mikerbaker's Comments
Just needs a waistcoat and a pocket watch.
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John Baldessari, "Wrong," 1967
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Long Beach resident, Armada fan. It's real.
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That money for this particular internship is for charity - the Kennedy Center for Justice and Human Rights. You can still become an intern at Huffington Post the old fashioned way - through hard work and enthusiasm.
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The men and women who fight for our countries fight for our freedom - they are without a doubt heroes. Bad wars are the fault of bad government - not the heroes that shed blood and tears for the sake of the countries we live in. Army Major Phil Packer is a true hero - still giving in spite of what he lost - regardless of what anyone might think of the "illegal, immoral war."
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Chuck Norris' buns of steel crush those that steal buns.
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Renaissance Fair Speak (fake Elizabethan) uses the same rules but adds that sentence structure is more like... well, try talking like Yoda but with an English accent. And no cockney!
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Not the nicest imagery for the aria from La Wally.
But intriguing, I must say.
But intriguing, I must say.
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I gots it from teh internets.
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Excellent. This was the one thing I had hoped was real. Huzzah!
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My hero!
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It's a doll. Let the children play.
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Umerikurr imprrehshun! Not bad, really. Probably better than an American could do a British accent (assuming there's just on British accent, heh).
Brad Pitt in Snatch is brought to mind - he didn't want to butcher an accent so he came up with the brilliant idea to speak in mumbled gobble-de-gook.
Brad Pitt in Snatch is brought to mind - he didn't want to butcher an accent so he came up with the brilliant idea to speak in mumbled gobble-de-gook.
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Best food-related pun: Milk
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We have forwarded your complaint to our squirrel representative, Chippy. Here is Chippy's response:
"Chk chpp cht cht cht cht cht cht skrkrkrkrk. Cht chee chp chp chp chp skrrrittt-t-t-t-t-t-t chp chp. Chp cht cht cht cht skrit chp."
We hope this clears things up.
The Neatorama staff