John Farrier's Blog Posts

The Muppet Presidential Candidates

[YouTube Link]

A slideshow lining up the Democratic and Republican Presidential candidates with their respective Muppet identities, set to the tune of the Muppet theme music. 1 minutes, 5 seconds long.

Via Ironic Catholic

rabbit: A Short Film by Run Wrake

[YouTube Link] A surreal short film by Run Wrake presenting an allegory about human greed.  Artistically, the film is modeled after early 20th Century children's early readers.  8 minutes, 20 seconds long.

What If God Had a Myspace

[YouTube Link]

An amusing and poignant music video by Bradley Bandara. Based upon the Eric Bazilian song One of Us, which was a 1996 hit when sung by Joan Osbourne. It features a badly-costumed supreme deity accepting and rejecting friend requests, responding to prayers in the form of messages, and being barraged with IM attempts. 5 minutes, 4 seconds long.

Handel's Hallelujah Chorus Performed by Bearded Nuns with Flashcards

[YouTube Link]

An amusing rendition of the Hallelujah Chorus from Handel's Messiah, performed by the Turtle Creek Chorale from Dallas, TX. 3 minutes, 53 seconds long. Via Gord

Breakdancing Nativity

[YouTube Link]

This commercial for Virgin Mobile answers the important question "What would the Christmas story be like if there had been breakdancing at the Nativity?" It's really amazing what you can discover when you go back to the original Greek and Hebrew. 1 min., 36 sec.

Via Jim Parsons

Star Wars Theme Played on Bagpipes

[YouTube Link]

Here is YouTube user Copinated performing John Williams' opening to Star Wars on bagpipes. 57 sec. long.

Bagpipes: people either love them or hate them. I'm in the first category. How about you?

It's Like Law & Order, But With Chickens

[Video Link] Like most people, I wake up in the morning and think: why hasn't our advanced civiliation created a chicken version of Law & Order.  I mean, like, there's every other variety of Law & Order spinoff, right?

Well, the new age has finally dawned, thanks to the brave entrepreneurs at Robot Chicken. About 2 minutes long.

Night of Racial Tension

[YouTube Link]

Night of Racial Tension is Jeff Davis' satirical take on the George Romero's social commentary on the racial politics of the 1960s in his 1968 film Night of the Living Dead. That film was Romero's second attempt at a zombie movie. The 1964 Night of Racial Tension was more blunt in addressing racism, sexism, anti-Semitism, and homophobia than the later Night of the Living Dead. Written and directed by Ryan Nagata, produced by Ryan Nagata and George Edelman; 4 minutes, 55 seconds long.

The Politics of Philosophical Destruction

[YouTube Link] A vicious attack ad against Immanuel Kant.  56 sec.

Hat tip: Ace of Spades HQ

Louis Lavreau's Love Songs of the Real Man

[YouTube Link]  A compilation of more realistic love songs for the modern American male.

International Pretend to Be a Time Traveler Day

Get ready!  Last Saturday is Pretend to Be a Time Traveler Day.  Do fun things like this:

Walk up to random people and say "WHAT YEAR IS THIS?" and when they tell you, get quiet and then say "Then there's still time!" and run off. Hat tip to Jim Lindgren via Instapundit

Credit Card National Bank

[YouTube Link]  A faux commercial for the credit card dependent lifestyle.

Cops Forced to Chase Doughnut Truck

Sometimes the jokes just write themselves. Via Instapundit.

Holiday Survival Kit

As Alex quoted George Burns a while back "Happiness is having a large, loving, caring, close-knit family in another city." That doesn't happen during the holidays. Be prepared. Link

A Cure for Zombies?

[YouTube Link]

According to New Scientist, researchers at Ben-Gurion University have cured zombie-stricken cockroaches. Other scientists, however, are skeptical of the applicability of this cure to our own species due to the increased complexity of the human brain.

Thanks Holy Pirate!

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