Miss Cellania's Blog Posts

Monster Hedge.

John Dobson of East Sussex trims his hedge to resemble the Loch Ness Monster. He’s been working to perfect the living sculpture for 17 years! Link -via Arbroath

Headless Historicals.

Headless Historicals â„¢ are reworked dolls that were inspired by characters throughout history who died in rather horrible ways. Each doll is dressed according to how they might have appeared during the peak of their success, while their bodies display the manner in which they died.

Link -via J-Walk Blog

Ten Futuristic Luxury Hotels.

Ten hotels in places ranging from undersea to outer space. Most are in the design and planning stage, but what design! One thing they have in common is that they will all have a very high nightly rate. Link -via the Presurfer

The Encyclopedia of Life.

The Encyclopedia of Life is a proposed website that will catalog all of earth’s 1.8 million known species. The project is expected to take about ten years to complete.
The MacArthur and Sloan foundations have given a total $12.5 million to pay for the first 2 1/2 years of the massive effort, but it will be free and accessible to everyone.

The pages can be adjusted so that they provide useful information for both a schoolchild and a research biologist alike, with an emphasis on encouraging "citizen-scientists" to add their sightings. While amateurs can contribute in clearly marked side pages, the key detail and science parts of the encyclopedia will be compiled and reviewed by experts.

This video shows how it will work. Push play or go to YouTube. Link to website. http://news.wired.com/dynamic/stories/E/ENCYCLOPEDIA_OF_LIFE?SITE=WIRE&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT to news article.

Candyfab 4000.

Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories has combined two of their favorite things, geeky gadgets and sweets, in the Candyfab 4000. It’s a solid freeform fabrication machine that prints three-dimensional objects made of sugar!
The printing process begins with a bed of a granular printing media that has a fairly low melting point. Using a narrow, directed, low-velocity beam of hot air, we selectively fuse together the print media, forming a two-dimensional image out of the fused grains. We then lower the bed by a small amount, add a thin flat layer of media to the top of the bed, and selectively fuse the media in the new layer, forming a two dimensional image that is also fused to any overlapping fused areas in the layer below. By repeating this process, a three-dimensional object is slowly built up. At the end of the build, the bed is raised to its original position, disinterring the fabricated model, while unused media is reclaimed for use in building the next object.

The Candyfab 4000 will make its public debut next week at the 2007 Bay Area Maker Faire. Link

Return to the Moon.

NASA released this CGI trailer to promote awareness of their Constellation program, designed to carry humans to the moon, Mars, and beyond. Push play or go to YouTube. Link to NASA mission site. -via Boing Boing

Boundary Stones of the District of Columbia.

Placed on each measured mile around the District of Columbia in 1791 and 1792, the Boundary Stones of Washington are our oldest federal monuments. This site has the history of the stones, the location of each, and a map. Click on the map markers to see a photograph of each stone. This one is at 901 Southern Avenue, and is in better shape than most. Link -via Metafilter

Rube Goldberg Contraption for Pyromaniacs.

Kids, don’t try this at home! Click on the image or go to College Humor. -via Gorilla Mask

Identify this flying object.

I didn't want to title this "What Is It?" because it's not a contest. I didn't know what category to file it under, either -gadgets? optical illusion? car and vehicle? So I settled for the pictures category. Chad sent several pictures of a UFO to Coast the Coast, but declined to give his location. There is some writing on the underside of this object. Neatorama readers have all the answers; maybe you can explain this. Link -via the Presurfer

The Killer Tortoise.

You don't normally think of a tortoise as an aggresive animal. The copy with this video says the tortoise is defending his garden territory from invading cats. Or is it possible he just wants to play, like this little fellow? Push play or go to YouTube. -via Cynical-C

Broccoli Romanesco.

In the Mathematical Lives of Plants post, astanhope left a link to this photo of a vegetable he snapped in Paris. It's called Romanesco Broccoli {wiki} and the picture is well worth posting for everyone to see. http://users.ncable.net.au/~urbanfoodgarden/Web/Vegetables/VEGETABLES%20VARIETIES/BROCCOLI_Romanesco.htm to growing information. Link to a page about nature’s math where I found the name for it.

Harry Potter and Star Wars.

This script goes to show there are certain story lines we always fall for. I bet you can think of other movies that would fit into this scenario. Found at Say No To Crack

100 Years Ago Today.

The blog 100 Years Ago Today delivers news of the “aughts” instead of the “ohs”. Each day, you’ll find a newspaper snippet from 100 years ago. Today’s post has this from May 8, 1907:
Henry MacIver, most recently a major general in the Servian army, died May 6 in New York City. The notice in today's Washington Post said he died with 46 CENTS to his name. That's about 2.5 cents for EACH of the 18 FLAGS he fought under during his long soldier-for-hire career. He fought in Crete, Egypt, Spain, Cuba and Bosnia -- all BEFORE taking up arms for the Confederate States of America as a TEENAGER.
Link -via Transbuddha

The Mathematical Lives of Plants.

Mother Nature knows her math. The seeds of plants with spiral patterns form interlocking spirals in both clockwise and counterclockwise directions. The number of clockwise spirals differs from the number of counterclockwise spirals.
These numbers have a remarkable consistency. They are almost always two consecutive Fibonacci numbers, which are another one of nature's mathematical favorites. The Fibonacci numbers form the sequence 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21 . . . , in which each number is the sum of the previous two.

Flowers, cones, and cacti have other mathematical wonders that scientists are trying to understand and explain. Link -via Metafilter

Amputee athlete aims for Olympics.

South African runner Oscar Pistorius is less than a second off the qualifying time for a slot on the 2008 Olympic track team, despite the fact that he is a double amputee. However, the International Association of Athletics Federations has already moved to block him from the Olympics, with a new ruling banning "technical aids", referring to his prosthetic running feet. Pistorius only began his track career three years ago at the 2004 Paralympics, and has already racked up three world records. Push play or go to YouTube. Link to story. -via Arbroath

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