I have an idiot boss who likes to use the phrase "that wouldn't be prudent". Every once in a while me and my co-workers will go on to Wikipedia and change the picture on the entry for prudence to a picture of our boss. It gets changed back within a day, but it's always good for a laugh-filled afternoon!
I had a job that involved traveling once, and the company had offices in great places: London, Paris, Munich, Sydney... being able to sample the restaurants in those cities on the company's account was a great perk. But one of my co-workers was so intimidated by eating alone in public that she would take all her meals in her hotel room. Even in Paris! It hurts to think about. I wonder if eat-alone restaurants would have helped her, poor thing.
Wow, she's really awful, even theoretically speaking. The aim of The Prince was not to create loving well adjusted people, it was to subdue them. Her techniques don't even take into account that her kids may have different needs. Oh well, they are hers to rule I guess.
She's a bigot, and spoiled to boot. She just oozes entitlement. Just being smart, pretty, young and white (not to mention apparently being able to afford an Ivy League school) are not enough for her? She makes me sick.