Johnny Cat's Comments
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They forgot Neatorama and Mental_Floss, otherwise hilarious. I liked drunk Tom saying "Who wants to be my friend?"
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Hehe..."Beware, Andry Penguin"
that was fun.
that was fun.
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It's Walter!
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A moose once bit my sister...
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I've seen the word "Quixotic" way too much in the past week.
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Arthur Dent of Cyberdine Systems??? Cull-assic!
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New in 2008: LOL Octopi
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Oh how I'd love to be the listing agent on that one! I'd have to ask for a price reduction, though. Ya know, the market's kinda bad...maybe we should drop it to $500,000, whaddya say?
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Hey Eric, as Andy Warhol said, "Art is what you can get away with", and this is art that gets away with using a Flash mech, cause you know what? It's totally worth it.
Stuart truly has a keen eye, a quick snap and delicious taste. Many of these would make outstanding wall pieces in my house.
Stuart truly has a keen eye, a quick snap and delicious taste. Many of these would make outstanding wall pieces in my house.
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This mantra could be applied to many fields, but I particularly like the reference here.
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I want to especially comment on, and thank John for, his pointing out that the song is by Eric Bazilian, not Joan Osbourne. It irritates me when people assume the model singing the song wrote it.
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Yeah, I think they are actually very original, and neat.
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What great fun!
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Whereas "Piss Christ" was a deliberate statement regarding the human side of Jesus, this particular juxtaposition could mean many things. My first reaction was, ah- God is dead.