Still, it's pretty hard to improve on a vehicle that: -is the most efficient form of land travel (at the equivalent of 500-1000 mpg) -when set up and tuned properly, achieves about 95-98% efficiency of energy transfer -costs only a couple days' wages, and is easy to maintain -extends the life expectancy of the user
Unfortunately, many of the designs sacrifice some of those benefits, in favor of weirdness.
Cool designs, but none of them seem to be suitable for frolicking in the forest...or dealing with the inevitable gravel road, ripped up for repaving street, etc.
The Schweeb is more like an amusement park ride, and I want a spin on it. But not after "Bruno the Bean-Eating Wonder" just got out of it.
"With the fear global warming taking over the minds of Americans everywhere..."? What world do you live in? Our climate has been cooling for quite a while now and global warming has been thouroughly debunked. Furthermore, these bicycle designs are mostly useless conceptual exercises that don't improve on the tried and true traditional bicycle design. Toys for the rich? Our lazy news providers need to get off their butts and screen the items they are presenting to us as news.
There's no way I could ride one with the roads we have in Québec.
Still, it's pretty hard to improve on a vehicle that:
-is the most efficient form of land travel (at the equivalent of 500-1000 mpg)
-when set up and tuned properly, achieves about 95-98% efficiency of energy transfer
-costs only a couple days' wages, and is easy to maintain
-extends the life expectancy of the user
Unfortunately, many of the designs sacrifice some of those benefits, in favor of weirdness.
The Schweeb is more like an amusement park ride, and I want a spin on it. But not after "Bruno the Bean-Eating Wonder" just got out of it.
My favs:
my bike is beautiful ...
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