Minnesotastan's Comments

Davis, there would be no reason for you to need a grain of salt to interpret the findings in the article, which does not focus on the tedious old arguments about climate change. The remarkable aspect of the story is that it is now possible to walk around places in the United States and pick up organic artifacts handcrafted by humans many thousands of years before the pyramids were constructed in Egypt.
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Chris, the term "arrow" is generally used for projectiles launched with a bow. The atlatl preceded bow technology by several millennia; it was basically a spear-thrower. The atlatl missiles are called "darts."
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10/10 pretty quick answers only resulted in a 1481 for me, so I suspect those 1900+ scores on the leaderboard may represent people who play multiple times until they begin seeing repeated questions.
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One nice thing about Neatorama is that the readership doesn't just pass over items that don't interest them; they actually take the time from their busy day to post messages explaining any defects in the posted material and their personal dissatisfaction with the item. This materially enhances our abilities to tailor future posts specifically to their individual needs. My heartfelt thanks for the feedback.
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According to the Urban Dictionary, "neatorama" means "Something that is more than just plain neato. Similar to neato++".

And "neato" in turn is defined as "awesome."

"Awesome" is "cool, hip, exciting," "formidable, amazing, wonderful," and (top ranked definition...) "Something Americans use to describe everything."
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This is an uplifting, cheerful incident, but doesn't it say something about us as a society when a report of people doing the morally- and legally-correct deed becomes the subject of a news story?
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