Miss Cellania's Blog Posts

The ten most dangerous playthings of all time.

Remember the Snacktime Cabbage Patch Dolls that would eat children’s fingers along with the supplied food? They made this list, along with the atomic energy lab shown, and eight other toys you should never have in your toy box. Link -via Cynical-C

Pricy Powder Room.

A new ladies room is scheduled to open next week in London. But this is no ordinary rest stop. Admission to WC 1 will be £5! Operators think the experience will be worth the price to use the most luxurious facilities ever.

There's a reception area; relaxing music plays in each of the 19 cubicles and, with the thoughtful installation of "considerate lighting", there is nothing bog standard about this loo.

The 4,000 sq ft central London sanctuary will have a bouncer on the door to prevent overcrowding and will provide hair dryers, straightening irons, high-end toiletries and cubicles vast enough for patrons to change into a ball gown, if necessary.

Link -via J-Walk Blog

Interview with Lasse Gjertsen.

Lasse Gjertsen, the 22 year old Norwegian video producer, is feeling the effects of his internet fame as the job offers roll in. The story of his recent notoriety is chronicled in a Wall Street Journal interview, as well as the process he used to make the video Amateur. You can also find a collection of his videos on YouTube. As you can see, he still hasn’t combed his hair. Link -via Arbroath

When Cats Take Over the World.

When cats take over the world
Everyone will be kind
You can jump on the counter
And eat whatever you find
You could cough up a hairball
And no one would mind

Cat lovers will enjoy the song When Cats Take Over the World by Jamie Anderson. The stills used in the video are awfully cute, too. Hit play or go to YouTube. -via the Presurfer

Cockatoo love.

A Tale of Two Cockies is a true love story about cockatoos. If you've never seen a baby cockatoo, be warned that its not pretty. But you'll enjoy this pictoral about a disabled mama and a devoted daddy. Link -via Metafilter

Game Over.

This is clever! A video of classic arcade games such as Frogger, Asteroids, and Pac Man played with ordinary household items. Hit play or go to this link. (via YesButNoButYes)


The song is called Hi. The musical group is Psapp. The video is a delightful stop-motion animation featuring dancing diodes, put together by the London animation studio Trunk. Link -via Everlasting Blort

Dancing Animals.

This is just plain fun. Hit play or go to YouTube. -via Arbroath

ClipBandits: Together At Last.

Neatorama featured ClipBandits last month, as the band who found each other on the internet and made music together although they had never met in real life. I identified them as four guys, when they are actually three guys and a girl (sorry). They have finally met each other and performed together on the Tyra Banks Show episode that aired yesterday. Hit play or go to YouTube. Thanks, GirlBassPlayer!

Jerome Murat.

How often does a mime/puppeteer get on a television variety show these days, much less win an award? You’ll be impressed by Jerome Murat, who is channelling Zaphod Beeblebrox [Wiki] in this routine. Hit play or go to YouTube.
His act spawned a discussion on how he does it. However he does it, he does it well. -via Arbroath

Santa's blog.

Santa Claus is once again busy... blogging. During the summer months he posted sporadically about non-holiday activities, mostly sports, but he’s got the Christmas spirit now! People have a lot of questions for Santa this time of year, so he’s posted the meme “100 things about me” on his site. Although he’s been battling some kind of flu, he’s keeping to his holiday appearance schedule. Link

Fashion Incident.

At a White House holiday reception, three women appeared wearing the same red dress! It was an $8500 Oscar de la Renta gown. But thats not the worst of it... First Lady Laura Bush also wore the same dress! Mrs. Bush did the diplomatic thing and went upstairs and changed, but not before an official holiday group photo was taken. Link -via J-Walk Blog

Elf Yourself.

Office Max has a Christmas widget to turn you into an elf for a holiday greeting! You can see my message to you, or make one yourself! Link -via YesButNoButYes

Earliest audio recordings.

Cylinder recordings were the earliest audio recordings, from Edison’s first tinfoil recording in 1877 to around 1929. The Cylinder Preservation and Digitalization Project at the University of California, Santa Barbara has a website featuring the history of cylinder recordings and thousands of downloadable music and speech recordings from that period. You can have music recorded over 100 years ago on your iPod!
With funding from the Institute of Museum and Library Services, the UCSB Libraries have created a digital collection of over 6,000 cylinder recordings held by the Department of Special Collections. In an effort to bring these recordings to a wider audience, they can be freely downloaded or streamed online.

Link -via Abandoned Stuff

The Domino effect.

After the success of their Coke and Mentos Fountain video, the guys from EepyBird pondered the question of whether one Diet Coke/Mentos reaction could be triggered by another. The result is Experiment #214. Hit play or go to this link.

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