Miss Cellania's Comments

It also doesn't take into account how many people you support. But when I divided my income by the three people who rely on my income, it only made a different of 2% globally.

But since I live in a poverty-sticken part of the US, I live better than people who make several times my income in New York or San Francisco.
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OK, here's my $.02. I received the invitation letter, which led directly to a registration form. I registered, then went to Alex's page. I saw no one else had left feedback, so I wanted to explore the site before I wrote anything. Off I went, and found it was difficult to get back to Alex's page. So I dumped out and tried to go back through the invitation again, which led me to a registration page, which told me I was already registered, so I was stuck.

I worked around it, but I think they should be more explicit about the process. See, I hate to be first and screw up. For example: should I use the "challenge phrase" in my feedback (like a password)? Apparently its not neccessary, but I did anyway. I did not know why Alex wanted me to do this, but I knew it was important, or he wouldn't have asked me.
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The main drawback I see is the room that those "legs" take up. You couldn't put it near a wall, although it might eliminate the need for other chairs, like a recliner. The legs could be a hazard to pets and small children. In my living space, the only way this would fit behind my desk would be to eliminate the bed. It would have to be awfully comfy to do that!
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This stuff fetches a pretty penny on eBay, too! Antique collectors sometimes carry a small blacklight to check for authenticity when looking for uranium glass. I think I'll stick to cobalt and depression glass myself.
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This is the manufacturer's site. For most products, you can find a link to a retailer, but not for the Gravity Chair. I wonder if maybe its very new, and they don't have outlets yet. Stokke is mainly a manufacturer of children's products.
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