and never has such a case been known to mankind. Usually when people hear about such a case, they tend to believe that it is unreal and fabricated, but my pictures prove that this case is true."

Yeah right. From the pictures, it looks as if this 102 year old man has lots and lots of access to such things as the medical records of different health organizations around the world. And in this day and age, pictures are far from being the absolute proof of truth anymore.
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I saw this story on the local news last night and there was no mention of a pen being used. Stated she fought off the cougar with a stick.
And as an update, the condition of the gentleman has worsened within the last few days because of infection that has set in from what they believe is the germs from the cougars claws.
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I thought those Heinekens looked photoshopped. Not to mention, they are full, unopened and lined up as neatly as if they came straight off the grocery store shelf. No one that drunk could keep things that organized. Funny picture nonetheless. :)
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