Blog Posts John Farrier Likes

When I'm Late

Some bosses get really upset when their employees show up late for work, coming down on them hard like an ogre swinging a giant club at their head in an attempt to beat promptness into them.

Thankfully geeky bosses generally aren't quite so fearsome or strict about employee tardiness, and as this comic from The Underfold shows, geeky bosses are also easily distracted by polyhedral dice rolls...

-Via Geeks Are Sexy

Amazing Medieval Wonder Woman Battle Armor Fit For An Amazon Princess

Wonder Woman has gone through a few costume redesigns over the years but she keeps coming back to some form of armor, because she's a warrior through and through.

And if she starred in a title that took place n the Middle Ages she would probably sport an armored costume that looks like this amazing suit of battle armor created by Samuel Lee from Prince Armory.

It's got her signature colors, it's got the flair that makes it worthy of an Amazon princess and it actually looks like it would protect her in combat, unlike those midriff and mini skirt numbers other supergals wear.

-Via Geeks Are Sexy

Zip Line Instructor Doesn't See Alligator Below Her Until It Leaps Up To Bite Her

Most zip lines are set up so the rider (zipper?) gets a visual thrill while they slide down the line, a thrill that often involves being really high above the ground or making the rider think they're about to hit something while they ride.

But the zip line in this video didn't have any sort of thrill ride element put into it, so an alligator decided to spice things up a bit by snapping at the rider as she zipped by.

(YouTube Link)

-Via Little Things

A Hot Halloween

Hot and sexy Halloween costumes are pretty much the opposite of flame retardant and fire safe, so don't go taking the role you play on Halloween too seriously when you're showing all that skin.

Because, as this Electric Bunny comic shows, melting flesh is not a sexy look!

-Via Geeks Are Sexy

This Three-Story Tiny House Fits In The Footprint Of A Parking Space

Many cities have outrageous rent, and then you have to pay for a parking space. But what if you could live the parking space by itself? Behold a house called Tikki (which means stick) that covers a space of a little more than 8' x 16'. It has three floors with a workspace, a living space, and a greenhouse o top.

“The city is not designed because of humans–it’s designed because of cars,” says architect Marco Casagrande, principal at the Helsinki-based Casagrande Laboratory, which designed the new tiny house. “All the streets in cityscapes are based on car dimensions. This I found a little bit strange. We have all this talk about the density of cars getting less and less in cities, and at the same time, we are talking about people moving into cities . . . but we don’t have space to build. Nobody has been questioning car parking spaces. They are everywhere. So this talk about no land to build in cities is nonsense: It’s everywhere, but it’s just for cars.”

It's an intriguing design, but how many of these would you have to put together to make plumbing and electricity worth installing? And how far apart would they have to be to be usable? Read more about the Tikki house at Fast Company.  -via Digg

(Image credit: Nikta Wu)

Mall Stores From The 90s We Loved But Never Really Bought Anything From

The 1990s were the highest and lowest point for American shopping malls, and by the end of the 90s many stores we knew and liked had closed up shop for good in malls across the U.S., leaving us looking for new places to loiter.

Kay*Bee Toys was a great place to kill time, since the clerks didn't seem to care when we had Nerf gun fights in the aisles even though we didn't buy anything, and as much reading as I did there I don't think I ever bought a book from Waldenbooks.

Maybe that's why these stores disappeared- their prices kept people from buying much, but they were in the mall so they were open to browsing, which made people buy less.

Why would people buy stuff from a mall store like Sam Goody that wanted $18.99 or more for a CD when they could buy their music in a non-mall store like Tower Records for less? Now that's a store I really miss!

See 10 Stores From The 90s We Loved But Never Actually Bought Something From here

Bad Luck

I've never thought of black cats as omens of bad luck because I grew up in a household that valued the life of all kitties, and people for that matter, regardless of fur or skin color.

Plus I've owned a few black cats over the years, and the way I see it they can't bring bad luck to their owners or else witches and warlocks wouldn't keep them around.

But, as this War And Peas comic shows, the superstition may have originated when the first person who thought such a dumb thing pointed at a black cat and yelled "bad luck!" That really pisses cats off...

-Via Geeks Are Sexy

What Does the Hamburger Helper’s Skeleton Look Like?

The Hamburger Helper mascot is a disembodied hand, wearing a glove, with a face in its palm. It's ridiculous already, but trying to envision what kind of bone structure it has inside is even weirder. That's the question michael SCAREa‏ posed on Twitter. He got over 500 replies, including plenty of illustrations of the inside of a fictional advertising character.

You can see quite a few of the silliest ideas collected at Nerdist.  -via Metafilter

Research Risks

The latest comic from Randall Munroe at xkcd is a graph, a scatter plot indicating the danger of research subjects. If you think hard enough, you can come up with a movie or some kind of story for each one. I thought of Frankenstein and The Andromeda Strain for the upper right, Sharktopus and The Birds for the lower right, Doctor Octopus and various Bond villains for the upper left, and Darth Vader at the top. Attack of the Killer Tomatoes would be close to the middle. The further you go to the right, the more 1960s B-movies you'll find. Molasses storage? Well, there was that flood, but I don't know if they've ever made a movie about it. Too unbelievable.  

Full-Size Candy Bars

Trick-or-treating as a kid in a small town, I always knew which houses were going to give out the full-size candy bars. I also knew which houses had homemade popcorn balls, peanut-butter fudge, and cookies. One old lady would invite us inside to select our treat from a huge table of candy she made. No one gives out homemade treats anymore, due to the fear of being accused of tampering. But does anyone give out full-size candy bars at Halloween now? Since candy manufacturers started offering "fun size" candies, that's what kids get. I don't even hand out chocolate. For one thing, chocolate is too tempting to save for Halloween. For another thing, I figured every parent is going to confiscate the chocolate from their kids' treat bags, just like I did. This is the latest comic from Chris Hallbeck at Maximumble.

No Spiders in Here

David Orr made this apple pie for a local competition. He spelled out "No Spiders in Here" with the top crust. Would you trust this pie? Admit it, you hadn't thought about the possibility of spiders in the pie until you got the assurance of their absence. It's like trying not to think about an elephant.

Orr's pie won second place in the appearance category. We don't know if this was the one that beat it.

While this is a clever idea for the Halloween season, I want to do it for Thanksgiving or Christmas, when no one would be expecting it. -via Boing Boing

If Toddlers Could Post On Facebook

These days children are being introduced to tech gadgets like tablets and smartphones at an earlier age than ever before, and I constantly see parents appeasing their toddlers by allowing them to stare at their smartphones.

So it's only a matter of time before toddlers figure out how to create their own Facebook accounts on mommy's smartphone, and according to this hilarious Toddler Facebook mockup from mommyshorts their posts will be hilarious to read.

Even though they'll have to pretend to be at least 13 years old we'll know the truth, especially when they talk about naps, forgetting people's names and pooping in the bathtub...on second thought it'll be just like when really old people post on Facebook!

-Via Geeks Are Sexy

I Disagree With Your Rant

Ah, life inside the bubble, where the world is divided into two distinct groups: those with agree with us, and those who don't. The internet was supposed to open up the world to global communication, a sharing of ideas. But it also allowed us to limit our communications to like-minded individuals and organizations, because no matter how obscure those beliefs are, you'll find someone on the internet to validate them. So how can we handle those with opposing views?

1. Ignore them. That's what the bubble is for, so you can stay safe inside it and have your beliefs reinforced instead of challenged.
2. Convince yourself your opponents are mentally or psychologically impaired, like this guy.
3. Argue with them. It's not going to change minds, but that's what a lot of folks do.
4. Tell yourself that all viewpoints are equally valid. They are not.
5. Remember the Serenity Prayer.

This is the latest comic from Zach Weinersmith at Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal.

Pizza Hut Wants To Keep You Warm And Cheesy With The "Pizza Parka"

Fast food companies have figured out that posting funny videos online and creating crazy products are far more effective forms of brand advertising than television commercials or radio spots.

So while things get pretty wacky on TV they get downright ridiculous online, like high top sneakers that order pizza or a parka made out of the same stuff as a pizza delivery pouch ridiculous.

Pizza Hut is delivering their Pizza Parka to random customers who orders online, and I must admit I didn't really want one until I saw the pizza pocket inside. There just aren't enough jackets out there with pizza pockets!

(YouTube Link)

-Via Guacamoley

This Guy Cosplayed as the Convention Center Building

There are so many cosplays out there that it can be hard to think of something no one else has done. At the New York Comic Con a few weeks ago, someone came up with a completely new an original cosplay costume -the convention center itself. It was spotted by DC comics writer Scott Snyder, who posted it on his Twitter and it quickly became viral.

The reactions from fans on Twitter are pretty brilliant -you can read many of them over on Guacamoley.

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