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The Google Employee Who Lives In The Parking Lot

You'd think employees working for a huge tech company like Google would earn enough money to afford an apartment at very least, but Google's main offices are located in San Francisco, one of the world's most expensive cities to live in.

So how does an employee make ends meet and keep their dream job? An employee named Brandon thinks he has the answer- stop paying rent and live in the back of a truck.

Brandon bought a moving truck for $10,000 and now sleeps in the back, eating his meals in the Google cafeteria and showering in the Google gym.

It's lacking all the comforts of home, but Brandon expects to pay off a significant chunk of his student loans this year so he's trading comfort for financial peace of mind.

-Via The Chive

Kitten in a Traffic Intersection

Redditor Your_Brain_On_Pizza rides a motorcycle and uses a helmet cam. She saw something and thought it was just a leaf of the road, but as she made a left turn, she realized it was a kitten! Forget the bike, she had to get that baby out of traffic!

(YouTube link)

If you look again in full-screen mode, you’ll see that the kitten seemed to drop from underneath the red car as it went by at about :12. There’s speculation that the kitten climbed into the vehicle to stay warm, and could no longer hold on by the time the car passed through the intersection. The rest of the story is that she took the kitten home, and named it Skidmark. Continue to see an updated video.

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Little Merbob Maidpants - There Are Some Strange Things Lurking Under The Sea

Little Merbob Maidpants by Cart00nlion

I wish I could say this switcheroo is a joke, or a horrible accident, but it's not. This is what happens when you anger the Cartoon Gods, and your animated life becomes a cruel joke. The switch is probably worse for poor Ariel, who will now spend the rest of her toon life as a dried up and unloved old sponge, because Bob still has lots of friends to hang out with under the sea. And, to be fair, every one of Mr. Squarepants' "friends" have always seen him as a bit of an offbeat character...

Make 'em laugh with this incredibly ridiculous Little Merbob Maidpants mashup t-shirt by Cart00nlion, it's sure to put smiles on the faces of your fellow cartoon fans!

Visit Cart00nlion's Facebook fan page, official website, Twitter and Tumblr, then head on over to his NeatoShop for more delightfully geeky designs:

Maronic SMASH The System Beef

The Sea Is A Harsh Mistress

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Cat Can Levitate Other Animals Just by Sneezing

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When this kitty sneezes, the awesome power of the sneeze becomes known. If a sneeze from this feline god can levitate other animals, who knows what wild kingdom tsunamis coughing up a hairball might produce? Via Arbroath

Baby Koala Cuddles With Filmmaker

YouTube Link

Baby koala Imogen at Symbio Wildlife Park in Helensburgh, New South Wales, Australia was being filmed as she was introduced into a newly built koala sanctuary. At first Imogen tested out one of the trees in her new enclosure, but she quickly realized that she didn't want to stray too far from the love of her nearby humans. The joey quickly went from climbing the tree to climbing the cameraman for a hug. 

Don't miss this adorable video of Imogen being hand raised by Symbio keepers Kylie Elliot and Matt Radnidge here. Via Daily Dot

Billy the Kid in a Striped Cardigan Playing Croquet

There was only one photograph of outlaw William Bonney, also known as Billy the Kid, in existence -until now. A vintage photo collector bought a tintype at a Fresno junk shop in 2010 which has been verified by a team of experts at Kagin’s as depicting Bonney playing croquet during a wedding reception.

The latest photo, a 4 x 5 inch tintype, captures Billy the Kid surrounded by several members of his gang after a wedding, according to Kagin’s. The outlaws are surrounded by friends and family in Chaves County, N.M., in the summer of 1878. The company said a team spent a year dissecting the photo and determining the location, which required investigators to travel to the supposed site where it was taken.

“We found the old lumber underneath,” Jeff Aiello, who directed a National Geographic Channel documentary about the photo, told ABC affiliate KFSN. “We found those exact rock piers are still there.”

It’s not only precious because of the scarcity of pictures of Bonney, but also because it shows him with his gang, the Regulators. Kagin’s has already fielded some offers for the picture, and expect it to sell in the neighborhood of $5 million. See the full picture and read more about it at The Washington Post. -via Metafilter

Luna, the Singing Cat

Luna is a nine-month-old rescue cat in Bucharest, Romania. She likes to converse and collaborate with her roommate, Razvan Alexandru. This is their first recorded duet.

(YouTube link)

That is, until she gets tired or bored with whatever song he’s playing. Even when it’s a song about her! -via Tastefully Offensive

Cat-Friend Versus Dog-Friend, As Told By Humans

Cats and dogs can actually get along, and this cameraderie may seem like a good thing, but when cats and dogs are actively engaged in battling each other they don't have time to tear up your house.

Boston based comedy group FATAWESOME have been proving cats and dogs should be versus instead of plus with their fur realz video series Cat-Friend Vs. Dog-Friend, here's barely NSFW due to language installment number 3:

(YouTube Link)

If there's one thing you should take away from this video it's that cat-friend is aloof and constantly staring at walls, but at least he's not actively engaged in destroying your home, except for that cozy laptop chair you set out for him.

-Via Laughing Squid

A Hard Knock Life

The Great Khali is a professional wrestler in India, and a great big guy. Heavy, too. He stars in a new TV ad that had to be painful to make. Try to guess what the product is, before they tell you at the end.

(YouTube link)

And now everything is hunky-dory in Khali’s world. -via Buzzfeed

Hamster Has Nap Attack

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A hamster is feeling relaxed and in a safe environment among his humans when it happens: sleep overcomes him. Once he passes out, the cute little hairball rolls off his perch like a tiny bowling ball, to the laughter and delight of his audience. Via Uproxx

10 Haunting, Forgotten Stations Served by Britain’s ‘Ghost Trains’

Ghost trains in Britain are not supernatural -they’re real! It’s a term used for trains that serve a vestige of a line that should be closed. They may run once a week or even less often, aren’t advertised, and serve stations that aren’t maintained. Why do they run at all? Because in Britain, it’s more expensive to officially close a line than to keep it open, no matter how poor the service. That leaves a bunch of train stations that are officially open, but hardly ever used, and certainly neglected. Like the Reddish South Station, pictured.

The 3rd least-used railway station in the whole of the UK, Reddish South racked up a mere 26 visitors in 2013/2014. In a strange way, it’s impressive that it’s even that high. Unlike Teesside Airport, which runs a service there and back once a week, trains from Reddish South merely depart. Those wishing to return will have to find another way of getting back.

In other ways, too, the station is utterly dismal. A lack of electric lighting means it becomes a dark and slightly-threatening wasteland at night; a spooky black hole on the edges of the community. As its Wikipedia article glumly points out, even the badly-served Denton station further up the line boasts a bench as its sole passenger facility. Reddish South boasts nothing.

Visually, the station is terrifically unappealing. The cracked and faded platform seems designed for overcast weather, and the steps are badly rusted. The entrance is even gated shut and surrounded with grim signs threatening ‘trespassers’ with thousand pound fines. Perhaps it’s no wonder Reddish South is so badly underused.

Ten such stations are profiled at Urban Ghosts. Some are spookier than others. Is there one near you?

(Image credit: © Copyright Gerald England/CC)  

Brilliant Ways Movies And TV Shows Have Snuck Stuff Past The Censors

Censorship is supposed to protect viewers from being exposed to things like nudity, gore, explicit language and disturbing situations, basically all the things viewers usually want in movies or TV shows.

That's why creators are constantly battling the censors to keep their shows intact, censor despised content and all, and their struggle sometimes forces creators to flat out lie about what's happening on the screen.

Censors hate blood, and they actively force filmmakers to remove any trace of blood from their trailers, but back in 1980 Stanley Kubrick got away with telling the censors that his iconic blood flood in The Shining was really just "rusty water".

Because of Kubrick's lie the trailer, complete with that disturbing shot of the "rusty water" flooding towards the camera, briefly made it to theaters before being pulled by the MPAA.

Are you wondering why Fonzie was featured in the lead image? Believe it or not, Happy Days also had trouble with the censors about one issue- Fonzie's leather jacket.

The Fonz looked like a total Potsie without his leather jacket, but censors claimed only criminals wear a leather jacket when they're not riding their bike, so show creator Garry Marshall started working a motorcycle into every scene.

Read 6 Brilliant Ways Movies & TV Shows Stuck It To The Censors here (contains NSFW language)

Scoreboard Surprise

Did you catch this during the National League wildcard playoff last night? Quite a few baseball fans who are also Star Wars fans did. ShenaniganZ posted the droid’s reaction at Facebook. The Cubs went on the beat the Pirates 4-0.

Zack the Golden Retriever Buys His Own Ice Cream

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Youtuber John Hubble's golden retriever Zack is the consummate shopper. Give that pup money and he knows just how to spend it — on ice cream, of course! Hubble hands over the cash and Zack carefully totes it in his mouth over to the ice cream truck, where the ice cream man is happy to oblige and give Zack his goodies. Zack loves the process so much, it's hard to tear him away from the truck! Now that's a canine after my own heart. Via Arbroath

For Depressed Travel, Try Sad Topographies

Point No Point, Hansville, US #nopoint

A photo posted by @sadtopographies on Sep 25, 2015 at 11:29pm PDT

Are you desperate to travel but have no choice other than to do so on a stolen gasoline and bedbug motel budget? Forced to drive Aunt Edna and her hell hound Dinky to Phoenix? Instagram has just the travel itinerary for you. The Sad Topographies Instagram is the TripTik for the Troubled. Close your eyes and point your finger on your monitor. You'll end up with an excursion of ennui every time. Via Laughing Squid

Tragedy Pool, Camballin, Australia #tragedy

A photo posted by @sadtopographies on Sep 24, 2015 at 1:04am PDT

Misery Bay, Michigan, U.S. #misery

A photo posted by @sadtopographies on Sep 20, 2015 at 12:25am PDT

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