Miss Cellania's Comments

I was only introduced to Schoolhouse Rock in recent years when my children received a set of the videotapes. I credit the series for their fascination with science. Now I wish these were available when I was a child!
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I've heard a few versions of this story. One of them has Coca-Cola being translated as Bite the Wax Tadpole.

You should put the word out for someone who speaks Mandarin or Cantonese.
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This really is a cathode ray type thing, isn't it? Or a dot matrix printer, just on a slower and larger scale. The most difficult part would be sorting the different shades of balls after its done.
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Sure, its funny, but probably a good idea on his part. The ONLY way he could explain his extensive business experience and talent is to be totally honest about it. I hope this guy found a productive (and legal) position.
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