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99% of These Sea Turtles Are Turning Female

Scientists took a survey of Pacific green turtles off Ingram Island in northern Australia. It's not a simple task to determine the sex of a sea turtle, but blood tests for testosterone levels helped. While they expected to find more females than males, the results were pretty shocking.

Since the sex of a sea turtle is determined by the heat of sand incubating their eggs, scientists had suspected they might see slightly more females. Climate change, after all, has driven air and sea temperatures higher, which, in these creatures, favors female offspring. But instead, they found female sea turtles from the Pacific Ocean's largest and most important green sea turtle rookery now outnumber males by at least 116 to 1.

"This is extreme—like capital letters extreme, exclamation point extreme," says turtle scientist Camryn Allen, with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in Hawaii. "We're talking a handful of males to hundreds and hundreds of females. We were shocked."

Further studies show that the sex imbalance in sea turtles has been there for some time, but it's getting worse quickly. The effect is more pronounced near coral reefs that are dying, and less near healthy reefs. While fewer males than females are needed to continue a species, what happens when there are no males left? Temperature fluctuations affect sex imbalance on other species, too, particularly reptiles and fish. Read about the latest sea turtle research at NatoGeo News. -Thanks, Kelsey!  

(Image credit: David Doubilet/National Geographic Creative)

24 Social Rules It Took You Way Too Long To Figure Out

You go through life wondering how all these people around you can be so clueless. Do they have no situational awareness? Did their parents not explain everyday manners? Do they never learn from experience? I jerked my kids back dozens of times before they learned to let people get out of an elevator before they stepped in, and I hope they retained that. But I still encounter people who want to jump in and trap me in the elevator when I'm trying to get out.

Here's one that I both complain and joke about. If a party starts at six, and I show up at seven, I'll be the only guest there until at least nine. It's even worse when you're the hostess, and your shindig starts to swing about the time you hoped it would be over.

You should go through all 24 of these social rules that clueless people break all the time and wonder at the lack of common sense (although there are a couple we could argue over). Somewhere along the way, you may come across one you didn't know about. Oops. And even if you don't, you'll start to think, maybe we all are clueless about something or other that bothers other people around us. That's a scary thought.

Stepping Up For Students

Dade Middle School in Dallas, Texas, came up with a program called "Breakfast with Dad" for the male students and their fathers on December 14. But they knew there were a lot of boys who didn't have a father present or able to attend. School administrators went to Facebook to ask for men from the community to volunteer for the event, where they would be paired with a boy for breakfast. The school said they needed at least 50 volunteers. You might be heartened to learn that 600 men showed up!

The school's request spread like wildfire, and come the day of the event, 600 men from Northern Texas showed up to lend a helping hand. The volunteers did everything from engaging the boys in casual conversation to teaching them how to tie their ties. Excuse us while we mop up our tears.

-via reddit

Browser History

Always clear your browser history if there's a chance anyone else will be using your computer. You could be thoroughly embarrassed if anyone sees it. I took a peek after my husband used my computer once, and it almost bored me to tears. He had been comparing prices for tools and watching YouTube videos about the best way to reinforce concrete. I shudder to think what would be on my mother's computer. If anyone were to check my browser history, they would run away just looking at the size of it, but I can blame it all on my job. This comic is from Zach Weinersmith at Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal.

The Librarian Action Figure is the Hero We Need

Who's the real hero in your life? The one who has what you need, who opens up new worlds to you, and who encourages your kids to be the best they can be? Who fights against ignorance and illiteracy every day? Your librarian! And now she's clad in a superhero cape, as she should be. This Librarian Action Figure is based on real librarian Nancy Pearl of the Seattle Public Library. That's some honor. The action figure was first developed in 2003 for Archie McPhee, and had a button you pushed to raise her hand to "shh!" you, but that's apparently been dropped for the newer version. -via Madam Jujujive

Why Robots Are Killers

We don't build robots to be killers. We just treat our existing robots badly enough to make them homicidal. Anyone who's worked under a boss with a profound empathy deficit can relate. This fairly disgusting story is brought to you by Chris Hallbeck at Maximumble.

Ways Funerals Will Change In The Next 10 Years

Funeral traditions seem like the kind of thing that would change very little over time, and many people are under the impression that the funeral traditions of today date back centuries.

But funerary customs are constantly being updated due to changes in social attitudes and simply out of necessity, since people die every day but there's limited space left in the cemeteries.

So what's going to change in the next 10 years?

Well, due to limited grave space we're going to see more cremations, including "flameless" cremations that dissolve the body in water, and at-home funerals are about to become far more common.

We'll also start seeing self-driving hearses on the road, digital time capsule service offered online to store photos, videos and other remnants of the deceased's life, and the fully customizable digital tombstones sci-fi stories have been promising us for decades.

Read 12 Ways Funerals Will Change In The Next 10 Years here

Intricate Models Reveal The Elements Of A World War I Trench

World War I will forever be associated with trench warfare, an antiquated and ineffective form of warfare that killed more troops with sickness and infection than with actual combat.

These trenches of death were more than just pits dug in the dirt, and as the soldiers settled in they improved their trenches to increase durability, decrease wetness and make them all more "comfortable".

Military enthusiast and model maker Andy Belsey has been creating incredibly detailed models of WWI trenches and blogging about his work on for several years now, and trenches have never looked more majestic.

Each one of Andy's trench section models is labeled to show how they were made, which side faces the battlefield and what makes an "Ideal Trench" different from a "Wet Soil Trench".

They also feature models of soldiers in appropriate attire and perfect little props and details, each of which Andy painstakingly creates by hand.

See Detailed Military Models Of WWI Trench Warfare by Andy Belsey here

Stephen King: THE DESK

Stephen King has written many scary stories about inanimate objects, from The Mangler to Christine to The Monkey, but the scariest object he ever had to face was The Desk, which he thought would be a dream come true.

As you'll see in this comic by Zen Pencils, Stephen bought the massive oak desk in 1981 and proceeded to write some of his most famous novels behind it, but the desk only served to make him feel like an alien in his own home...

-Via Geeks Are Sexy

Continue reading

The Personal Assistant Robot

Wait, what? It was enough of a shock to realize that I am talking to the robot instead of the guy, but the underlying implication of that last line is a bit ominous. Am I one of those friends he finds boring? Does that explain the contrast in happiness lately? And here I was, getting a bit jealous because I don't have my own personal assistant robot. Now I just want to go sulk. This is the latest comic from Chris Hallbeck at Maximumble. 

If You Ever Feel Sad Just Remember This- Horses Can Grow Moustaches

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Horses are noble and elegant creatures and truly one of the most beautiful animals in the world, but did you know they're also the hirsute heroes of the animal kingdom?

With beautiful manes and tails that can be braided and styled their hair game is undeniably strong, but what truly makes them hirsute heroes is the fact that both males and females can grow amazing moustaches.

And unlike other animals with hair on their upper lip the horse's moustache comes in many styles, from the hairy hippie to the dapper dan to the horsey handlebar.

(Image Link)

So why aren't horses allowed to enter the World Beard and Moustache Competitions? Because humans are afraid of being shown up by their steeds!

(Image Link)

See more from If You Ever Feel Sad Just Remember That Horses Can Grow Moustaches here

Ada Blackjack, the Forgotten Sole Survivor of an Odd Arctic Expedition

Ada Blackjack was an Alaskan Inupiat woman who signed on for a year working as a seamstress for an expedition to Wrangel Island, in the Arctic Ocean near Siberia. She was the sole woman in the 1921 expedition that included four men and a cat named Vic.

The expedition, organized by the charismatic Arctic explorer Vilhjalmur Stefansson, was at best an ill-conceived venture; at worst, it was a willfully negligent act of astonishing hubris. Using the pull of his celebrity as a seasoned explorer, Stefansson assembled a team of four starstruck young men—Allan Crawford, 20, Lorne Knight, 28, Fred Maurer, 28, and Milton Galle, 19—to claim Wrangel Island for the British Empire—even though Britain had never shown the slightest interest in wanting it. Though Stefansson picked the team and funded the mission, he never had any intention of joining the party himself and sent his woefully inexperienced team north with only six months of supplies and hollow assurances that “the friendly Arctic” would provide ample game to augment their stores until a ship picked them up the following year.

That's not what happened. Two years later, when a rescue ship finally arrived, Blackjack and Vic were the only survivors of the expedition. She didn't know how to shoot or trap when she went to Wrangel Island, but she taught herself because she was determined to return to her young son. And she had kept a diary of her experiences. Read the story of Ada Blackjack at Atlas Obscura.

When You're Too Mature To Play

'Ever had one of those friends who was constantly making fun of you for enjoying the geeky side of life?

It's like they're afraid to embrace their geeky side because they might end up looking less "mature", which someone important to them claims to be the most important thing in life.

But, as this For Lack Of A Better Comic comic shows. people who spend too much time worrying about being "mature" and don't stop to have any fun often end up bored, alone and utterly boring to be around. How mature of them!

-Via Geeks Are Sexy

Keeping Cats Warm in Winter

MarkXXD built this shelter for a cat that hangs around outdoors near his home in Hungary. Yeah, he'd like to have a cat, and he even let this one inside for a while.

You would assume from that update that MarkXXD now has a cat, because that's how you get a cat. But his mother doesn't want a cat inside the house. If you find yourself in this situation, here are instructions for making a comfy winter cat shelter for outside cats from Alley Cat Advocates.  

Waffle House Customer Makes His Own Meal

Alex Bowen couldn't sleep, so he wandered down to the Waffle House in West Columbia, South Carolina. He waited around to be waited on, but then discovered an employee sound asleep on the job. So he cooked his own meal! He told WIS-TV,

"Got hot on the grill with a double Texas bacon cheesesteak melt with extra pickles," Bowen said. "When I was done I cleaned the grill, collected my ill-gotten sandwich and rolled on out."

The photos in this post show Bowen in the cooking areas and a stacked sandwich.

"I give all the credit to my old friend vodka," Bowen said. "I wouldn't normally have done that."

Bowen also took selfies, which he posted on Facebook. He returned to the Waffle House later in the day and gave an employee $5 for the meal he prepared himself. Waffle House issued a statement of apology to Bowen and hinted that he may have a future cooking for the company. -via The Daily Dot 

(Image credit: Alex Bowen)

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