John Farrier's Blog Posts

The American Man Who Found His Mother Living in an Amazonian Tribe

(Photo: David Good)

On the right is David Good, a man from Philadelphia. One the left is his mother, Yarima of the Yanomami people of Venezuela.

How this relation came to pass is a long story told in detail at the New York Post. David's father, Kenneth Good, was an anthropology student at the University of Pennsylvania in the 1970s. In 1975, Kenneth went on an expedition to a remote jungle area on the border of Venezuela and Brazil. Arrogant and stubborn, he separated from the group he was travelling with and set out on his own into the unknown.

There Kenneth found the Yanomami tribe. He befriended them and made further visits. On one visit in 1978, the tribe gave Kenneth a young girl as a wife. Her name was Yarima.

Kenneth went in and out of the jungle and did not provide the protection that a husband owes his wife in the Yanomami culture. By 1986, she was pregnant with his child, so he brought her back to the United States. It was impossible for her to adjust:

In November 1986, within a week of arriving in Bryn Mawr, Pa., Yarima went into labor and was panicked by the American hospital: the gurneys, the monitors, the machines, the needles. Once admitted, she sprung herself out of bed and attempted to give birth by squatting in the corner of the hospital room.

“It was so unnatural to her,” Kenneth says. “It went against ­everything she ever learned.” […]

Meanwhile, his wife was becoming ever more isolated and desperate. While Kenneth was teaching, Yarima would take the $20 he left every morning and go to Dunkin’ Donuts, then the $10 store, where she never knew how much she could buy. She had to adapt to wearing clothes every day and thought that running cars were animals on the attack. She had no friends.

“I miss my family,” Yarima told People magazine. “I want to go home.” Kenneth was her translator.

In 1991, Yarima went back to her people, leaving her young son, David, with his father. Two decades later, David journeyed into the jungle to find her:

He arrived in August 2011, the tribe expecting him. When his mother emerged, he recognized her immediately. She wore wooden shoots through her face and little clothing, and he felt immediately that he was her son in every way.

He’d thought a lot about whether to hug her — he wanted to, but he was too nervous, and the Yanomami don’t hug — so he put his hand on her shoulder and told her what he’d wanted to for years.

“I said, ‘Mama, I made it, I’m home. It took so long, but I made it.’ ” Yarima wept.

Life-Size R2-D2 Cake Is The Droid You're Looking For

And it's certainly an improvement over that other R2 unit which had a bad motivator and too much fondant. This cake by Cakes Cove has vital calories for the survival of the Rebellion. Also chocolate.

Cakes Cove makes custom cakes priced at $2.50 a serving, which means that this one probably cost about $8. I'd like to order a life-size rancor cake, please.

-via That's Nerdalicious!

The Art Critics

(Pie Comic/John McNamee)

Fear not, underappreciated artists! Some day, your sculpture may be used as a bludgeon. You sketches may become fire starters. Your performance art demonstrations . . . well, they will actually be lost forever. But that's probably a good thing.

89-Year Old Woman Uses Golf Club to Fight Sword-Wielding Robber

(Image: KREM)

Miyo Koba, 89, owns Frank’s Superette--a convenience store in Moses Lake, Washington. On Sunday, a man entered and demanded all of the money from the cash register. Koba refused and threatened to stab him with a pair of scissors. The thief pulled out a 3-foot sword and swung it around. Koba was unperturbed: “It just looked like a toy to me, so I didn’t feel threatened.” In fact, she was ready to fight. Koba grabbed a golf club and struck him in the legs.

Desperate to escape, the man ripped the cash register off the counter and fled the scene on a bicycle. Police later discovered the cash register, the sword, the bicycle, and the man’s clothes some distance away.

(Video Link)

-via Nothing to Do with Aborath

Kermit the Frog in Famous Movie Posters


E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial

The Silence of the Lambs

Matthew McCrory, a photographer in the UK, has a daily photo project that he calls “A Photo a Day of Kermit.” Among other themes, it shows our green friend in the place of characters in famous movie posters, including Jaws and American Beauty. I’m surprised that McCrory can afford the modeling fees that Kermit could surely demand.

-via Pleated Jeans

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Goat Riding a Man Riding a Bicycle

This goat and his man ride through the streets of Addis Abada, Ethiopia, on a bicycle. The human glares at the bemused passersby with a camera. Why are they laughing? Can’t a designated driver get any respect? I'm keeping everyone else here safe from this drunken fool.

(Video Link)

Casual Wear

(Jim Benton)

Two generations ago, American men wore suits and ties everywhere. Looking sharp and feeling uncomfortable was a required part of daily life. We have thankfully abandoned these strangling requirements. Alas, the long term consequences of this trend line are not good.

Now pass the corn flakes.

Stunning Fluorescent Night Scenes Painted on Women

John Poppleton is a photographic artist in Utah. One night in 2010, he lay awake in a hotel bed in Denver, unable to sleep. It was then that a great idea hit him: use black light to create images. That itself is not a new idea, but Poppleton found an original use for black light. He uses fluorescent paint to create scenes of the night sky on the bodies of women. Then he photographs them under black light. The results are, as you can see, incredibly beautiful. You can see more works in the series here. Content warning: artistic nudity.

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A Prosthetic Leg Designed Specifically for Rock Climbers

Kai Lin, a designer in Brooklyn, developed Klippa, a prosthetic leg for rock climbers. He designed it for American veterans who have lost legs, but would like to continue or take up climbing. Standard prosthetic legs are designed for walking and prove inadequate for the needs of climbers.

To make Klippa a functional tool, Lin interviewed climbers and examined how their legs move. He determined that a climber's leg needs easily replaceable rubber, an elastic pivot point, and a small contact surface with the rock. Animals contributed to the design, too: the foot is shaped like the hoof of a mountain goat.

-via 123 Inspiration

Earthquake-Proof Desk

When the big one hits, you have nothing to worry about because you're probably already napping under your desk. This the LifeGuard, a desk designed to serve as a shelter in the event of an earthquake.

It has steel walls and a floor to prevent punctures by debris. It has padding all around to ensure that even if the desk is thrown around, you may not receive a sharp blow to your body. The padded wedge on the left side provides comfort and is filled with survival gear. You can also lay down flat.

How effective is it? Although there's no indication that the LifeGuard has been in an earthquake, four desks were placed inside a hospital building in California before its controlled demolition. All four desks remained intact.

-via Nag on the Lake

Mom Turns Fallen Soldiers' Uniforms Into Teddy Bears For Mourning Kids

In 2009, Captain Matthew Freeman, USMC, was killed in action in Afghanistan. His mother, Lisa Freeman, founded the Matthew Freeman Project, a charitable organization, in his memory. Among her many activities with this foundation is the creation of teddy bears made from the uniforms of American soldiers who have died in the line of duty.

(Photos: Matthew Freeman Project)

Lisa Freeman gives these to children who have lost loved ones in the war. It's a way for her to cope with the pain of her own loss as well as help families grieve and remember. In an interview with CNN, she said:

I don’t know about big, but I think that I’m making a difference . . . It makes me stop and think about Matthew . . . He’s loving that something good is happening out of something so tragic.

Shaq Children’s Books

Video editor CJ Fogler photoshopped retired basketball player Shaquille O’Neal into the covers of three children’s books.

I haven’t seen Kazaam. Is it just a terrible movie or so terrible that it’s worth watching?

-via Super Punch

The Infinite Chair

(Photo: Business Wire)

Jenny Trieu, an industrial design student at the University of Houston, stands with her award-winning chair named “Infinite.” She is the winner of an annual design competition held by Wilsonart, a manufacturer of household decorative surfaces. The objective of the competition is to build “a show-stopping, eye-popping chair using Wilsonart laminate.” As a result of her win, Trieu will win a scholarship and be entered into a design competition in New York City.

The looping Infinite bends into itself, creating a continuous surface and a place to sit. It’s made with a plywood rib cage, which is then covered in layers of a laminate.

-via Contemporist

Baby Panda Fights, Loses Adorable Battle against Bamboo

(Video Link

This panda was born last year at the Chengdu Research Base in Sichuan, China. He’s slowly learning how to hunt and slay prey. Carefully, he stalks the wild bamboo shoots, moving slowly so as not to startle them. Then, at the right moment, he strikes!

Alas, fortune did not smile on the panda today. The bamboo got away and the panda got a bruising.

-via Huffington Post

Amazing One-Man Band Plays Star Wars Music

(Video Link

Jabba the Hutt could have saved a lot of money by turning down Figrin D’an and the Modal Tones and instead employing a single musician: Anders Flanderz. This whimsical street musician from Sweden plays a vast assortment of instruments, including an accordion, cymbals, a xylophone, and what appears to be a mailbox. You can watch more of his videos here.

-via Nerd Approved

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