Jonnette Samantha Huntley Mix's Comments

Tickle Me Elmo had so many problems, not the least of which I couldn't keep my hands off him in the store! Early in our relationship, I was at a TRU with my now-husband, and I could not resist tickling each and every TME on an endcap, maybe 15 of them faced just so. As I rose up from activating the E's on the lowest shelf, my guy was turning around and I caught his elbow on my cheekbone. Try blaming a black eye on a TME doll. I did.
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I used my favorite wine cork chair example -- that from "The Fisher King" -- to introduce twisted wire trees and other shapes to my dd's 4th grade class. (Champagne cork chairs were a no-no for the young-uns, and drinking enough to save 28 corks would put me in jail!) What a hit that found objects -- in this case, a rock as a base, and some floral wire -- could be transformed into art, both kitschy and practical!
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can we agree that he's not actually washing anything. he's loading. he's spraying. spraying nothing. if those were actually soiled plates, they'd require greater care in balancing and loading and rinsing them off, and 500 a minute would be totally impossible. so there isn't anything here to wash in the first place.
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Wow, how uninformed are you?! Do-rags (or, scarves, for the ladies) serve several very important purposes for those with ethnic hair. Since people with very very curly or coarse hair can't wash their hair every day (it damages the hair and scalp), a do-rag is used to cover otherwise unstyled hair (daily grooming can take a loooong time) or to protect a styled head of hair from the elements. In addition, it is used to keep coarse hair, which attracts lint, for example, clean and sanitary. It is also used when the wearer has applied a long-term scalp or hair treatment such as a moisturizing oil. Many beautiful brown babies wear scarves for all these reasons. And do-rags come in a million different colors and styles, not just black. The best use for a do-rag to wear it to bed so that the friction between common cotton bedsheets and the hair doesn't cause breakage and tangles.
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Don't those pipes exhaust dangerous fumes or vapors that contain carbon monoxide, among other things? If not, then why aren't furnaces just vented to the inside of their own dwelling? Why would a system be designed to channel excess heat away from the very environment it's supposed to be heating in the first place?
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It's the lid for a Bad Tinker Bell Trap. Bait a Mason jar with things you *don't* believe in -- lite beer, pantyhose, the White Sox, and parsnips come to mind -- and put on the lid. They can get in, but they'll get skewered trying to get out.

Bananana shirt in a women's cut (if avail) in XL
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