John Farrier's Blog Posts

Revenge Is a Dish Best Served Slightly Chilled

Doghouse Diaries has some brutal ideas for how to inflict your wrath on your most deserving enemies. This is part 3 of an ongoing series, so the artist clearly thinks a lot about revenge.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

It's already taking effect. My inner thoughts are now suddenly in the voice of Gilbert Gottfried. And I routinely drive joyfully toward what appear to be open parking spaces in crowded lots, only to suffer the acutely painful presence of a microcar or a motorcycle.

If Jimmy Stewart and Henry Fonda did Shakespeare

(Video Link)

Professionally, Scott K. Ratner is known as a writer, actor, and stage magician. He's also, it would appear, a master impersonator. Here he is imitating two classic Hollywood giants, Jimmy Stewart and Henry Fonda, performing the "to be or not to be" soliloquy from William Shakespeare's Hamlet.

Ratner's performance is particularly effective because he's not just reading the words in the voice of Stewart and Fonda, but also acting as they typically did--even mimicking their postures.

-via Popehat

These Full Color Pancakes Are Edible Works of Art

Our favorite pancake artist, Nathan Shields, now has serious competition. A friend of redditor ptgkgte makes full color pancakes that are almost photographic in their stunning degree of realism. He makes them for his kids, who are fortunate to have such a masterful artist in the family.

He really should go professional. This level of artistic quality deserves more than the "nameless friend of a redditor" level of internet fame.

-via Foodiggity

Dog Broke Her Legs, But That Doesn't Stop Her

(Video Link)

Jason Sanders' dog jumped off a 6-foot deck, breaking both of her front legs. She won't be able to walk like a normal dog until her the vet takes off her casts. But that's not stopping her from going wherever she wants to. Her determination to enjoy herself is adorable.

-via 22 Words

Facebook for Toddlers

If my young daughters send me Facebook friend requests, is it okay if I click on "Ignore"? I really don't need this kind of drama in my life. Rob Fee's assessment of what a toddler's Facebook news feed would look like is just about right.

-via How to Be a Dad

This Dog Enjoys His Spa Treatment

(Video Link)

He's like a human getting a professional massage at a spa. The dog lies on his back in the bathtub, dozing happily as his human servant gently washes his fur--presumably with the finest of canine shampoos and conditioners. This is the life!

-via Daily of the Day

Hair: Expectations vs. Reality

Are you having a bad hair day? Then you must not live inside a shampoo commercial. In that fabled land, your long, flowing locks wave in the breeze like dancing fairies. Each strand keeps perfectly in line and out of your eyes, as Cassandra illustrates in this cartoon.

-via Tastefully Offensive

Darmok and Jalad at the Mushroom Kingdom

(Image: CBS)

"Darmok" is an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation. It has a truly original and innovative story and is, consequently, among the most popular episodes in the series.

In "Darmok," the crew of the Enterprise makes first contact with a species known as the Tamarians. They discover that the Tamarians speak a language that is untranslatable. When the Tamarians speak, the computer translators render their words as references to unknown people and places, such as:

  • Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra.
  • Temba, his arms wide. 
  • Shaka, when the walls fell.
  • The river Temarc in winter.
  • Mirab, his sails unfurled.

These phrases are references to Tamarian literature, lore, and history. To express thoughts, Tamarians refer to a vast cultural repository of narratives.

Which brings us to this funny hashtag going around Twitter:#nintendarmok. It shows Tamarian references to Nintendo games. Here are a few examples.

-via Richard Eisenbeis

Prosthetic Hand for Kids Has Wolverine Claws

3D printing offers unprecedented opportunities to build custom tools at low cost. The organization e-NABLE focuses on one use for this growing technology: building prosthetic hands for children.

One of the organization's volunteers, Aaron Brown, wanted to demonstrate this technology at a local children's hospital in Grand Rapids, Michigan in a way that kids would find especially appealing. So he designed this variant hand. Then Brown printed some claws with blue and yellow filament and spray painted the claws silver. The result is a Wolverine hand that would thrill any kid (and most adults) who gets one.

Brown emphasizes that the claws aren't metal--just plastic. For reasons unfathomable to me, he seems to think that this is a good selling point.

-via TechCrunch

How to Crochet a Bowl of Ramen

Cooking ramen is easy--certainly easier than crocheting. But the way that YouTube user betibettin knits, you'd swear that craft could be learned in an hour. He created this tasty-looking lunch with yarn. You can watch his process video (in Japanese) here.

How did he create the impression of soup broth? I was perplexed until I watched through the video. That's actually a layer of plastic film cut to fit the bowl and lying over his crocheted noodles.

-via Rocket News 24

P.S. Last weekend, I experimented with cooking eggs in boiling ramen. The results were delicious! I highly recommend the practice.

Soft, Lightweight Exoskeleton Lets You Run 10% Easier

Jason Kerestes is a graduate student at Arizona State University. With support from DARPA, he has developed the AirLegs exoskeleton. It's a small machine worn on the back that decreases the metabolic cost of walking and running by about 10% versus not wearing the machine. 

(Video Link)

The machine helps people run by pulling on straps located just below the knee and on the shoes. Here is Kerestes demonstrating the second version of AirLegs, which pulls on just the lower legs.

-via Hack A Day

Playful Letters That Pop off the Page

Cyril Vouilloz is an artist from Geneva, Switzerland who goes by the name RYSLEE. When he was a child, RYSLEE liked to draw from memory the logos of different brands. Later he got into graffiti and illustration. His work was always focused on letters as a form of art. So his artistic specialty is typography.

You can see this particularly well on his Instagram page. It’s filled with letters that he’s rendered with both paint and ink. RYSLEE is so good that his 3-dimensional hand drawn images of letters appear to leap off the paper.

-via Visual News

Amazing Photo: A Layer of Ice off a Leaf

A couple winters ago, redditor SearonTrejorek snapped this incredible photo at Winthrop University in Rock Hill, South Carolina. Beautiful!

SearonTrejorek smashed it on the ground after taking the photo. He should have instead heeded the advice of another redditor and sold it on eBay. That's worth at least a $100.

-via Twisted Sifter

The Conveyor Belt of Evolution

It's not the most scientifically accurate depiction of human evolution. But the Doma Collective's Involución Primate is a fun demonstration of millions of years of hominid history that turns on with a flip of a lever.

We've previously seen the Doma Collective's human bundle of energy bouncing around and giant robotic electrical tower. This kinetic sculpture is on display at the Galeria Logo in São Paulo, Brazil.

(Video Link)

-via Lustik

Investigators Claim to Have Used DNA Evidence to Confirm the Identity of Jack the Ripper

Jack the Ripper is one of history's most infamous serial killers. He killed and mutilated at least five women in the Whitechapel area of London in 1888. He was never caught, though criminal investigators and historians have long considered several suspects, including Prince Albert Victor, a member of Britain's royal family.

Now investigators who are publishing a book on their findings assert that they know precisely who committed those murders: Aaron Kosminski, a Polish immigrant. They used DNA evidence to make this conclusion by matching semen left on a victim's bloody shawl with a living descendent of Kosminski's sister.

The author of Naming Jack the Ripper, Russell Edwards, is an amateur investigator. But his partner, Dr. Jari Louhelainen, is a a molecular biologist and professor at Liverpool John Moores University. Louhelainen writes in the Daily Mail:

Dr David Miller found epithelial cells – which line cavities and organs – much to our surprise, as we were not expecting to find anything usable after 126 years.

Then I used a new process called whole genome amplification to copy the DNA 500 million-fold and allow it to be profiled.

Once I had the profile, I could compare it to that of the female descendant of Kosminski’s sister, who had given us a sample of  her DNA swabbed from inside  her mouth.

The first strand of DNA showed a 99.2 per cent match, as the analysis instrument could not determine the sequence of the missing 0.8 per cent fragment  of DNA. On testing the second strand, we achieved a perfect  100 per cent match.

Because of the genome amplification technique, I was also able to ascertain the ethnic and geographical background of the DNA I extracted. It was of a type known as the haplogroup T1a1, common in people of Russian Jewish ethnicity. I was even able to establish that he had dark hair.

Now that it’s over, I’m excited and proud of what we’ve achieved, and satisfied that we have established, as far as we possibly can, that Aaron Kosminski is  the culprit.

-via Ace of Spades HQ

UPDATE 10/20/14: Dr. Jari Louhelainen may have made a serious error in his study.

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