Don't know about Segway crashes, but it looks like you crashed their Photobucket account . Enjoyed riding them in DC, Chicago and Jamaica. Not sure how the people above were crashing since the Photobucket account is over bandwidth but as long as you keep the wheels away from other objects you should have no problems. I have seen some very uncoordinated people trying them though, pretty scary.
I loved the hike up to the sign. We parked on Lake Hollywood Dr at Wonderview Dr and walked to the end of Wonderview to the Tree of Life Trail. Then just stay to the right on the trail until you hit the fence at the radio tower, then skirt the fence to the right down to the sign. Had a good laugh at all of the signs on the drive up.
When I got to the guy that said "Have a nice evening" I had to stop the video. How horrible would it be to have someone say something that horrible to you?
A co-worker had a German exchange student a few months ago and they got a possum in the house. She couldn't think of the word shovel so she started yelling for someone to get a dirt spoon. It was good enough, everybody knew what she meant.
The one that bothers me in interviews is "I mean." It seems like every response you hear in an interview starts with that. Not sure if that's happening in the UK though.
If you are looking for something quick for one person you have to try the Red Baron Feasts For One. The first microwave pizza that I thought was really good. Unfortunately they are sometimes difficult to find in my area.
For full size oven pizza, I used to love DiGiorno, but they have changed it enough over the years that I'm not really a fan any more.
Sons of AnarKitty XL
Minions in Black
For full size oven pizza, I used to love DiGiorno, but they have changed it enough over the years that I'm not really a fan any more.