Miss Cellania's Blog Posts

Realistic plane crash display.

A homeowner in Los Angeles, who is an aircraft mechanic in training, set up a plane crash as a Halloween decoration! He used parts from a real Gulfstream jet. Neighbors were taken aback, police were curious, and traffic is now heavy in the neighborhood because so many want to see it. Link -via Arbroath


Neighboroo uses Google maps to give you statistics about your hometown. You can look up housing prices, cost of living, income, racial breakdown, commute times, crime rates, and political affiliation. For example, the median price of a home in Brooklyn is $493,000 (twice the national average) and the average household has 2.8 people with an income of $64,000. Link -via J-Walk Blog

The hills are alive?

This picture shows a mountain range in Canada that resembles someone listening to an iPod. You can study this area more closely at Google Maps. Link -via The Panda’s Thumb.

How it's made.

Although chewing gum is an ancient practice, the US patent for chewing gum was granted in 1869 to a dentist! Bubblegum was invented in 1928. Watch the bubblegum manufacturing process, as well as videos on the making of contact lenses, CDs, cereal, holograms, and a lot of other products at How Its Made Videos. Link -via the Presurfer


(YouTube link)

When I came across this, I thought no way do I have time to watch an eight and a half minute segment. But I did, because its a great story about Skidboot, the dog who can understand English. Hit play or go to YouTube. -via Arbroath

Danny and Nina.

Danny and Nina are moving away from New York City. They don’t know where they want to go, so they are asking people on the internet to select a town from the 250 they like. You can vote more than once. So far, the Fort Collins, Colorado booster club has been leading the way. http://dannyandnina.com/theidea.php -via Yesbutnobutyes

Virtual Online Tours.

Synthravels is the first online virtual travel agency. They offer tours of virtual worlds such as Second Life, Everquest, Star Wars Galaxies, the Matrix Online, and lots of other places you can only experience in cyberspace. This way, you can see areas you might be interested in without having to create a persona! They are also looking for experienced guides to lead tours. Link -via the Presurfer


Scary Terry makes Halloween and haunted house props. This one is called Skelevision.
The guest would enter a hallway and see themselves in a mirror at the end of the hall. All of a sudden, the lights would go out, spooky sound effects would play and then a skeleton would appear where they previously saw themselves in the mirror. The skeleton would be frantically waving its arms. After a few seconds, the skeleton would disappear and the guest would once again see themselves in the mirror.
Complete instructions included. You'll also find plans for the Kitchen Sink Coffin, the Grave Stomper, and various moving body parts. Link

Zombie song contest.

Pieces of Flair presents the Zombie Song-Off to determine the best song about zombies. You can enter your song up through October 31st by visiting their website. If you don’t have a zombie song, you can vote for your favorite. Link -via the Presurfer

Extreme Unicycling.

Just riding a unicycle in a straight line is hard enough, but see what an expert can do the the video Unicycle Try-All X-treme! Push play or go to YouTube. If you liked that, there’s also Unicycle try-all X treme 2.

Stationery Movies.

Stationery Movies is a quiz where you identify a movie title from a scene made of office supplies. I have figured out about half of them so far, but I’m still working on it. Yes, it will save your answers if you come back later. Link -via Grow-a-Brain

The Granddaddy of Vampire Movies

(YouTube link)

To really get a taste of vampire history, watch Nosferatu, the 1922 silent film starring Max Shreck. Originally released as Nosferatu, Eine Symphonie Des Grauens, this adaption of the Dracula story is a masterpiece of horror and still causes dread, chills, and nightmares. Watch the entire one hour, 24 minute movie, or download it at the Internet Archive. See it with the lights out for maximum effect.

Clever ravens.

No birdbrains here! Ravens in Japan have not only adapted to urban living, but have also learned new behaviors, such as this clever method for cracking nuts. via Ursi’s Blog

Magnetic Letters.

This Interactive Magnetic Letterboard is an online version of those refrigerator magnets shaped like letters. You can move them around, but be warned that other people online are also playing with the same letters! It was quite difficult for me to keep my letters in line long enough to grab a screenshot. You can scroll down and move to another “fridge” with fewer current users if you like. Link

Haunted Directory.

Hauntworld has haunted houses and other Halloween events listed by state, or by distance from your zip code. You’ll find addresses, prices, hours, and ratings for most listings. There are also tips for staging your haunted house and links to plenty of other Halloween sites. Link

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