Those who follow the "cook" recommendation will probably be disappointed. I believe cooking pumpkins are usually different strains from carving pumpkins.
The second Sudoko seemed a little harder than the first one (~10 minutes). Would it be possible to add an on-screen timer to the widget? Might make it possible for you to convert the puzzles into online contests.
"An ear! I have mentioned to you before that, like fingerprints, each human ear is unique. I believe we have found our safe cracker."
For example, Holmes had used singularities in the ears to solve the case of the Williams sisters some five years earlier. The Williams sisters were identical twins who would impersonate each other so that they both would have witnesses who would swear to their location while one was actually free to do whatever she wished elsewhere. When they tried this switch in Holmes's presence, he immediately detected the subtle change in ear shape.
I don't understand what saul is confused about. When you are under this (folded) door, you are also under the door frame, with all of its protection plus the protection of the door itself re debris.
Did ya even bother to watch the video.
The city has zero water pollution (6:26 on the video) and 0% crime rate (6:42 on the video) - exactly as E.Oh stated.
"An ear! I have mentioned to you before that, like fingerprints, each human ear is unique. I believe we have found our safe cracker."
For example, Holmes had used singularities in the ears to solve the case of the Williams sisters some five years earlier. The Williams sisters were identical twins who would impersonate each other so that they both would have witnesses who would swear to their location while one was actually free to do whatever she wished elsewhere. When they tried this switch in Holmes's presence, he immediately detected the subtle change in ear shape.
--from a Sherlock Holmes pastiche (
It includes that "face" which is actually a face-mask. That's one of the things that makes it so special.
Very cool. thanx.