Miss Cellania's Comments

I took my turkey out of the freezer last night and put it in the refrigerator. This morning, my husband pointed out that it is still hard, and maybe we should try something else.

We have four days left already!
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The day after Thanksgiving is traditionally the beginning of the Christmas shopping season. In recent years, many stores open at ridiculously early hours to sell advertised items at deep discounts. The problem is, they never have enough of the items to last more than a short time, so people are there waiting for the stores to open. Sometimes the crowds are so big and the shoppers so desperate for a bargain that people get hurt or even killed.

The term Black Friday came into use because the sales on that day can put a business into the black for the year. Everything from that day on is profit.
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Nobody told me; I looked it up.

Dictionaries use the word "unauthorized" or "stolen", meaning the user does not have the author's permission to use the writing.

However, I see now that Universities define it as using someone else's work, whether authorized or not, which means cheating.
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Some cats, maybe. I have four cats, including one that sticks her paw in the water and then licks the water off, and another who gets in the sink and waits for running water.

The kitten also jumps in the shower with the kids and then complains about it loudly.

Leave it to me to get unusually ungraceful cats.
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Hmm... an amoeba is a critter that has no sex, because they never reproduce by combining DNA from two different parents. Lizards do, so they form male and female to do it.

I don't know about the rest of your questions... anyone?
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