Johnny Cat's Comments

Don't worry, knitmeapony (love that name). The commentbot gets triggered by the darndest things, and you are not being censored. Your comment will appear soon.
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Try as it might, Portland fails to be all that "weird." It's a nice city with its fair share of hipsters, dog-owners, homeless people, homeless hipsters, and artists, but not as weird as, say, NYC. Most of the Portlanders I meet are ordinary, like you'd find in any major metropolitan area.
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This scene makes a lot of sense; damn, Luke looks almost evil in his tinkering, and the ROTJ scene where Vader holds the lightsaber always struck me as ridiculous. It's the first time we see it, and Vader comments on its construction; all we see is what looks like an attachment that old flashlights used to have to magnetically attach them to a refrigerator.

NOW I GET IT. Should have kept it in, George.
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zeytoun, I hate to be the time pedant, but you're way off. I counted 1.5 seconds at most from the time the guy stepped into the street til impact, which was preceded by a vocal alarm by the cyclist as soon as he noticed him.
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