Miss Cellania's Comments

Oh, I can see how they deal with the rain, the porch side is well designed for that. And the outside is quite impressive. But what little we got to see of the inside looks like a cleaner-than-average hospital.
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When I was a kid, I wanted a fallout shelter so bad... I was scared of nuclear radiation, and besides how COOL would it be? But all I got were troll dolls. Now I have a kid who can't get enough of those nasty wall walkers!
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This is the problem with doing research in a language I don't speak. Since I don't watch ESPN, it never occurred to me that there would be TWO Japanese game shows with identical premises AND the same star competitor!
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Yayo made me go look it up. Paronomasy=Paronomasia.
Paronomasia is the use of words that sound similar to other words, but have different meanings. Also known as a pun.
Examples (English)
* Casting my perils before swains
* The end of the plain plane, explained

Kinda like learning to bread rabbits.

I usually just blame it on typoglycemia.
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