Nan Koenig's Comments

Ned Flanders is based on a professor at Oral Roberts University named Gerald Landers. Nicest guy ever--and yes, they are dead ringers. The lead animator for the Simpsons got his AV degree at ORU where Gerald was one of his professors (and mine, too). There is a wonderful bit where Homer steals Ned's diploma, hangs it on the wall, and scratches his own name in. It reads, "NED FLANDERS ORAL ROBERTS UNIVERSITY." Gerald was really one of the nicest people ever and I enjoyed his company. I could totally understand the homage.
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Hi, Phil. As I do script editing and got an order today to send out a whole bunch of scripts to a whole bunch of places, I appreciated the timing of this. Geeze... ;-) Nan
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HEY PHIL! Nan, fellow writer here. I am so glad you posted about Lives of the Monster Dogs--I read that book when it came out and it is very, very good. Didn't get a whole lot of publicity, but it should have. Thanks for mentioning it.

If you get a chance, read a book called Lethe. It's out of print but extremely cheap--you can probably get it for a penny on amazon, and old sci-fi novel about how in the future, dolphins replace supercomputers when it comes to dealing with abstract math. Wonderful novel.
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