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The 30 Funniest Single Comic Book Panels

What's the context? Perhaps it's for the best that we don't know. These single comic narrative elements are perfect just by themselves.

Katharine Trendacosta of io9 asked her readers to submit the funniest comic book panels that they had ever seen. She compiled a list of the best, including the Hulk's toilet paper supply, Iron Man rejoicing in his money, and unintentional obscenities.

Company Seeks Paid Interns to Drink Beer for 4 Months

(Unrelated photo by Lachlan Hardy)

These days, it can be really hard for young people to break into their careers. Many have to endure long, unpaid internships to get the necessary skills and contacts for a paid entry-level position.

But not the interns at the World of Beer. This restaurant chain based in Tampa, Florida is offering to pay its interns. There's just one catch: those 3 interns must travel around the world attending beer festivals and drinking beer.

So it's a task for only the hardy. UPI reports:

The interns, who would each be paid $12,000 in addition to their food, lodging and travel expenses, would be required to write about their beer-tasting adventures for the company's website.

"Whether you're a photographer or writer, social media maverick or beer blog surfer, we are looking for you. Adventure seekers and storytellers, beer experts or novices, brewery nerds and foodie fans all open to apply. So if you want to live, drink and tell the tale to the world, get ready to apply for the chance to share your experience as a Drink It Intern," World of Beer said on its website.

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Teen Titans Go! Ground Beef

It's not just meat. It's art! Keiran Gormley is the meat department manager at the Uwajimaya grocery store in Seattle. He's the Michelangelo of the meat grinder. Gormley takes beef and pork and turns them into vivid sculptures that are almost too good to eat. Most recently, he sculpted Robin, Starfire, and Beast Boy from Teen Titans Go!

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The Dark Sides Of Canada That Nobody Ever Talks About

(Image Link)

America's neighbors to the north are often portrayed as excessively polite, super nice, gentle and considerate people who serve as the yang to America's violent and boorish yin.

But, as we've learned from the eye opening documentary series Trailer Park Boys, there are plenty of violent Canadian criminals and dirty little secrets hiding beneath all that snow and maple syrup.

From the yearly clubbing of half a million seals to the overconsumption of horse meat, from Quebec's history of slavery for the sake of social status to the residential school system that forced indigenous people to learn the Canadian way, Canada's got some 'splainin' to do!

Read the 6 Dark Sides Of Canada That No One Ever Talks About here (contains NSFW language)

A High Tech Spy Pistol That Looks Exactly Like A Smartphone

Subterfuge and masterful disguises are a big part of the spy game, and if James Bond has taught us anything spies also like to use lots of cool gadgets while they're gathering information.

Spy gadgets are often cool because they look like other stuff, like a camera that looks like a pack of cigarettes, an umbrella dart gun or, in this case, a pistol that looks just like a smartphone.

The Ideal Conceal Double Barrel .380 caliber pistol has a grip that folds out when it's time to pull the trigger, a built-in laser sight and flashlight, and a handy belt clip for when you're through being cool.

-Via Fraghero

Be Less Stupid Is A Show For People Who Like To Know Stuff

The world could use a few more people who have their minds set on being less stupid, because those folks seem to be in short supply these days and the internet only makes it easier to skate by without a brain.

So maybe what we need is a new web series aimed at turning the tides of dumbness, a series with a catchy title like Be Less Stupid, yeah, that's the ticket! (NSFW due to language)

(YouTube Link)

Be Less Stupid is a new series by former Penn & Teller: Bulls#%t! and Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher writer Jon Hotchkiss, who exposes the truth about hot button issues like Coke bleaching, cabin depressurization and whether having sex with a pregnant woman poses a threat to the infant. You know, smart people stuff!

-Via Laughing Squid

Cadbury Creme Egg-Stuffed Donut Holes

Tori of Gringalicious is ready for Easter breakfast. She's wrapped miniature Cadbury Creme Eggs in donut dough, deep fried them, then dusted them with sugar.

And because that doesn't go far enough, she also prepared chocolate and vanilla-flavored marshmallow fluff. It's a perfect dip for these donut holes, as well as pretty much anything else in the kitchen. You can find her full recipe here.

-via Tasteologie

How to Correct a Badly Misspelled Tattoo

(Photo: unknown)

Tattoo needles don't come with built-in spellcheckers, so sometimes some corrective work is necessary. In this case, the creative solution was to treat the original like an assignment handed in to an English teacher. He's a bit a sloppy with his coffee cup, but his command of spelling is perfect.

-via Geekologie

Compassionate Grocery Store Manager Offers Shoplifter a Job Instead of Jail

(Photo: Rocket News 24)

The shoplifter entered a Tesco supermarket in Burkit Mertajam, Malaysia. He was unemployed and his wife was comatose due to complications from childbirth. He was, in short, desperate.

He grabbed $6.68 worth of food and tried to slip out the door. But a manager caught him. Remarkably, the manager decided not to press charges. Instead, he offered the man a job. The Star reports:

The store’s general manager Radzuan Ma’asan, who interrogated the man, decided to take a different approach in dealing with the crime.

Warning him never to steal again, he offered the man a job at the store.

“The man’s situation really touched our hearts. We visited his relative’s house. It was so empty and poor,” he said yesterday.

Radzuan said his staff visited the man’s wife who is now out of coma. The baby however did not survive the birth complication.

Radzuan said the store had yet to decide what type of job to offer the man. “He was not a regular thief. When we questioned him, he immediately confessed, saying that he stole the fruits and drinks because his son was hungry.

“In my 23 years of experience in the retail line, I had never come across thieves who admitted their act so easily. Most would give all kinds of reasons. He also told us that he was unable to work as he has to look after his three children, aged two to seven.

“So, we decided not to lodge a police report as this was a genuine case of extreme poverty.

“For now, our priority is to ensure that he enrols his seven-year-old son in a school,” said Radzuan, who handed the man cash to cover his current expenses.

When I was 6 years old and grocery shopping with my mother, I saw a man slip a can of tuna into his pocket. I pointed him out to my mom and said that we should turn him in. "No, John. If he's stealing a can of tuna, then he really needs it." That was an important lesson.

-via Rocket News 24

Extremely Satisfying Video of 6,000 Matches Lighting

(Video Link)

The good folks at HTD arrange 6,000 matches into a tight rectangle. Then they light a single match in the corner. That one ignites, then spreads to its fire to its neighbors. The wave of flame sounds like a violent wind.

The fire continues, gradually burning into ashes. It's an almost meditative experience. The 6,000 matches are your worried for the day. The flame is your peace within. Or an entire gallon of ice cream--really, whatever works for you.

-via Geekologie

What It's Like To Lick A Venus Flytrap

Sticking your tongue in a Venus flytrap is in no way a good idea, but if you enjoy watching people do stupid stuff that may scar them for life then you'll appreciate MrNakedLandscaper's sacrifice.

(YouTube Link)

I must be one of those sickos who enjoys watching others do painfully dumb stuff, because seeing a fly trap chomp down on that crazy guy's tongue really cracked me up!

However, the lobe chomping follow up was a bit of a let down:

(YouTube Link)

-Via FAILBlog

Video Games From An Onlooker's Perspective

Playing a video game in public may cause people to become curious about what you're playing, and before you know it the onlookers have begun to gawk and crane.

These vicarious thrill-seekers keep their thoughts to themselves until you walk away, which is when they realize their life is incomplete without that blush boy tactics fighting game in their collection.

Julia Lepetit sketched out the starers and the screen jockey in this little scenario for Dorkly, but it just as easily could've happened to you or someone you know in real life, so beware the stare...

-Via Dorkly

Michael Jackson's Chimp Bubbles Is Getting His Own Biopic

Michael Jackson's chimpanzee Bubbles was undeniably overshadowed by his famous human, but some people feel Bubbles should be allowed to shine and tell his side of the MJ story.

Well Bubbles superfans you're about to sleep better at night knowing Dan Harmon/ Dino Stamatopoulos joint Starburns Industries is on the job, bringing us the story of Bubbles in glorious stop motion style:

A baby chimp is adopted by pop star Michael Jackson. Narrating his own story, Bubbles the Chimp details his life within The King of Pop’s inner circle through the scandals that later rocked Jackson’s life and eventually led to Bubbles’ release.

The script was written by Isaac Adamson and topped the 2015 Hollywood script Black List, but it has yet to be approved by Bubbles, who could not be reached at the Center for Great Apes in Florida for comment.

(YouTube Link)

-Via Flavorwire

Woman Pulls Double Decker Bus Plus Passengers With Her Hair

Asha Rani earned her nickname “The Iron Queen” the hard way- by pulling off stunts that prove she's more than equal to any physical task.

But when it came to setting a world record Asha wanted to go above and beyond, so she decided to prove her might by pulling a double-decker bus with 32 people on board.

(YouTube Link)

This feat earned her a Guinness world record for heaviest vehicle pulled by hair (female), and it also most likely made her hair a foot longer!

-Via Sploid

Fashion Illustrator Clothes Women with Food

Edgar Artis, a professional fashion illustrator, sometimes draws dresses that you'll never see on the runway. Recently, he's been drawing women wearing dresses made out of food. His vivid gowns include lemon slices, kiwifruit, cake frosting, and popcorn.

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