Miss Cellania's Blog Posts

Green Eggs and Ham.

This Flickr entry explains how you can make green eggs and ham for your young Dr. Seuss fan! Link -via Grow-A-Brain


Introducing the HyperBike, a "human-powered traveling machine." Designed for stability, comfort, and exercise. Uses both your hands and feet for power, has no seat, and can go up to 50 miles per hour. The wheels are eight feet tall! This is a prototype. Inventer D.C. DeForest, Jr. is looking for investors. Link -via MetaFilter

Happy Australia Day!

January 26 is Australia Day! Best wishes for a great celebration to all Aussies wherever you are. For everyone else, see some of Oz in this video. From the official website:
On Australia Day we come together as a nation to celebrate what's great about Australia and being Australian. It's the day to reflect on what we have achieved and what we can be proud of in our great nation.

It's the day for us to re-commit to making Australia an even better place for the future.


Rush Hour game.

Rush Hour is a game in which you try to get your vehicle out of a crowded parking lot by moving other vehicles around. None can turn, since they are stuck on the grid, so its like a sliding puzzle game. If you enjoy the video, you can try an online online version here. Push play or go to YouTube. Link to product. -via Metafilter

Online Business Card Maker.

Create your own business cards! Choose from several templates, add your information, change colors, and make a pdf document you can print out. See the sidebar for a gift tag maker, too. Link -via Ursi’s Blog

Saving Private Nemo.

Video from the movie Saving Private Ryan mixed with dialogue from Finding Nemo. Clever! Push play or go to YouTube. -via College Humor

How to win free beer using geometry.

This involves no sleight-of-hand or trickery, just a basic knowledge of geometry. It probably doesn’t hurt that the people he is betting against have been drinking already. Push play or go to YouTube. (via Cracked)

Cozy Apartment.

From the Ridiculous Real Estate department: an 11x7 flat in London is for sale. Seventy-seven square feet of living space, needs wiring and cleanup, asking price £170,000. Thats £2,209, or $4,327 per square foot! The real estate agent describes it as "incredibly depressing". The BBC story has an available video tour. Link -via Arbroath

Cold duck.

So far this weekend, we’ve seen a raccoon jump from a demolished building, a deer rescued from the ice, and a chicken kicked onto a roof. Now, it’s the story of a duck who was shot, taken home, kept in the refrigerator for two days, and survived to scare the daylights out of the hunter’s wife. The tough duck is now in the care of a Florida animal sanctuary. Link -via Dave Barry’s Blog

Artificial Stupidity.

There’s so much research going into artificial intelligence. But the real challenge is to reproduce human stupidity via technology. It’s really difficult to get a computer to act as dumb as humans can, but NASA is working on it. No, not that NASA, it's the National Artificial Stupidity Association. The challenge is to not only duplicate the human inability to logically solve problems, but also to generate inane excuses, present disorganized guesses, and argue to defend its wrong answers. Link -via Exploding Aardvark

Mixed Messages.

Your t-shirt says one thing, your jacket says another, and together they say something completely new! Evil Mad Scientist has instructions on making your own ensemble with a mixed message. Link

Walking Table

You don’t have to call someone to help you move this table, because it walks! No motor or batteries, just a set of mechanical legs, for those who are just too cool to put wheeled casters on their furniture. From a Dutch Design show in Eindhoven, the Netherlands. Push play or go to YouTube. -via the Presurfer

Ricky, the flying raccoon.

As tornado-damaged St. Patrick’s Cathedral in Iowa City was demolished yesterday, the lone remaining resident, Ricky the Raccoon, refused to leave. This photo gallery tells the story. Link -via Metafilter

Ice rescue.

An Oklahoma TV station helicopter pilot rescued a deer who was stuck in ice-covered Lake Thunderbird. Local police asked CBS Channel 9 traffic reporter Mason Dunn if he could do anything to help the deer. Dunn pushed the deer to shore by blowing him across the ice with the helicopter rotors! Link to video. -via Arbroath

Barnyard Shenanigans.

As many videos as I sift through in one day, its not often one makes me cackle until my eyes water. Watch the horse and the chicken in the background of this video of a farmer talking about... I don't even know what he was talking about. Push play or go to Da Nerd. -via Gorilla Mask

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