Miss Cellania's Liked Blog Posts

Authentic 1966 Batmobile® Replicas

13 Things Worth Knowing About Super Mario

Poster Boy: The War of Art

The 100 Helmets of THE VADER PROJECT

The Island of Misnamed Toys

(YouTube link)

Lydia's three-year-old daughter names her toys. And some of the names are just not safe. From Rants from Mommyland. Warning: adult language in text. Link (via Buzzfeed)

Inside a Toddler's Brain

This tells the story pretty well, as I can see. A little digging revealed that this was drawn by freelance artist Melissa Balmain and was published in Parenting Magazine in September 2003. -via Buzzfeed

First Grade Problems

It's an image meme, but don't be put off, this one is just plain adorable. Because first graders have lots of problems, and they loom very large when you're little. See more first grade problems at Buzzfeed. Link

Kids Do Legend of Zelda

(YouTube link)

These kids do a great job of acting out the Legend of Zelda to the music of System of a Down. And they're adorable! -via Buzzfeed

Gigantic Baby Born in Berlin

A 13-pound (6 kg) baby boy set a new record for the largest baby born by natural delivery in Germany. The unidentified 528-pound mother had gestational diabetes, but opted for a vaginal delivery at Berlin’s Charité hospital instead of a caesarean section.
“She insisted on a vaginal birth despite the very high risk,” said Wolfgang Henrich, the chief doctor at Charité’s obstetrics clinic. “We usually advise mothers carrying a child with an estimated weight of more than 4.5 kilos to opt for a caesarean section to avoid complications.”

The boy will join nine brothers and four sisters – four of which had birth weights of more than five kilograms.

The woman claimed she didn’t know of her diabetes, but doctors believe she was aware and ate too much sweet food.

A normal birth weight is about 3.5 kilos. Babies over four kilos – about one in ten in Germany – are generally considered to be overweight and run higher risks of diabetes and obesity later in life.

The woman named her 14th child Jihad. Link -via Arbroath

Father Daughter Dance Video Time!

(YouTube link)

You know what's cool? Being a good dad. Enjoy the video, and remember to take some time to have fun with your children. -via reddit

Sink or Float? with Cookie Monster

(YouTube link)

Sesame Street is using YouTube interactive games to teach science concepts to children! Sink or Float with Cookie Monster is the first such interactive video game made available through YouTube; it teaches kids about the experimental method. Link -via Boing Boing

Video Pregnancy Announcement

(YouTube link)

Read all the innuendo into it you want, I think this announcement using Star Wars video is awesome! I won't spoil the ending for you. -via Geeks Are Sexy

Megan Coyle

My name is Megan Coyle and I'm a collage artist and designer working in the Washington, DC area. I started making collages back in high school when I experimented with mixed media. Since then, I've moved towards making artwork entirely from magazine strips.

I studied painting and creative writing in college and both areas have influenced the direction of my work. My studies in writing have made me become a storyteller with images where I illustrate narrative scenes from everyday life. As a painter, I liked using distinct brushstrokes and bold colors. With my collages, I try to recreate the look and feel of a painting through the manipulation of paper and magazine strips. The way I cut and layer paper often looks like the distinct brushstrokes I once used in painting.

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Michele Banks

Hello!  My name is Michele Banks and I’m a painter living and working in Washington, DC.  You might say I took the scenic route to becoming a professional artist.  I studied political science and Russian and worked in London and Moscow as a business consultant.  When my husband was offered a job in Bermuda, I went along but was unable to work, so I had a baby and started painting.  Both have turned out very well!

I mainly work in watercolor. When people think of watercolor, they think of pretty flowers and peaceful landscapes. But watercolor’s clarity, transparency and ability to “bloom” or “bleed” make it a great choice for scientific effects also. When watercolor paint meets a wet surface, it forms gorgeous fractal patterns, like neurons or blood vessels. When I look at photos of cells under a microscope, I’m amazed by their resemblance to some of my paintings. I particularly love making pictures of cells in various stages of division, or mitosis – not only is it beautiful, but it’s really the foundation of life itself.

I’ve been selling my work though festivals and galleries in the DC area for eight years now.  I recently started selling online though Etsy.  My paintings are hanging in some very nice labs and university biology departments now, but if you want to buy some bacteria for the kitchen or bathroom, that makes me happy too.

1. Green Cell Telophase

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Bob Staake

Things people know about me:
. I'm the author and/or illustrator of over 50 books for kids
. I do work for The New Yorker, The Washington Post, The New York Times, MAD, TIME, MTV/Nickelodeon, Little Golden Books, Random House, Cartoon Network and Hallmark Cards
. I rarely pencil out an illustration before going straight to the final, color artwork
. I've designed, written and co-directed numerous episodes of Ren + Stimpy, Dexter's Laboratory, Powerpuff Girls and Samurai Jack
. I still create all my work using Photoshop 3.0

Things people don't know about me:
. I was busted for climbing the Lincoln Memorial
. ID magazine named my studio one of 'The 40 Most Amazing Design Offices' in the world
. I've written stand-up material for Jay Leno, Rodney Dangerfield and Joan Rivers
. I have one of the most extensive private collections of Heywood-Wakefield Mid-Century Modern furniture from the 40's and 50's
. I bake some pretty incredible double-fudge chocolate chip cookies

Scene from 'The Donut Chef' (2009, Random House and Golden Books)
Book reviewers always point out that my work has both a retro and contemporary feel. If I can have a lot of stuff going on in a scene, it keeps the book fresh the next time a kid (or parent) reads it.
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