Blog Posts John Farrier Likes

Joe College

It's desperation time for the spring semester. This guy apparently didn't do all that well on his midterms, because he has better things to do than study. But he has a good grasp on what the real world is like. The professor wouldn't fair so well in his plan, since she is not only a woman, but is old enough to have gray hair. This comic was based on something mentioned in the book The Case against Education: Why the Education System Is a Waste of Time and Money by Bryan Caplan. The comic is from Zach Weinersmith at Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal.

Cat Goes Ice Fishing

A young cat has discovered a miracle in winter time. He can walk on water! The ice-covered pond lets him get really close to those tempting, wriggly fishies!

(gfycat link)

The problem is, he got his sporting activites mixed up. He thought he was fishing, but he's really ice skating! He's about as good at it as I am. -via reddit

A Shower Curtain for Continuous Connectivity

There are people who cannot survive without their phone or tablet available at all times. If you find yourself getting very dirty because you can't bear the thought of missing out on something while taking the time to shower, help is here! The iPad Mount Clear Shower Curtain Liner Tablet or Phone Holder (or screenholder for short) is a clear shower curtain with pockets to hold your phone or tablet. The pockets are on the outside, at different heights for different people -even children! This product is ...thought-provoking.

1. Better have a good lock on your camera, unless you really want to broadcast your ablutions.

2. If you must be constantly connected, how do you sleep?

3. Who has enough hot water to be doing anything in the shower besides washing?

On further thought, I can see someone watching a movie while taking a long relaxing bath. It might also be handy for elderly people who could call for help if they fell. Still, the marketing for this product seems a bit nuts.

-via Boing Boing

The Logistics of Living in Antarctica

The bottom of the world is the coldest place on earth, and is not conducive to human habitation. But people live there anyway, although not permanently, and not in the way we are used to. For one thing, what time is it? For another, what country are you in? And most important, how do you keep warm?

(YouTube link)

No one is "from" Antarctica, and no one can go there without a reason and great planning. Getting there is an adventure in itself. Wendover Productions explains the ins and outs of living in Antarctica in detail, and makes it all interesting.

Update: Matthew Heyns brought up Emilio Palma, who was born in Antartica. I found out there have now been eleven people born on the continent! 

Dachshund Negotiates a Maze

Chobi is a long-haired dachshund just trying to get through this water bottle maze his human left in the hallway. When he comes to a part he's not so sure about, there's a real problem backing up, because his body is too long to just turn around!

(YouTube link)

What's amazing is how this little doggo even tries to get through without toppling the bottles. My dog would just crash through without a thought, while Chobi honestly looks sad about the few he accidentally knocked over. Luckily, the next maze was easier.

You can see more of Chobi at Instagram. -via Tastefully Offensive

I Could Have Sworn I Parked My Car Right Here

TastyTalk took a picture of some pigeons walking along a ledge. What he ended up with was an optical illusion straight out of a 1960s horror movie. Sure, if you look closely, you can see the edge of the concrete ledge they are standing on, and the cars on the ground about a floor below, but that edge could easily have been between lanes in a parking lot. He was accused of blurring the image intentionally to enhance the illusion, but is that so bad? We ended up with a neat picture to make us smile.   -via reddit

The Difference Between Australia and New Zealand

Jordan Watson of the How To Dad series usually brings us instructional videos on how he interacts with his adorable daughters. But since he became well-known on the internet, he's come across a lot of folks who assume he is Australian. He is not. He is from New Zealand. In this video, Watson explains the differences.

(YouTube link)

Mainly, it's a different country. They don't even share a border. Yet the differences between the US and Canada are still more pronounced from our perspective. You gotta hand it to him, he's doing his best, and he's proud to be a Kiwi. -via reddit 

In Defense of Anakin Skywalker, the Most Unjustly Maligned Star Wars Character

The original Star Wars trilogy established Darth Vader as a mysterious and truly badass villain. The prequels came along to take the mystery out of the villain, but by then the internet was here to encourage fans to coalesce their opinions into memes: the prequels were lame, Anakin was a whiner (as if Luke and Ben Solo aren't -it must be genetic), nothing will ever be as good as the original trilogy before the Special Editions. The stoic, terrifying Darth Vader couldn't have possibly been born from the emotional and needy young man we called Anakin.   

And, yes: like that iconic Mean Girls character, Anakin Skywalker just has a lot of feelings. To be sure, his emotional outbursts in Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith are incredibly difficult to watch. Most would say that the reason they’re difficult to watch is because George Lucas is terrible at writing dialogue and Hayden Christensen is terrible at acting and the result is a cringetastic cheesefest that has been meme-ified a million times over.

But I don’t think that’s entirely fair to Lucas’ story or Christensen’s acting. When it comes to what Anakin is actually saying, there is always a deeper meaning: his “I hate sand” speech is a veiled cry for help regarding his inability to overcome the trauma of his youth, while his fumbled confession of love for Padmé as they gaze into each other’s eyes next to a crackling fireplace in a cozy, dimly lit room (I mean, seriously, girl? You’re sending a pretty clear message there) is exactly what you’d expect from an emotionally stunted teenager.

Viewed as part of the larger story of Anakin’s life, his savagely violent outbursts carry weight as well. After unleashing his fury over his mother’s death on the Tusken villagers, Anakin confesses to Padmé in an anguished whirlwind of misplaced rage, desperately attempting to justify his actions while knowing in his heart that they were wrong. Later, Anakin’s terrified “what have I done?!” exclamation after aiding in the murder (or not) of Mace Windu reflects his belief that he has arrived at the point of no return – that whatever spark of good he may have fostered has suddenly been snuffed out. And his tortured scream of “I HATE YOU” after his battle with Obi-Wan… Well, I don’t need to dig too deep for that one. Between those three words and Obi-Wan’s tearful response (“You were my brother, Anakin! I loved you!”), there appears a boundless chasm of roiling, unspoken emotions. It breaks my heart every damn time.

Allyson Gronowitzlays out the argument that Anakin actually does have a rich psychological arc hiding beneath the stilted dialogue of the films, once you explore the forces that molded him, which are vastly augmented by non-film literature. The upshot is that Kylo Ren is turning out to be a better villain because of the lessons learned over six movies in 28 years that dealt with Anakin Skywalker. Take a dive into Anakin Skywalker's psyche at Slashfilm.

A Waifu Comes To Laifu In This Ridiculous Comedy Short

The Waifu phenomenon is hard for many people to understand, but those lonely anime lovers who would rather pretend to have a relationship with the animated apple of their eye than get with a real girl totally get it.

And yet no otaku actually believes their illustrated waifu or husbando will ever come to life and make their nerdy dreams come true, and to be honest most of them wouldn't even want their waifu if they came to laifu.

On the flipside imagine what a kick in the pantsu it would be for a waifu to come to laifu and discover her betrothed is a shut-in who can't get a date with a real girl!

(YouTube Link)

This comedy sketch by Gigguk shows what it would be like for a waifu to suddenly discover she's sentient, and through her transition from virtual to actual reality we learn all about the world of waifus.

-Via GeekTyrant

Dungeon Masters Discuss The Worst D&D Players They've Ever Had To Deal With

Dungeon mastering ain't easy, and anybody who says it is either uses store bought adventures in their campaigns or is playing with a bunch of kids who can't tell a gelatinous cube from a bowl of Jell-O.

But the DMs life is made even harder by players who refuse to get with the program, players who seem to think it's fun to bog down the game with their "creative" moves that are nothing but flashy stunts:

1. CheshiresParadox

I had a player who kept making dumb technical arguments to justify every little weird stunt he wanted to pull. Ran out of arrows and wanted to shoot rocks with his bows, kept arguing that he'd seen someone do it so it totally worked.

Couldn't make camp in the muddy grimey floor of the cave so he wanted to sleep on the ceiling upside down with his boots of spiderclimbing. When we pointed out that the blood'd rush to his head, he argued that there wasn't a sourcebook that stated that elven biology was affected by gravity that way.

Sooooo, a goblin ran around the corner and threw its poop at him, he exploded and we pointed out that there wasn't a sourcebook that stated goblin poop didn't double as volatile explosives when thrown at upside down sleeping elves.

Then there are those players who try to get super tricky with every move they make, thinking they can outwit the DM by coming up with some super clever plan:

2. nagol93

I once had a guy that tried to cheese the big boss fights, saying stuff like "there is nothing in the rule book that says dragons can dig, so im going to make a bunker and blast it with firebolt for 3 (indame) weeks". (for the record he was a lvl 1 character wanting to do this solo. The dragon was meant to be fought by 3-4 lvl 4 players)

True, the rules dont say dragons can dig. But Im the DM and I say the dragon can and will rip through your mud shack and violently disassemble your rib-cage.

But to me the worst RPG players are those who use their character as a way to reveal their inner demons and live out their own dark fantasies, because their in-game actions reveal they may be a real life threat but you can't really do anything about it. What are you gonna do- call the cops and tell them a player character has been raping NPCs?:

5. ya_boy_ducky

He kept trying to rape female NPCs and female player characters in game. Saying that it was "in character" for him. He found a Scarab of Death later that session and after it burrowed into his heart I politely asked him to leave.

Read 13 Dungeon Masters Tell The Tale Of Their Worst D&D Players here

The Difference Between Victory And Defeat

Sometimes the difference between victory and defeat is a mighty arsenal of weapons capable of tearing the enemy to bits and armor that cannot be penetrated by any manmade weapons.

And then there's the argument that training, courage and teamwork can help any soldier overcome any obstacle and defeat an entire army, which is fine and dandy as long as said soldier isn't Darrell.

Because as you can see in this Jake Likes Onions comic Darrell is a real dweeb who seems to think his shield is some sort of weird backpack.

-Via Geeks Are Sexy

Fennec Fox And Cat Are Best Of Friends

(YouTube link)

Kuzma the Fennec fox and Zima the cat live together in Moscow. Kuzma is small, energetic, and has a little trouble with the slippery floor. Zima is relatively calm and placid, but he does enjoy playing with his fox friend. And in the end, he's bigger and will get his way! -via Tastefully Offensive

I'll Sleep When I'm Dead

Having an infant son in the house has taught me the value of solid sack time, and he has shown me that I've spent my whole life taking sleep for granted- and now it's too late to get those years of good snoozin' back.

I've played the tough guy, telling people "I'll sleep whem I'm dead", but now that I spend my days shambling around like a zombie I really wish I hadn't tempted fate with those bold words.

And according to this Safely Endangered comic I won't be getting any sleep after I'm dead much for my retirement plans!

-Via Geeks Are Sexy

Cool TV Show

The world is changing so fast, but the youngest members of our society don't know that yet. Broadcast TV brought the world together. Cable and home video separated family members by age. Streaming services and binge-watching are changing how entertainment works yet again. I wouldn't let my kids watch The Walking Dead when they were young, but later they caught up easily by binge watching. They now don't have time for TV in college, but that's okay, they'll catch up during vacation. As for this kid, aren't you glad he doesn't have the power to hire and fire? This comic is from Chris Hallbeck at Maximumble.   

Learning to Play the Shenanigan

Let Greig Johnson introduce you to the "ancient, elegant instrument" known as the shenanigan. It's a pretty intricate musical instrument, so you'll have to pay close attention. Okay, you won't actually learn how to play it from this video, but you can watch him give it a go and enjoy the music.

(YouTube link)

This video has subtitles, but don't focus on them. You can probably understand what he's saying ...somewhat. On second thought, you should listen and watch the subtitles at the same time. Trust me. And don't miss the details of the shenanigan. You may have to watch more than once. -via Tastefully Offensive

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