Miss Cellania's Liked Blog Posts

Revenge of the Lunch Lady

In 2009, British chef Jamie Oliver visited Huntington, West Virginia, and was appalled at the processed food the schools were serving. He brought in a test kitchen and developed recipes that used fresh produce and a variety of ingredients (for the TV show Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution), but got little in the way of thanks. For one thing, the kids did not like the food. Another problem was that his dishes did not meet federal nutritional standards for the school lunch program. Besides, there was a set budget for meals that schools could not afford to step over. What to do? Cabell County food service director Rhonda McCoy went to work, and made it happen.

But to understand the difficulties in serving good food, that kids like, that meets federal nutrition standards, within a budget, in a school kitchen, you have to know a little about the changes the U.S. school lunch program has undergone in its 70 year existence. It's a story of differing goals, conflicts of interest, lobbying, budget cutbacks, subsidies, and grants. You'll get a good overview of McCoy's work and why it will be hard to replicate everywhere, at Highline.

(Image credit: Sam Kaplan)

The Lost Version of Dracula

Author Valdimar Ásmundsson translated Bram Stoker's novel Dracula into Icelandic in 1900, when the novel was only three years old. He called it Makt Myrkranna, which means Powers of Darkness. It was little-known outside of Iceland, but has been re-translated into English and is now available as Powers of Darkness: The Lost Version of Dracula. It is very different from the novel we know.

For context, Powers of Darkness, which has been published in English by the Overlook Press, spends over 75 percent of its length detailing Thomas Harker’s (not Jonathan) stay in Castle Dracula, which is devoid of two of the Count’s famed brides. Luckily, it is occasionally filled with secret half-ape vampire relatives who seem to worship demons while sacrificing half-nude young girls in the basement with “lascivious” glee.

If only Francis Ford Coppola had known about this 25 years ago, no?

In Powers, Dracula is a Darwinian strongman who admires socialists and anarchists, yet simultaneously wishes to rule them while ushering in a new world order through a secret international conspiracy teeming with Napoleonic undertones. Ásmundsson even unintentionally anticipated the elements that cinematic storytellers would gravitate to in the ensuing century: the suave continental villain who makes parlor room visits, and the erotic ecstasy he and his ilk tempt all in their path with. The shadowy unkempt cadaver of Stoker’s novel takes on a militaristic authoritarian sheen here that is both undercooked and fascinating.

So how did that happen? Was it embellished, a work of fan fiction, or did Ásmundsson use an earlier draft of Bram Stoker's Dracula? Read about the mysterious new publication and its history at Den of Geek.

What Would Happen If You Just Left Your Stove Burner On?

My mother used to worry about leaving the iron on when she went somewhere. That doesn't happen much anymore, as fewer people even have electric irons. But the common trope is worrying about having left the stove on when you go out of the house. What's the worst that could happen? John Drengenberg of Underwriters Laboratories explains why you shouldn't worry about the stove itself.

"A stove is designed to run indefinitely," says Drengenberg. "Do we recommend that? Absolutely not." While it's not the best idea to leave an open flame unattended, If you leave your stove burner on, your house will, in all likelihood, not burn down.

UL tests just about every stove that hits the market. Part of that testing involves ensuring they hit thermal stability. In other words, they turn the stove on, and check the temperature of the burner, and keep checking the temperature until it stops increasing — just to make sure the burner doesn't ultimately set the entire stove on fire.

So the burner is not going to cause a problem itself. The problem is when you leave something on top of that burner, which I have learned from the experience of several ruined cooking pans. Read more about the danger of leaving the stove on at Digg.

(Image credit: Christian Smith)

Bird Dubstep

Joe Penna, who we've seen before as Mystery Guitar Man, created a new dubstep song completely made of bird sounds and drums. Oh yeah, and a little bit of Sir David Attenborough. Don't let the word "dubstep" turn you off; the song is less than a minute long.

(YouTube link)

Granted, it helps when you use birds that imitate other sounds, such as the lyrebird and parrots. But the result is still impressive. -via Laughing Squid

Calvin and Hobbes Nursery

Imgur user overflight wanted a Calvin and Hobbes-themed nursery. Inspired by other such projects, she painted a large mural on one wall, showing Calvin and his tiger chilling in a tree. She added some framed artwork, and friends filled in the rest with gifts. You can see pictures of the work in progress and the whole finished nursery at TVOM.

Metal Bouquets by Ann Carrington

Here's a bouquet that will never go limp! British artist Ann Carrington produced several works that are floral decorations made of cutlery and other metal kitchen utensils for a collection called Bouquets and Butterflies. They were the centerpiece of Carrington's 2016 exhibit at the Royal College of Art in London called Pop goes the Weasel! You can see them all, plus closeup of the details, in her gallery. -via Nag on the Lake

New Photograph of Harriet Tubman Found

The only photographic images of abolitionist and underground railroad operator Harriet Tubman that we are familiar with were taken in her old age, showing her as severe and tired. But now a new portrait has emerged- one that shows her in her prime. It was found in an album kept by Tubman's friend and fellow abolitionist Emily Howland. Biographer Dr. Kate Clifford Larson estimates that Tubman was between 43 and 46 years old in the photo,  which was shortly after the Civil War. Tubman lived in Auburn, New York at the time.

"What's remarkable about this photograph is that she's so proud and dignified and beautiful. She looks so young," Larson said. "This is the vibrant young Tubman just coming off her work during the Civil War. She's building her life with her family in Auburn."

Larson continued, "It just surprised me, and I think it's going to surprise a lot of people."

The photograph, along with the album, containing historic photographs of other abolitionists, will go up for auction in March. -via Atlas Obscura

24 Things You Don't Know About Tom Brady

Neatorama presents a guest post from actor, comedian, and voiceover artist Eddie Deezen. Visit Eddie at his website or at Facebook.

What's left to be said about Tom Brady? He just won his record fifth Super Bowl while playing in his record seventh. Last Sunday, Tom Brady carried his New England Patriots to the greatest comeback victory in Super Bowl history. Down by 25 points in the third quarter (by a score of 28-3) of Super Bowl 51, Tom somehow still managed to lead his team to victory. The Pats won the first-ever overtime Super Bowl by a final score of 34-28.

To millions of fans, he is a hero, but to his detractors, he is a "cheater." He is the most loved and hated quarterback in the world. Rich, handsome, married to a supermodel, and the owner of 5 Super Bowl rings. Tom Brady is so famous he seems to actually transcend football.

The "Deflate-Gate" scandal of 2014 really put a taint on him in many quarters. But Sunday's Super Bowl win made millions all over the world believe Tom terrific is the G.O.A.T., not only of quarterbacks, but of all football players. Whatever your opinion of Tom Brady is (and everyone seems to have one), let's take a look at 24 things you may not know about number 12 of the New England Patriots- Tom Brady.

1. He buys his offensive line dinner on the eve of every game. Tom is a smart guy and he knows much of his success as a quarterback is because of the protection his offensive line gives him. So for every game of the football season, on the night before a game, Tom foots the bill and treats his linemen to chow (all they can eat).

2. He's never tasted coffee. No kidding. Tom said he has never had a cup of coffee in his life. He says he never liked the smell of the stuff and has just never been curious enough to even try a sip.

3. Forget coffee, he's never even eaten a strawberry. Tom also claims he's never eaten a strawberry in his entire life. His food diet is 80% organic vegetables and 20% lean meats.

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24 Scientific Studies about Food

(YouTube link)

Scientists study food because food is very important to all life. However, some of the experiments that have been done about food are strange, different, and something we certainly want to know about. For example, scientists who did the research would like us to know that toast doesn't always land butter-side down. Maybe it's just me- mine always lands butter-side down. John Green tells us about 24 food studies in the latest episode of he mental_floss List Show.  

The Flying Teenager

The 2017 WindGames were held in Spain last weekend for competition in indoor skydiving. The winner of the freestyle category was 14-year-old Kyra Poh of Singapore, who was competing against adults for the first time. Here's her winning performance. 

(YouTube link)

While the acrobatics were amazing, that ending was super-impressive. Poh also won the solo speed category, in which competitors must complete a series of specific moves in the fastest time possible. You can see her solo speed performance here. -via Metafilter

The Produce Butcher Will Chop Your Veggies For You

You can already buy packages of pre-cut salad or vegetables at your supermarket, but it might not be chopped the way you need it, and who knows how fresh it is? At Whole Foods in Manhattan, you can get yours custom-chopped by the new Produce Butcher, professional food cutter for fruits and vegetables. Then it will be done right, just the way you want it. But it's a bigger benefit than that to some folks.

This looks to be perfect for people who want fresh, large items like watermelon, or pineapple, and don't want to risk getting hurt prepping it. The elderly, or folks with disabilities could probably benefit greatly from this.

And then there's the rest of us, who are just lazy and want our dinner prepared quickly. Read about the Produce Butcher at FoodBeast -Thanks, John Farrier!

LEGO Hamburger Restaurant

A new restaurant in the Philippines is completely LEGO-themed, down to the hamburgers they sell. Brick Burger in the Pasig City area of Manila sells hamburgers with buns shaped like LEGO bricks, that come in several bright colors! The entire interior of Brick Burger is decorated with LEGO toys, constructions, fixtures, and even walls covered with the familiar LEGO studs. Diners can even play with LEGO sets while they wait for their orders. Get a pictorial tour of Brick Burger at TVOM.

Fake Feline Friend

A clowder of five cats in Thailand have to check out the new member of the family, a realistic plush cat taking a nap. They seem flummoxed by the newcomer, and I can't say I blame them.  

(YouTube link)

And the more cats concentrate on studying something, the easier they are to startle. They didn't even stick around long enough to hear the new cat speak.  -via Laughing Squid

Ziggy the Good Dog

(YouTube link)

Ziggy loves going for a walk! The Staffordshire Bull Terrier helps his human Keren get everything he needs for walkies. That's a good dog. Ziggy Trixx does all kinds of tricks, and is also an accomplished skateboarder. You can follow him at Facebook.  -via Metafilter

History Class

Why do you have to learn this? Because you're a kid, and you haven't yet learned enough to know the difference between history and prehistoric dinosaurs. While the past is not all defined the same way, you have to learn that most of it was extremely difficult compared to the age we live in. This is the latest from John McNamee at Pie Comic.  

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