It might appeal to some inner feeling to think that the fish wants to bee friends with a human, but I suspect the fish is mostly in it for the food the diver gives it. Much easier than chasing down a meal itself.
I'm not a big fan of Hallowe'en, but I think anyone who gets their jollies from tricking kids with fake candy has serious issues. Did they have a bad experience, as children, that makes them want to ruin it for everyone else? Just look at the faces of kids when they have scored a big bad of free candy. Only a true monster would want to ruin that. Either participate, or turn out your lights and ignore your door.
That just looks silly. I dare anyone who thinks these items are cute to walk around downtown in their city wearing them. How many odd looks will you get?
Anyone who has spent any amount of time on the internet know that the world is filled with people who one has to wonder how they managed to live to adulthood.
This was NOT a cute thing done by a child. This is poor parenthood. While it was a good thing to teach a child to call 911 in an emergency, it needs to also be carefully explained exactly what is and isn't an emergency. The grandfather could have easily handled the problem if he had been told about it.
Why can't people link to the actual item they are talking about on the other site, rather that just using the site URL? What if we are looking for more information than you provided? Now we have to scroll through that entire site (unless they happen to have a search function) until we find what we are looking for. And when the site you have linked to does the same thing? AAAAAARGH!
You might do your readers a favor if you linked to the actual article on another site, instead of the main URL, so people can easily find the original, if they wish.
Did this girl have abnormally large breasts, or why did the top not fit? It looks fine on the model. And note that only the center mesh part is displayed on the cat, so it does not actually fit. On the model, the top shows less than a bikini top.
Who do these people think they're fooling? Why is tricking someone who doesn't know you well enough to know you aren't single important? And who is not concerned about people seeing you carrying around an arm? Or holding hands with one, in public? I think the model in this article looks like a fool.