Blog Posts John Farrier Likes

A Dalek Christmas

Photo: I'm Really Just A Mad Man With A Box

Here I was all this time thinking Daleks don't celebrate Christmas. Apparently, not only do these cyborgs celebrate Christmas, but they do so with style. The only "exterminate" that will be going on here is when the tree catches on fire from kitty chewing on plastic light bulbs again. No holiday season is complete without Doctor Who references and the use of a fire extinguisher.

Link | Via The Monica Bird

Can Santa Get Arrested for Breaking Into Your House?

Have you ever wondered if Santa's yearly journey is illegal? He does, after all, break into millions of homes every year to leave presents behind. Well, in California at least, he's safe from burglary and most trespassing charges, but he could still be charged with simple trespassing for entering homes without consent, but according to San Diego criminal lawyer Peter Liss, he could fight the charges by arguing that "Santa has implied consent because Santa only goes to houses where he is wanted, and any milk and cookies left out in the home could be used as further evidence of Santa’s implied invitation into the home."

On the other hand, impersonating Santa Claus like Jack Skellington does, is definitely a crime according to The Legal Geeks. In fact, he could be charged with:

1) Conspiracy
2) Kidnapping
3) False Impersonation
4) Torture at the “hands” of Mr. Oogie Boogie
5) Breaking and Entering
6) Assault and battery on an unknown number of families.

So just because it's OK for Santa to break into family homes doesn't mean you can don your best Santa suit and copy his moves.

Image Via Affiliate [Flickr]

Game of Thrones as a Seinfeld Sitcom

-Youtube Link-

Combining two of my favorite TV shows ever, Seinfield and Game of Thrones, would seem like a good idea. Well, no actually, it wouldn't. As much as I like Seinfield, I sort of hate the brand of Sitcom television it created. That being said I loved the video, they nailed it with the laugh track and everything. It's funny how different these scenes feel just because of the addition of the laugh track.

Via Blame It on The Voices

Playing The Viral Market

How good are you are predicting viral videos? Do you also happen to enjoy the stock market? Then you will love the Viral Video eXchange - an online stock market game. You can view trending videos, buy stock in videos, spend and earn (fake) money, and so on. I personally just bought 100 shares of Eat, Fry, Love: A Cautionary Remix with William Shatner.

The game is the creation of Dave Ganly, a 31-year-old Irishman who settled in London four years ago. “I wanted to make a throwback to web based games like the BBC's Celebdaq, which I played in college,” he said in an email interview with the Dot. “I love viral video as well, and was annoyed at the poor quality of discovery of really original viral content (as opposed to just 'what had a million views yesterday’).”

“The game has two major 'goals' from a player perspective – one is to finish an in-game story that reveals itself as players become more wealthy … and the other is to hit the overall target of one million voins. Like lots of games of this type, having seriously rich users (e.g. people on one million + voins) would cause too much imbalance, so players are awarded a final in-game achievement and reset to one thousand voins.”

Link | Image Captured at

AT-AT Walker Skirt

Who says a poodle skirt needs to feature a poodle? Why not have something cooler, like, say a AT-AT. Yeah, now that's styling and geek-friendly.


Tell Your Daughters How Beautiful You Are

We read laments all the time about how our society places so much emphasis on female appearance that women -and girls- never feel pretty enough. As much as the world around us may be to blame, Amanda King, in a guest post at Offbeat Mama, decided to take matters into her own hands, as far as setting an example for her daughters.

I don't want my girls to be children who are perfect and then, when they start to feel like women, they remember how I thought of myself as ugly and so they will be ugly too. They will get older and their breasts will lose their shape and they will hate their bodies, because that's what women do. That's what mommy did. I want them to become women who remember me modeling impossible beauty. Modeling beauty in the face of a mean world, a scary world, a world where we don't know what to make of ourselves.

"Look at me, girls!" I say to them. "Look at how beautiful I am. I feel really beautiful, today."

I see it behind their eyes, the calculating and impression. I see it behind their shining brown eyes, how glad they are that I believe I am beautiful. They love me. To them, I am love and guidance and warm, soft blankets and early mornings. They have never doubted how wonderful I am. They have never doubted my beauty. How confusing it must have been for them to see me furrowing my brow in the mirror and sucking in my stomach and sighing.

No matter what the rest of the world tells them, parents remain a child's most lasting influence. Read the rest of the essay; it will make you smile and feel beautiful. Link -via Metafilter

(Image credit: Flickr user Gustavo Devito)

Puppy Blanket

I don't think it is possible to have a more comfortable nap than this. Holy Moly. One thousand people just died from smiling too hard when they saw this, another thousand just decided it's time to have a baby, and a final thousand went out looking to adopt puppies. I have to stop posting cute things today - it's too much strain on my cold little heart.

Side note- While this is about the cutest thing of the decade, I can't imagine it is all fun and games when these munchkins decide to wake up. Raising three puppies and a baby all at once would be quite a task.

-Via Daily Picks and Flicks

Auto Correct Pranks

I find auto correcting humor particularly hilarious just because it is something that happens to me all the friggin' time. Apparently on various types of smart phones you can change the auto correcting functions to change words into other things you would prefer. I wouldn't know anything about that as I have a Sadberry - I mean Blackberry. So a great way to prank friends is to change these settings on their phones while they are distracted. Like changing now into meow. Hilarity will ensue.

Check out a whole page worth here. Warning NSFW - Very Strong Language.

-Via Hyper Vocal

Vincent's Daydreams

Photo: Adele Enersen

Adele Enersen of Mila's Daydreams is back at it! This time, she snapped pictures of her baby Vincent with her iPhone and sketched out his imaginary activities. Why not dressed him up like his big sister Mila? Vincent isn't as sound of a sleeper.

Take a look: Link - via 22 Words | More at Adele's blog

Urine-Powered Generator

At the Maker Faire Africa in Lagos, Nigeria, four teenage girls came up with a rather remarkable invention: urine-powered generator (well, supposedly - but don't let skept-pee-cism* ruin our fun here).

Possibly one of the more unexpected products at Maker Faire Africa this year in Lagos is a urine powered generator, created by four girls. The girls are Duro-Aina Adebola (14), Akindele Abiola (14), Faleke Oluwatoyin (14) and Bello Eniola (15).

1 Liter of urine gives you 6 hours of electricity.

The system works like this:

- Urine is put into an electrolytic cell, which separates out the hydrogen.
- The hydrogen goes into a water filter for purification, which then gets pushed into the gas cylinder.
- The gas cylinder pushes hydrogen into a cylinder of liquid borax, which is used to remove the moisture from the hydrogen gas.
- This purified hydrogen gas is pushed into the generator.

Along the whole way there are one-way valves for security, but let’s be honest that this is something of an explosive device…

Link - via Engadget

*Electrolysis is an energy-intensive process in itself, and that looks like a gasoline generator. Somebody's trollin'

**This reminds me, Neatorama's servers need more juice. John, "urine" charge: your turn to pee!

How To Trick Yourself Into An Australian Accent

Rise Up Lights, Rise Up Lights, Rise up Lights. Oh man, I have always been terrible at fake foreign accents - no longer. People are probably looking at me funny in the office today because I keep walking around saying this and laughing to myself. Oh well, they'll get it eventually. This has to be one of my favorite things I have seen on the internet lately. By lately, I mean today / the extent of my short term memory - which is comparable to that of a goldfish's. From redditor Damino80, I demand more!

Reminds me of "beer can" thing that was going around the internet not too long ago. Say "beer can" with a British accent and you've now said "bacon" in a Jamaican accent.

-Via Bits and Pieces

Wedding Portrait Taken 88 Years Later

Wu Conghan and Wu Songshi got married in 1924 in Nanchong, Sichuan province, China. There were no local photographers then, so there were no wedding photos taken. The couple are still married 88 years later, and they recently posed in wedding finery for the pictures they didn't have on their wedding day. A local photography company volunteered to snap the pictures as part of an city initiative to give older people wedding portraits, according to another story. Conghan is 101 years old, and Sognshi is 103. See more pictures of the at the Daily Mail. Link -via reddit

(Image source: HAP/Quirky China News/Rex)

Positive Pregnancy Test Diagnoses Man's Cancer

You may have followed, or seen a report of, the guy who used a pregnancy test on himself and it turned out positive. A friend posted it to reddit as a funny rage comic, and a commenter warned that it might be a sign of cancer. The guy saw a doctor, a small tumor was found, and his life was saved, as this very rare form of cancer is usually not detected early. The pregnancy test reacted to human chorionic gonadotropin, or HCG.

Yes, HCG in men can be a sign of a rare (and dangerous) form of testicular cancer — choriocarcinoma. This is a cancer made up of syncytiotroblastic cells, said Katherine McGlynn, a senior investigator with the National Cancer Institutes. The tumor secretes HCG because that's what syncytiotroblasts do. They secrete HCG. And they don't particularly care whether they're secreting it into a man or a woman.

But how do they get into a guy, to begin with? That's where things get really weird. The truth is that nobody is entirely certain, McGlynn told me. But there are a couple of theories. One possibility is that these syncytiotroblasts that turn cancerous were leftovers — remnants of the time when that guy was just a ball of 70-100 cells. One way or another, they persisted in his body and then started to grow out of control.

Read more about the science behind this coincidence. Link

(Image credit: Flickr user Amber McNamara)

Star Trek: TNG Proposal

The cast of Star Trek: The Next Generation were surprised when a fan's photo opportunity turned into a surprise proposal. Wil Wheaton tells the story:

About 30 minutes or so into this particular session, these two people came in. The girl went to stand between Patrick and Frakes, and the guy directed her to stand in the front, instead. All of us tried to figure out what was going on (usually it's small kids who come to the front, usually sitting on Brent's lap or Gates' lap), and the guy said, "I really love Star Trek, but I love [her name] even more." He got down on one knee, and proposed to her.

Marina started to cry, I felt like I was going to cry, and we all applauded and celebrated when she said "yes." Apparently, they'd met Marina earlier in the day, and Marina had given him shit for not marrying her, so Marina was embarrassed about that.

The photograph snapped at that moment managed to capture the famous Picard facepalm. Link

And here's another picture. Link -Thanks, Blake Wilson!


If Harley Quinn Joined The Circus

Etsy seller Hollymessinger is both a geek and an amazing seamstress, so it makes sense that her shop designs featuring a great selection of comic-inspired designs including this gorgeous Harley Quinn dress.

Link Via Gracious Majesty

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