John Farrier's Blog Posts

How to Fall out of a Truck with Perfect Grace

(Video Link)

"I meant to do that."

If the boy said this as soon as he landed, I'd be inclined to believe him.

Oh, you think that it was just a happy accident? Let's get him to do it again to prove that he's got the skill.

-via 22 Words

Shakespearean Versions of Modern Songs

(Video Link)

Verily, the Bard of Avon need not limit himself to the stage. He is a songwriter of the highest quality. You can hear his work performed across the world by famous artists, including Lorde, Miley Cyrus, The Backstreet Boys, and Will Smith. You can read all of his greatest hits at Pop Sonnets, a blog updated weekly by Erik Didriksen.

(Video Link)

"Let It Go" from the movie Frozen.

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How Dress Sizes Work

The size 12 slacks are too small but you can't squeeze into the size 8 jeans? That's only because you don't understand how dress sizes work. There's a peculiar science to the fit, as Sarah Andersen explains.

Pancake Stencils Bring Vader and Elsa to Your Breakfast

After looking at these pictures, my daughters asked me to make Frozen pancakes. I should be able to do that by just downloading Nathan Shields's stencils, then applying powdered sugar and cocoa. The stencils come in pairs so that you shade light and dark portions separately.

Shields is a famous pancake artist whose work we've featured extensively. I can't wait to see what he can create when he combines stencil work with his sculptural pancakes!

Detroit's Cash-Strapped Fire Departments Use Old Soda Cans for Fire Alarms

The economy and government finances of Detroit, Michigan are in awful condition. Fire departments in particular are struggling to address the city's 11,000-12,000 annual fires with little money. There is no centralized fire alert system. Or, rather, there's no modern one. But clever firefighters have found ways to learn about fires so that they can respond quickly.

One common method used in many firehouses throughout the city is a soda can filled with coins. Firefighters balance the can on their firehouse office printer. When a fire alert is faxed in, the paper knocks the can off the printer, making a loud noise. Then firefighters then know that it's time to check the printer and move out.

-via Gizmodo

The Geography of NFL Fandom

NFL football fans can "like" teams on Facebook. That company produced this map showing which teams were liked more than any others in a county. You can see a larger version here.

It's interesting that the Raiders are still popular in Los Angeles, though they are now in Oakland. There's also a big swath of Cowboy country in Nevada. One county in central Missouri also has a lot of fans of the Dallas Cowboys. That looks like Pulaski County, if I'm reading the map correctly.

I would like to note that the depiction of Alabama is misleading. The state doesn't belong to the New Orleans Saints, but the Crimson Tide and the Tigers--college football teams.

-via Joe Carter

Lost Monet Painting Found in Suitcase after 75 Year Absence

(Photo: BBC)

It's like the plot of a movie, but it's also a true story.

Though he was Jewish, Hildebrand Gurlitt was an art dealer approved by the government of Nazi Germany. During World War II, he collected and privately hoarded approximately 1,280 works of art, most of them looted from Nazi-occupied nations. This was a huge number. For comparison, consider that the National Gallery in London has only 2,000 pieces.

Hildebrand Gurlitt survived the war and kept his collection a secret. As he was dying in 1956, he gave his 24-year old son Cornelius Gurlitt the duty of maintaining this collection. The younger Gurlitt did so. He never married and was a recluse after his parents and sister died. He was devoted to one task: keeping the huge art collection a secret inside his apartment in Munich.

(Photo of Cornelius Gurlitt via The Times)

Cornelius Gurlitt kept everyone out of his dingy apartment, cramped with great works of art, until 2012. Then police searched his home after he was caught trying to bring a large amount of cash into Switzerland. Gurlitt agreed to help government investigators find the owners of the artworks in his collection.

This past May, Gurlitt died in a hospital at the age of 81. Hospital officials recently turned over a suitcase that he had brought with him. Inside that suitcase was a painting, which is pictured above, by the great French impressionist Claude Monet. It shows the Waterloo Bridge over the Thames in London. This treasure has been missing for 75 years.

-via Ace of Spades HQ

Dog Is So Excited That Football Is Back

(Video Link)

George the dog loves sports with a great passion. He's not particular about which ones. So as long as humans are running around with a ball, he's game. We've previously seen him bouncing off the walls with joy while watching the World Cup. He's also a fan of tennis. Now he's all worked up over the opening of the football season.

George's owner toys with his emotions by switching the television to watch The King of Queens. A suggestion for George: when he steps away from his chair, steal the remote control.

-via Huffington Post

Rianna's Vivid Duct Tape Art

Do you have a problem? So as long as you have duct tape, you also have a solution. Rianna had a problem: she needed a new artistic medium. Duct tape, of course, provided the solution. She makes gripping, colorful, and precise images using just duct tape.

Rianna takes inspiration from popular culture, especially comic books and science fiction. Her work is so perfectly executed that I would never have guessed that her medium is duct tape if she didn't say it.

Star Wars: The Jedi Doth Return by William Shakespeare

And gentlemen on Coruscant now a-bed shall think themselves accursed they were not here. Therefore do not miss the conclusion to William Shakespeare's magnum opus, Star Wars. His third play in the series, The Jedi Doth Return, is now available from Quirk Books.

We have previously seen the Bard's first two plays: Verily, A New Hope and The Empire Striketh Back. Now in this thrilling conclusion inscribed by Ian Doescher, Lord Vader and Master Luke engage in one last battle. You haven't lived until you've read Elizabethan Ewokese.

(Video Link)

Here is the trailer for the play, which includes selections from a stage production of it.

-via Blame It on the Voices

Electronic Chopsticks Test Food for Safety

(Image: Baidu)

In the past few years, food contamination scandals have alarmed people in China. In response, the company Baidu has developed chopsticks that test for purity food touched on the tips. When the chopsticks are linked to a smartphone app, they provide data about the oils detected in foods. The chopsticks can determine whether the oil is fresh or recycled--the latter of which may be toxic.

Baidu says that its chopsticks will be also be able to determine the PH levels in food and the calorie values. At a recent exhibiton at a technology conference, Baidu CEO Robin Li referred to his chopsticks as "a new way to sense the world."

-via Marginal Revolution

Sir Jarlsberg Is the Renaissance Fair Rapper

(Video Link)

This is Sir Jarlsberg. Like chap-hop rapper Mr.B, he's a man out of time. Sir Jarlsberg is from the European Middle Ages and he's here to lay some class on us. He has style, grace, and a mastery of the musical genre known as hark hop. Women adore him and men envy him.

So heed his words in this song "Teach Thee How to Curtsy" from his album Hark Thou. He'll show you how to curtsy in a way that will mark you out as a person of sophistication. Afterward "all thy maidens [will] love thee."

-via Kotaku

House Design Concept Hangs off the Edge of a Cliff

A couple in Australia owned a piece of land on the southwestern coast of Australia. They wanted a unique vacation home design for it, so they approached Modscape, an architectural firm near Melbourne. Modscape produced this design concept: a house that's hanging off the edge of the cliff, giving a panoramic and perhaps terrifying view of the ocean.

Modscape proposes anchoring the house to the cliff with steel pins driven into the cliff face. Prefabricated modules would hang off the pins. Residents would enter the home through the carport, which is at surface level. An elevator provides access to lower levels which offer an unobstructed view of the raging seas below.

All of this sounds really expensive. Perhaps the owners should try to find a builder who's willing to improvise and user cheaper materials.

-via Inhabitat

Adorable Baby Photo Shoot Ends Predictably

(Photos: Kirsty Grant/Rex)

Professional photo shoots of babies are cute. Leaving them naked for the shoot gives the images a natural ambience. That's probably what Al Ferguson was looking for when Kirsty Grant photographed him with his newborn son Ted.

But once you become a parent, black and white images of naked babies aren't charming. They're alarming. A baby without a diaper is a time bomb. Which is precisely what Ferguson learned:

And Ted detonated just as the photographer snapped her shutter. His father wrote:

During the shoot I felt his tummy muscles tense up and in that moment I knew what was about to happen. Unfortunately, it was just a moment and before I could do anything Ted exploded from his bum.

A warning to Mr. Ferguson: you have seen only the beginning of it. There will many, many more poop explosions in your life.

Look at the satisfied grin on that baby's face!

The French Fry Pizza Is Gluten Free!

And besides that, it's got to be delicious! Foodinese has perfected the complicated art of combining two of nature's perfect foods. To make your own French fry pizza, build an even layer of French fries in a circle, breaking up fries as necessary to do so. Then add mozzarella cheese, which acts as the glue that holds your pizza together.

Bake the crust for a few minutes, then remove it from the oven. Add the rest of your ingredients and bake for a few more minutes.

Suggestion for improvement: add beef gravy and cheese curd to make this a poutine pizza.

-via That's Nerdalicious!

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