Re Skipweasel's point, when the parents took the child to another school, the staff there laughed at the behavior of the first school, so the policy implementation appears to have been school-specific, not community mandated.
Frau, I would guess that when books are returned they are first screened by a human for conditions such as those you mention, and only those that need to be rerouted to another library (i.e. requested elsewhere, returned to different branch) enter this sorting machine.
One thinks immediately of the autistic savants who have perfect memory of all the events of their life, including eidetic images of every page of every book they have looked at.
It emphasizes how pitifully little of our brains we utilize on a regular basis.
Another example of recent changes in perception of body habitus can be seen in the 1941 movie "The Maltese Falcon," when Humphrey Bogart phones the police to tell them to look for Mr. Gutman and tells them "You can't miss him - he must weigh 300 pounds!"
I suspect what you're seeing in the data is a profile of the personality spectrum of entrepreneurs. That kind of ?blind optimism is what allows (some of) these people to be successful in their business ventures, plunging in to an uncertain economy where angels would fear to tread.
Did you know that there is a "Spirograph Nebula"?
It emphasizes how pitifully little of our brains we utilize on a regular basis.