What a coincidence! I'm working on my novel right now, and I decided to take a break (okay, procrastinate) and browse Neatorama for a few minutes - and I see this post. :)
A mask-wearing tip for people who wear glasses: you can print out a mask, cut out the eye holes, and then tape the mask to your glasses. I've done that on several Halloween nights.
I'm a woman. One time, a male friend of mine, who I considered a good friend, made romantic moves on me, and I didn't like it. I had never thought of him as more than just a friend. So there is that.
In plain language, what CYBret is referring to is the fact that the word "tits" appears in an annotation on the actual video towards the end. (I hope I won't get in trouble for pointing this out.)
In any case, I won't be putting poop in my mouth any time soon. :)