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Legend Of Zelda As A Western - Hang 'Em Hyrule

If asked which movie genre a Legend Of Zelda adaptation belongs in most people would say fantasy, but you’d be surprised how well Link’s adventures would work as a Spaghetti Western!

The creative video minds at Beat Down Boogie made this cinematic short film called “Hang ‘Em Hyrule”, where Zelda proves she don't need savin' and Ganon shows he ain't done misbehavin'.

(YouTube Link)

It’s equal parts ode to Spaghetti Western showdowns and cool period setting where Link and Zelda can prove they’re legends in a whole new way.

-Via Gamma Squad

Pipboys - They're SPECIAL!

Pipboys by In Stank We Trust

They're the three best friends a vault dweller can have, but trying to keep them all happy is a quest all in itself! The Pip boys are there to guide you, to help you keep your karma balanced and show you how effective those abilities can be, but sometimes it feels like they're playing a gae all their own. Maybe there's some sort of corruption in their programming, or maybe there's no Pip boy at all, and seeing them is just a hallucinatory side effect of being exposed to nuclear fallout. Either way, once you see them it's too late to turn back, so you might as well down another Nuka Cola and set that plasma rifle to "goo".

Add triple the post-apocalyptic fun to your geeky wardrobe with this Pipboys t-shirt by In Stank We Trust, it's way cooler than those "We Heart NCR" tees, and it'll help you keep your karma in check.

Visit In Stank We Trust's Facebook fan page, Twitter and Tumblr, then head on over to his NeatoShop for more geek-tastic designs:

OVER 9000!! Tokugawa Heavy (Outlines) Jagameister

Figrin D'an and the Modal Nodes

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Life's A Beach When You're Wearing One Of These 30 Summer T-Shirts

They keep saying summer is almost over, but if that's true then nobody told the sun because it's still hot as heck out there!

There's still plenty of summertime fun left to enjoy, so why not slip on one of these red hot summer inspired NeatoShop t-shirts and hit the pool, spend the day at the beach, basically do whatever you do to beat that summertime heat!

Summer usually creeps in quiet as a cat

Hello Summer by Berserk7

But then things start to heat up and there's no denying the summer sun is in full effect

Beach Please by Boggs Nicolas

People start looking for any way to beat the heat

Pocket Fish by Naolito

And the beach becomes the place to go

Nightwatch by Kinda Creative

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Sesame Street Is Now as Gritty as Game of Thrones

(Video Link)

Since 1969, Sesame Street has aired on PBS. This week, the company that owns the program announced that it had made a deal to move that show to the cable network HBO.

One of the most popular programs on that network is Game of Thrones. HBO works for Game of Thrones because of that show's savage violence and prolific nudity is permissible if not expected for the network.

This news story inspired David Elmaleh to make this video mixing scenes from the Game of Thrones blooper reel with the cheerful theme song from Sesame Street.

Content warning: gore, spoilers, and Elmo.

-via Laughing Squid

The Elegance of Skeletor's Lair

In the original He-Man and the Masters of the Universe, Skeletor lived in a dank and dreary base at Snake Mountain. It was a deeply unpleasant place. But that's a common experience. My first apartment was similarly small, bare, and located in a less that ideal neighborhood. It was hard to attract quality henchmen with it.

Once he defeated He-Man and took Castle Grayskull, he turned it into an estate befitting his social rank and ideal for relaxation after long days spent in governance. But he never forgot his origins. From the Battle Cat-skin rug to the commissioned painting of the old place at Snake Mountain, Skeletor remained comfortable in his memories of where he came from. Join him for a glass of warm brandy.

Artist Jason Edmiston has a gift for taking pop culture and adding a bit of humor. In the past, we've seen his images of Robocop as a cabbie and a hunting party from Planet of the Apes. He composed this painting for a limited edition print sold at the recent San Diego Comic Con.

-via Nerd Bastards

Leia and the Beast

I'd advise against approaching this castle. The Beast is known for pulling people's arms out of their sockets.

Instagram user uhnet photographed this great Beauty and the Beast/Star Wars mashup couple at the Disney 23 Expo. Note that Lumiere is now fluent in more than 6 million forms of communication, but all of them with a heavy French accent.

Who would Mrs. Potts would be paired with in the Star Wars universe?

-via Cosplay America

Star Trek and Star Wars Disco

(Video Link)

The 70s were . . . different. They're over, which is probably a good thing. But that era remains fascinating to observe from a distance.

Science fiction was becoming a mainstream phenomenon. Musicians of the era remixed the sci-fi compositions of the time, such as this dance reworking of the Star Trek theme by The Universal Robot Band.

It's 1 of 7 disco-era musical variants of science fiction rounded up by Uproxx. They include the cantina band theme from Star Wars and an Italian synthpop song about Jabba the Hutt.

Sculptor Converts Hoarder Trash Into Art Treasure

Living with a hoarder can be hard, but it's hardest on the children who don’t know why their parents are hoarding, or how to get them to stop.

You wake up every day surrounded by trash and/or junk wondering “what the heck am I going to do with all this stuff?”, feeling helpless among the heaps.

Artist Stephanie Calvert grew up in a hoarder household, and she came up with a clever way to put that trash to use while working past the discomfort of having hoarder parents- she creates sculptures with their hoarded trash.

(Vimeo Link)

Stephanie’s Shame To Pride project is just as much about making great art out of recycled materials as it is about helping her move past the scars of childhood by turning the trash that made her life hell into something heavenly for the world to admire.

-Via Beautiful/Decay

Museum Allows Street Artists To Paint On Their Walls

Before street art gained acceptance it was seen as merely vandalism, which to be fair some works being passed off as street art actually are.

But then there are those amazing murals that make the cityscape a little less drab- they’re works of urban art put up outside for people to freely enjoy, but some street art works really belong in a museum.

The Long Beach Museum of Art felt it was time to bring some street art works indoors, and let some traditional painters try their hand at street styles, so they let a bunch of artists paint the walls of their museum.

Results varied in degree of awesomeness, from “hey, that’s pretty cool!” to “ZOMG Wowee Zowee Kapowee!”, and the exhibition proved that letting a bunch of street artists paint the walls inside your museum is a great idea!

See more from this awesome street art exhibition here

Ten Clever Uses For Chopsticks

I have a hard time throwing away chopsticks after just one use, because it seems like a waste of wood and they’ve come in plenty useful for craft projects after a quick cleaning.

But every day millions of innocent chopsticks are thrown away simply because people don’t know what to do with them after their meal is over.

Now, thanks to this Lifehacker article, you can reuse those chopsticks and save them from heading to the landfill before their time, because chopsticks make great cherry pitters, boiling water regulator, ground meat dividers, and much more!

See the Top 10 Clever Ways To Use Chopsticks (That Don't Involve Takeout) at Lifehacker

Pandora's Box - The Darkest Discovery

Pandora's Box by Lili Batista

Pandora had always been a curious child- curious in the sense that she was full of wonder and very inquisitive, and curious to others who found her investivative behaviour odd. She loved to sneak into places which were full of secrets, warehouses and storage chambers filled with legendary oddities she could examine and unlock. She'd seen many mythical artifacts in her young life, touched many magical objects and revealed the truth about many things that weren't so magical after all, but the day she was given that strange clay jar the world changed forever...

Bring a sense of wonder to your geeky wardrobe with this Pandora's Box t-shirt by Lili Batista, it's a fantastic way to bring the wow factor with you wherever you go!

Visit Lili Batista's Facebook fan page, Twitter and Tumblr, then head on over to her NeatoShop for more fantastic designs:

Global Warming Cumulus The Cake Is Alive Pump The Jam

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Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

The Human - One Mathematical Mafia Movie

The Human by MELONSETA

Finn was letting the fact that he was the toughest person in Ooo go to his head, and like a good pal Jake was coming along for the ride. First Finn started charging the Candy Kingdom's citizens money for "protecting them" from harm, then he started demanding delicious tributes to stay on his good side. Crime rates began to soar in the Kingdom, and when Finn started demanding to be called The Finnfather Bubblegum knew it was time to send in the banana guards. Jake really should have tried to stop Finn from becoming a bad boy, but he was too busy living the good life and eating all the pasta he could stomach!

We're making an offer you can't refuse- bring home this The Human t-shirt by MELONSETA and watch your life become one big animated adventure!

Visit MELONSETA's Facebook fan page and Twitter, then head on over to her NeatoShop for more delightfully geeky designs:

A Nightmare On Evergreen Terrace I Am Your Father! Phone Ghostboosters Ebook Throne

View more designs by MELONSETA | More Funny T-shirts | New T-Shirts

Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

The Only Known Surviving Footage of the Titanic

YouTube Link

This footage from the A.P. archive begins with the R.M.S. Titanic moored in Belfast Lough prior to leaving for Southampton. The Titanic is shown at sea where icebergs abound, and there is a shot of Captain Smith on the bridge pre-disaster. The remaining minutes show shots from before and after the tragedy in fascinating stages. The Carpathia is shown at sea with rescued passengers on board, there are various closeups of rescued crew and passengers on land, the families of the passengers are seen lined up outside the cruise line's office to hear word about their loved ones who were aboard the Titanic, and more.

What Grandparents Are For


Note that this trick may not work in real life because not only have your parents seen this before, they've tried it themselves.

It may not even be necessary--at least the first time. The bliss of grandparenting is enjoying young children, then sending them elsewhere.

Little Boy Can't Corral His Kittens

(Video Link)

It's a cat-astrophe! Ryder of Cedar Falls, Iowa has, as he calls it, "situations." All of the kittens must remain on the blanket so that they don't get lost. But whenever he gets one back to base, another escapes! It's like herding cats.

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