Hello everyone! I'm excited to tell you that we have a new feature on Neatorama: now you can submit your own post.
It's easy to get started: just click the "Submit" link in the navigation bar and write your first post. Drag and drop that funny LOL pic, link to an interesting find on the Internet or submit a YouTube/Vimeo link.
Submitting a post will earn you some NeatoPoints (that you can redeem for really neat stuff over at the NeatoShop). If your post garners enough votes to be frontpaged, you'll get even more points!
You can also vote for worthy submitted posts by clicking the "Upcoming" link. You can upvote posts that you like and get NeatoPoints for your upvotes as well.
This user submission and upcoming posts features are new, so there may be bugs. If you find any, please let us know in the comments.
Thank you for being a loyal Neatoramanaut!