Clever except for two things: - I use Adblock so I don't see the ads. - In Firefox, the correct spelling appears in the search box list as I type. Makes it even easier!
I made a few of my own, with reasonable success. Take two pictures, moving the camera horizontally about 4" between shots. Aim at a point in the center, about halfway between the nearest and furthest object. Use an app like PaintShopPro Animation Shop to make a GIF that toggles between them at about 10 frames a second. Done.
Wonder if any studies show speed bumps cause more accidents? They are a huge distraction, and cause erratic speeding/slowing driving. Like potholes, you spend valuable brain power concentrating on them rather than other traffic. Not to mention some of them are smoother if taken at speed.
The "new car smell" is also plastics outgassing, apparently. That a problem as well? Doesn't bother me - I have neither a new car or a new shower curtain!
If you like it, would be cheaper to draw one on an old propane tank and pay a welder to cut it. Dangerous to try it yourself, though:
Fine until some idiot with a pocket knife comes along. And I think you'll find that the skin of a regular car adds a fair amount to the structural integrity.
Dots, by definition, should have zero size, just as a line should have zero width. Anything else is a cheat. I remember this puzzle from about 50 years ago.
(hoping the hotlink works)
- I use Adblock so I don't see the ads.
- In Firefox, the correct spelling appears in the search box list as I type. Makes it even easier!
Tarquin Fintimlinbinwhinbimlim Bus Stop F’tang F’tang Ole Biscuit-Barrel
Not to mention some of them are smoother if taken at speed.
Doesn't bother me - I have neither a new car or a new shower curtain!
I remember this puzzle from about 50 years ago.