Miss Cellania's Comments

I just got an email from my kids' school that displayed 500 names and addresses in the "to" field.


I replied and explained what a BCC was. The office staff probably hates me now.
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The system is weird, even to Americans who are used to it. In a restaurant in New York, I gave the waiter a $100 bill to pay for a $20 lunch for two. He asked if I wanted change. Hell ya, Bud! I thought that was rather presumptuous. I left him $5.

On the other end of the scale, I once wrote in an 18% tip at Cracker Barrel on the credit card slip. The cashier was amazed and called another worker over to drool over it. They told me no one ever tips that much, and the majority of their customers, being elderly travelers, don't tip at all.

But that was back in the days I actually ate out...
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I used to have what I thought were platonic friendships with the guys I worked with at various radio stations. I was married, so were some of them, and we had a lot in common with our profession -and spent a lot of time together. But as soon as I got a divorce, I found out that several of them were ready to swoop in on fresh meat.
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