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Shenanigans in the Galactic Empire

This comic is NSFW if you are a droid or other sentient hi-tech machine in a galaxy far, far away. .

Theirs was a forbidden love. Or who knows- maybe it was just a one-night hookup. But it left a lasting impression on Star Wars fans forever. This comic is by MediaSlugz at The Skeleton Blog. -via Kevin Anthony

How to Build a Robot That Will Feed You Breakfast

Simone Giertz wanted to build and program a robot to feed her breakfast. She bought a robotic arm and taught it to pour cereal, pour milk, dip a spoon into it, and feed her. Let’s see how well that worked.

(YouTube link)

So much for that. If you want to try this yourself, she posted a tutorial at Motherboard with all the steps, with photos and more videos.

In retrospect I would probably recommend making a sandwich instead of milk and cereal. That process doesn’t contain any fluids which is preferable when dealing with electronics (and people). Bread is also a great excuse to eat butter.

All in all, preparing breakfast with a robot arm gets 4/10 stars. Messy. Crazy inefficient. Didn’t actually manage to feed me anything. But fun and made me not feel guilty about buying a pretty pricy robot arm.  

-via Tastefully Offensive

Bacon Cannoli

Bacon cannoli: it's quite possibly the answer. The answer for bacon fiends, enthusiasts of classic desserts with inventive twists and lovers of sweet and savory combinations. Make an easy bacon "shell," stuff it with the riccotta cheese-based filling and liberally add the chocolate chips. 

Ready for the recipe? Head over to Thrillist. 

Via Foodiggity | Images: Cole Saladino/Thrillist

The Strange Realities Of Working In A Fake Colonial Town

Working in a fake colonial town drives employees batty, which isn't surprising since employees are method actors stuck in a place where they have to be "on" at all times and no trace of the modern world can be seen.

But even more unsettling than working somewhere without screens or ambient music is the fact that many fake towns stay historically accurate to a fault, like Colonial Williamsburg, where slavery still exists.

The presence of pretend slaves raises lots of questions in the minds of tourists, who are all too happy to ask whether the slaves get whipped, sold and how much it costs to buy them.

Luckily, many of the kids asking after a price say they want to know so they can set the slaves free, but imagine what must run through an actor's mind when they hear these kinds of questions!

Read 5 Insane Realities Of My Life In A Fake Historical Town at Cracked (contains NSFW language)

Oxford University Study Tests The Boundaries Of Touching

You don't have to be antisocial or stand-offish to feel creeped out by a stranger's touch, especially when their hands land on specific spots that trigger our "stranger danger" reflex.

Oxford University conducted the largest ever study on physical contact and comfort zones by asking 1,500 men and women from Finland, Britain, Russia, Italy and France to color in body maps showing where they felt comfortable being touched.

Darker areas indicate where the subjects felt least comfortable being touched, and unsurprisingly the subjects generally felt better about being touched by people they knew well.

However, the study showed that men felt comfortable letting a female stranger touch any part of their body, including their "taboo zone", while women were only comfortable letting male strangers touch their hands.

Read more about this study here

Chicken Completes Agility Course

(YouTube link)

Who would ever expect a chicken to maneuver an agility course? This chicken named Stripe did it, after only four days of training! With the proper incentive, of course. Yeah, it’s a short course, but she’s a birdbrain.  -via Daily Picks and Flicks

Christy the Westie Loves Her Pool

YouTube Link

Christy the West Highland white terrier and her humans have just arrived in Florida for their vacation. What's the first thing on Christy's mind? Water! No, not the ocean and not in the form of a cool, refreshing drink. She wants to swim in her pool! As soon as she's let out through the sliding glass door to the pool area, we see the enthusiasm that has led to the pool being "owned" by Christy. Via Arbroath

World's Slowest Rube Goldberg Machine

How would you design a chain reaction that takes six weeks to complete? Bob Partington of Field Day did it. My question was how do they expect us to sit through the video? But that’s easy, because the slower parts of it are time-lapsed, with a clock in the corner to indicate when and how much time is compressed.

(YouTube link)

Part of this involves filling a trough with enough molasses to float a boat. Slowly. A tortoise has to carry the ball for a while. Popsicles have to melt. And the last “slowness” gimmick is a real doozy. I'm just glad they didn't recreate the Pitch Drop experiment, which would have taken years. Partington has a behind-the-scenes video in which he explains the design process. -via Viral Viral Videos

Underappreciated Background Characters You See In Every Movie

Aside from repeating tropes, themes and plots, filmmakers also like to recycle background characters to ensure the human clutter behind the stars in every scene looks comfortably familiar to viewers.

This recycling and reuse of filler characters means your favorite background friends will be in every movie, like the steadfast shopper or the trucker who keeps on truckin' no matter what's happening on top of his truck.

Dorkly's JHALL brought six background characters into the spotlight with his illustrations, and once you've seen them all in cartoon form you'll be seeing them in every movie you watch!

See The 6 Underappreciated Characters In The Background Of Every Movie at Dorkly

Backwards Backwards Race

This video of a short footrace looks a little strange. They take strangely small steps, and they keep looking over their shoulders. It’s just weird.

(YouTube link)

See, this is a backwards foot race. Everyone is running backwards! But the video has been reversed, so that they start at the finish line and run to the starting line. Meanwhile, the audio is still run in the right direction. Got all that? -via Digg

Vampires on Bikini Beach

The following is an article from Uncle John’s All-Purpose Extra Strength Bathroom Reader.

With the single possible exception of Sherlock Holmes, film historian David Skal writes, “Dracula has been depicted in film more times than almost any fictional being.” Here’s a look at some of the more unusual vampire movies that have been made.

Haunted Cop Shop (1984)
“When vampires invade a meat-packing plant, the elite Monster Police Squad is brought in to stop them. When the squad botches the job, the Police Commissioner bumps them down to foot patrol until the vampires attack the county hospital. Impressive special effects.” (The Illustrated Vampire Movie Guide)

The full movie is available at YouTube, in Chinese with no subtitles.

Little Red Riding Hood and Tom Thumb vs. the Monsters (1960)
“Little Red Riding Hood and Tom Thumb fight a vampire and a witch in a haunted forest! One of three Hood movies made the same year in Mexico and shipped up here like clockwork in the mid-60s to warp the minds of little kids whose parents wanted to go Christmas shopping.” (The Psychotronic Encyclopedia of Film)

The full movie is available at YouTube.

Planet of the Vampires (1965)
“Some astronauts crash land on a strange planet where the undead kill the living, only to discover that the alien-possessed vampiric survivors are preparing to land on another alien world- Earth!” (The Essential Monster Movie Guide)

The full movie is available at YouTube.

The Devil Bat (1940)

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Deluxe Homemade Toddler Kitchen

Andrew Hook made an awesome pretend kitchen as a gift for his son’s second birthday. It started out as an old entertainment center from Goodwill.

Hook replaced the door glass with plywood covered in chalkboard paint. The sink is a metal dog dish. And the burners actually work! Well, they don’t get hot, but they light up from coils of Electroluminescent wire that turn on and off with the stove knobs.

See the entire build process in an album at imgur. Oh yeah, his son certainly loved the gift.

You see these used entertainment centers in thrift stores all the time, because 1. they’re cheap (so you may as well buy a new one for the living room), 2. as TVs get bigger and flatter, the cabinets become obsolete, and 3. used entertainment centers don’t sell as fast as necessary items like beds and dressers. However, their size and shape makes them perfect for a toddler’s pretend kitchen. Several other redditors shared their entertainment center conversions.

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The Dinosaurs Were Not Alive

The traveling zoo show named Dinosaurs Live! ended up on par with the band that named themselves Free Beer. It looks good on a marquee, but some people expect to get exactly what the sign says. According to this newspaper clip from Bad Newspaper, a few folks in Memphis were disappointed that the dinosaurs were not actual, living dinosaurs.

People Share Some Of The Most Creative Ways They Have Been Hit On

The art of seduction is full of subtle physical cues, subtly probing conversation and subconscious chemistry tests, or you can just skip the song and dance and drop a pickup line on whomever you like.

This method has a very low rate of success, but the recipient of your fabricated flirtation will definitely remember your attempt, no matter how feeble.

People took to the Reddits and shared some of the most creative ways they've been hit on, which generally involved some sort of "smooth" line that earned the line dropper a permanent place in the recipient's memory banks. Talk may be cheap, but at least it's free.

-Via Cheezburger

Jaguar Snags A Crocodile For Lunch

It's safe to say crocodiles and jaguars are two of the deadliest, and coolest looking, predators on the planet, and they should have a mutual respect for each other due to their respective body counts.

But this hungry jaguar has no time for niceties, and he would literally kill for a crocodile sandwich.

(YouTube Link)

The Russian tourist who captured this wild wildlife footage would have been much easier for the jaguar to catch and devour, but this superstar jaguar was clearly in it for the views on YouTube!

-Via Esquire

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