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The Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards

This is the best idea for a new contest we’ve seen in a long time. The Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards is accepting entries only until October first, so if you have a great -and funny- wildlife snapshot, grab it and enter! It has to be an unmanipulated photo you've taken, but it doesn't have to be from the past year. The winner will receive a photo safari in Tanzania and a Nikon camera.

Even if you don’t enter, you’ll want to browse through the submitted photographs. Since there are a lot of them, you might want to start with The Telegraph’s favorites here and here. -via Everlasting Blort

Guy Recreates Photos Of His Late Wife With His Three-Year-Old Daughter

Grief usually makes people look at photos of the dearly departed in one of two ways- either they become the most important mementos in the world, or they get shoved in a box because looking at them causes too much pain.

When Rafael del Col lost his wife Tatiane Valques and unborn child in a tragic road accident back in 2011 he was devastated and left to raise their daughter Raisa alone.

Left trying to figure out how to raise a daughter and deal with grief at the same time, Rafael focused on raising Raisa and honoring Tatiane's memory, and together they overcame grief naturally.

When Raisa was three years old her loving father decided to honor her mother's memory by recreating a photo series shot a week before Rafael and Tatiane were married in 2009, with adorable daughter Raisa standing in for her mother.

The series is an exercise in overcoming grief and paying homage to a loved one who was taken away far too early, and even though Raisa will never really know her mother they'll always be connected by this heartwarming photo shoot.

See more photos from this father-daughter photo recreation series here

The Bunnies That Conquered Australia

You’ve probably heard that Australia is overrun with an invasive species: rabbits. Or at least you’ve heard of the “rabbit proof fence,” which incidentally, turned out to be anything but rabbit proof. How did this invasion start, anyway?

In 1859, Thomas Austin made a very small decorative decision with very large consequences. Austin was a British expat living in Australia, grown newly wealthy through sheep farming, and he had most of the trappings of his new lifestyle in place—the bluestone mansion, the horses, the 29,000-acre estate. All he was missing were some atmospheric reminders of his homeland. So he asked his nephew to bring him some English fauna—a bunch of blackbirds, thrushes, and partridges, and 24 European rabbits. Hunting them would make for a good weekend activity, and besides, he wrote, "the introduction of a few rabbits could do little harm."

Well, of course, they bred like rabbits. From those two dozen bunnies, the population boomed to ten billion by 1920. The rabbits eat vegetation until a formerly-lush area is completely barren. They dig warrens that destabilize soil and encourage erosion. They ruin the habitats of native animals. They destroy agriculture. The Australian government has tried several ways to control the rabbit population, with grim results. Read about how rabbits took over Australia (as well as the rest of the world) at Atlas Obscura.

Men Are Asked To Describe The Wedding Of Their Dreams

Somewhere along the way weddings became all about what the bride wants, and grooms were assumed to have little to no interest in the planning of a wedding from then on, but weddings in the 21st century are sure to be a bit different.

With the legalization of same sex marriage and more likeminded couples having geeky themed weddings than ever before, weddings are finally being planned the way they're supposed to be- by the couple together as one.

(YouTube Link)

BuzzFeed asked a few of their male staff members to describe their perfect wedding, and as expected they had a lot of fun and interesting new ideas about what weddings have been missing, like pinball and sliders.

-Via BuzzFeed Video

Escape From a California Wildfire

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California's drought problem, the worst in the recorded history of the state, has created dry conditions that have been no help in a summer of wildfires burning out of control. This footage from the Valley Fire near Sacramento has thus far destroyed 400 homes and thousands of acres of forest. YouTube user mulletFive documented the destruction he witnessed in his neighborhood of Anderson Springs while escaping the area. Read more about the video here. 

One Hundred Years of Hamster Beauty in Sixty Seconds

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Mashable parodies the "100 Years of Beauty" videos with hamster model Joy showing off her sleek, trim figure, glossy hair, carrot-eating finesse and innate sense of style. It's all set to sexy music befitting such a stunner. I don't know about you, but I'm smitten. Via Mashable

5 Amazing Movie Endings That You've Never Seen

Many movies have two or more possible endings before one is selected for the final edit. The chosen ending is often a result of test audiences’ preference, a better idea that occurred to writers along the way, or the decision to open the door for possible sequels.

(YouTube link)

Screen Rant lets us in on the endings that weren’t used in five movies. Therefore, this video contains spoilers for First Blood, The Amazing Spider-Man 2, I Am Legend, Terminator 2, and 28 Days Later. I think if you were ever planning to see those movies, you would have by now. -via Geeks Are Sexy

13 Kick-Ass Facts About Wonder Woman

Lynda Carter as Wonder Woman | Image: Warner Bros. Television

The popular Wonder Woman television series starring Lynda Carter ran from 1975-1979. Lynda Carter made a lot of people who had never cracked a comic book instant fans of the character. The linked article features 13 anecdotes and bits of trivia about the series. One example involved Wonder Woman's fantastic, bullet-deflecting bracelets: 


One of Wonder Woman's archetypal powers is her ability to deflect bullets off her star-studded cuff bracelets. Since the TV show aired in the pre-CGI era, this meant some ingenuity on the part of the property master when it came to producing this kind of effect. Special bracelets were created that allowed Carter to control the bullet explosions by means of hidden buttons in her hands. "[The property master] wired, almost like matchsticks, these little loads in the front where the stars were," explained Carter in the TV movie commentary. "And within those stars there were some wires. Those wires went up the back of my wrist and into the palm of my hand ... I would fire them depending on which arm was taking the shot. It was pretty ingenious."

Read more ass-kicking facts about Lynda Carter as Wonder Woman at Mental Floss.

Dashcam Footage Of Driver Exiting Car In The Middle Of Traffic

It may seem like a cliche, but when you're driving in a crowded city you need to keep your eyes on the road and be ready for anything, from drunk drivers to unexpected car troubles to flat out operator error.

California is chock full of cars, and with so many drivers on the road you're bound to encounter a few with minds that aren't firing on all cylinders.

(YouTube Link)

The woman in this video was taken to a hospital for a "non injury-related reason" then later charged with driving under the influence of drugs, which she was able to avoid due to "insufficient evidence to support a criminal complaint". Seems like this video should have been evidence enough!

-Via Boing Boing

37 Funny Food Tweets Good for a Smile

Twitter is full of jokes and frustrated comedians. It's also full of food mentions, since food is one of the most relatable things on the planet. No matter their differences, people across the globe can always level the communication playing field with the mention of a meal. These 37 tweets mix the two — food and funny — with great results.

Horse Brings Hay to His Filly Friend

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This sweet footage shows a horse who has his girlfriend in mind when he scores a mouthful of hay. She's tied up at the moment and can't gather some for herself, so it's her man to the rescue. Hay, girl! Via Tastefully Offensive

Bear Cub Wants to Play

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This adorable grizzly cub, while a little unsteady yet in his two-footed gait, seems interested in playfully interacting with the photographer as he passes by. It almost looks as if the cub is motioning for him to come over. Luckily the photographer is well aware that meeting mama grizzly in that situation is hardly advisable. Via Tastefully Offensive

40 Actors Who Look Incredibly Similar to the Historical Figures They Play

Anthony Hopkins as Alfred Hitchcock in Hitchcock

Sometimes actors in biopics are increasingly challenged when it comes to believability in their role if they don't at least resemble the real life character they are playing. While some actors of incredible talent — Meryl Streep for example — are generally able to overcome such superficial shortcomings, others, especially those who are miscast or aren't as talented, are not. 

A grouping of photos at Vintage Everyday shows examples of actors who are lucky enough to closely mifror the famous people who inspired their roles, particularly after makeup and/or prosthetics are applied. See all forty of these comparison shots here. 

 Bruno Ganz as Adolf Hitler in Downfall

A Near-Fireproof Tree

Botanist Bernabe Moya and his brother, environmental engineer Jose Moya, are tree experts who were studying an experimental forest in Andilla, Spain. In 2012, a fire swept through and destroyed the 50,000-acre plot. That was a heartbreaker.

But amid the devastation, they saw a sign of hope: a stand of 946 Mediterranean cypress trees, each taller than a two story house, that formed a perfectly square patch of green in the scorched landscape.

Bernabe Moya and his brother Jose couldn’t believe their eyes. And when they told their colleagues about the strange phenomenon, they couldn’t believe it either.

“We will have to find out what really happened,” Raúl de la Calle of the Official Association of Technical Forest Engineers told the Madrid-based newspaper El Pais in 2012. “The cypress is not a very combustible species, but to the point that it doesn’t burn at all. … There is no such thing as a fireproof tree.”

It’s true that the Mediterranean cypress can be burned, but it isn’t easy to do. The Moya and other scientists identified several factors that contribute to the cypress’s ability to withstand forest fires. That led to the idea of growing the trees specifically to protect forests. By planting firebreaks, or carefully planned areas of cypress trees among a forest, fires might be contained to small areas instead of spreading wildly. There are pros and cons to the plan, as you can imagine. Read about the unique Mediterranean cypress at the Washington Post. -via Digg  

(Image credit: Bernabe Moya)

Ants Suddenly Circling an iPhone

This sidewalk is swarming with ants. Someone must have dropped a lollipop. So what happens if you put an iPhone down among them?

(YouTube link)

Nothing at first, but watch what happens when the phone rings! Suddenly, all ants are marching in the same direction, circling the phone. Why do they do that? Of course, there’s that one ant crawling on the phone -he’s always been a bit different, they say. HuffPo offers some speculation on what may cause the circling behavior. I think it's fear. I always get a slight feeling of dread when the phone rings, because it's always someone wanting me to do something for them.

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