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A Whole Lot Going On Here

Shane Victorino of the Boston Red Sox fell into the stands. The crowd helped him up. But there’s a lot more going on in this clip if you watch it a few times. Look at it again, and keep your eyes on the guy with the blue shirt with red sleeves. He moves in to help Victorino, but is no help at all. Victorino is up, so the guy knocks a woman’s phone onto the field, breaking it. Victorino hands the phone back, so the guy knocks a woman’s beer into her face. Really, if you’re going to be a walking train wreck, learn about personal space.

This happened during a game between the Red Sox and the Detroit Tigers in 2013. You can see the original video here. You kinda get the idea that if you watched the sequence a few more times, some other weird things will  start happening. -via reddit

Rules Of Life On The Road From The Hobo Ethical Code

People assume that someone who has chosen to be homeless and travel across the country must have no drive, no goals, and no code of ethics, but a happy wanderer wouldn't get far without a game plan.

This game plan surprisingly involved a spirit of cooperation shared between fellow Hobos, and when they worked together they created a vagabond network that spanned across the country.

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Hobo networks were able to map out various aspects of society by using a symbolic code to communicate with each other, and before long their unification became official at the 1889 Hobo Convention in St. Louis, Missouri.

It was there that the Hobo Ethical Code was established, to help a happy wanderer be all he or she could be, and much of it sounds like good advice for us all:


"When no employment is available, make your own work by using your added talents at crafts."


"Do not allow yourself to become a stupid drunk and set a bad example for locals' treatment of other hobos."


"When jungling in town, respect handouts, do not wear them out, another hobo will be coming along who will need them as badly, if not worse than you."


"Always respect nature, do not leave garbage where you are jungling."


"If in a community jungle, always pitch in and help."

Read 15 Rules From The Hobo Ethical Code Of 1889 here

Kitty Durante

Poor kitty! This big red nose isn’t to guide Santa’s sleigh (although that might work). Redditor marklyon’s cat was stung by a bee. He was taken to a vet, and he’s fine now. But he sported a resemblance to W.C. Fields for a while. The cat was also compared to a clown, Karl Malden, Gerard Depardieu, Squidward, and Jimmy Durante.  

10 Celebrities With Strange Hobbies

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It's hard to accept that celebrities are just like the rest of us, basically because nobody with that much money is just like the rest of us, but there's one way I believe we are the same- our hobbies.

Celebs may have more money to spend on their collections, but the drive to collect is something we share in common, and stars often collect the same silly stuff we do.

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Tom Hanks says the clackety-clack sound of old school typewriters speaks to him, so that's what he collects. Johnny Depp has a massive doll collection, which includes dozens of Barbies and a Lindsey Lohan doll complete with house arrest ankle monitor.

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But what's David Arquette up to at the top of the post? He's knitting his heart out while on vacation, which is only strange when you consider those are his official knitting shorts...

See 10 Bizarre Celebrity Hobbies here

Meteorologist Uniform

Dallas meteorologist Jennifer Myers belongs to a Facebook group for women meteorologists on TV. One of the things they discuss is clothing, because there are many restrictions on what you can wear: no green, no patterns, no stripes, no reflective material, no noisy fabric, no cleavage, must be dressy, and you can’t wear the same dress too often. Still, most buy their own work clothes, so when one member posted a link to a dress for only $23, they all bought it. Myers tells us,

I'm on here twice. Top second from left in the purple and second from the right on the bottom in the blue.

If you want to find your local weather reporter, the enlargeable picture is at imgur. -via reddit

Update: Within hours, many redditors identified the dress on their local weather forecast.

Pretty Girls Making Ugly Faces

Selfie obsession has taken vanity to new levels of low, and a few people have actually died while trying to take the perfect selfie during an extremely dangerous situation.

But selfies are generally safe, and the selfie obsessed really only have to worry about their reputation dying, as their posted pics cause people in their social media circles to lose respect for the selfie poster.

However, there's one seemingly backwards way to make the online world love you even more while you're constantly posting pics of your own face- post a before and after ugly face pic.

There's no better way to show off how good looking you really are than by posting an ugly face pic, and the fact that you're not afraid to laugh at yourself shows the beauty that resides within you!

See 27 Pretty Girls Making Ugly Faces here

Drunk Parents Are Monsters In This Disturbing PSA

When PSAs talk about all the ways alcoholism can ruin your life and the lives of your loved ones they have a hard time painting a picture ugly enough to match the real face of the eternally drunk.

But the horrifying PSAs created for Finland's Fragile Childhood campaign are terrifying enough to drive the point home- straight through the eyeballs.

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The PSAs were created to scare kids into looking for warning signs that their parents are drinking the day away, but they're so frightening that some kids might start thinking their parents are actually monsters in disguise!

-Via Boing Boing

Little Girl's Lesson for the Family Dog

YouTube Link

Three-year-old Hadley teaches the family dog (who looks to be a poodle mix — possibly a Goldendoodle) how to offer his paw to shake. Her father looks on as the lesson progresses, with both teacher and student apparently feeling confident in their performances. Via Viral Viral Videos

Bird Of Paradise Costume

Jaime Margary made this awesome costume in the image of the Superb bird-of-paradise (Lophorina superba). You  might remember this bird’s peculiar mating ritual. It was quite striking.

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Anyone who sees the costume will react with either complete puzzlement or they will recognize it and dissolve in tears of laughter. The only thing that would make this costume better for Margary would be to have a David Attenborough soundtrack to play while he wears it. -via Geeks Are Sexy

A Reason to Keep On Going

When you get old, and can’t do the things you used to do, and your family is gone, you don’t have to look far to find (dare I say it?) a New Hope. This look into the future is brought to you by Lunarbaboon.

An Honest Trailer for Star Wars

I can’t believe Screen Junkies hadn’t done this one already! For you youngsters, the movie they did an Honest Trailer for is now known as Star Wars Episode 4: A New Hope. That’s a mouthful, but believe it or not, we used to just call it Star Wars. Because that was its name.  

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In the Honest Trailer, we look back to 1977 and see how George Lucas made the perfect movie and then couldn’t keep from tinkering with it ever since. -via Uproxx

For the People of Paris

Our hearts go out to the people of Paris, France, as they deal with the consequences of multiple terrorist attacks on Friday. The death toll stands at 128 right now, and hundreds are injured. There were both shootings and bombings. The lights of the Eiffel tower were turned off in mourning.

The Guardian has a summary of the news. For ongoing details, you can tune into the France 24 newsfeed or see The Guardian’s liveblog.

The world rallied around France in the aftermath of the attacks. Symbols of support came from all over. The most immediate and photogenic way of showing support was to light landmarks in the colors of the French flag: blue, white, and red.

UK: Wembley Stadium in London

Ireland: Dublin Convention Centre

France: The Basilica in Lourdes

Sweden: The Globe Arena in Stockholm


Australia: The Sydney Opera House

Continue reading

A Moment with the Cat

I’ve got news for you. Your cat is always judging you. Lucky for you, he’s only judging you on things cats care about, like the quality of food you give him and how warm your lap is. What makes them such good confidants is the fact that they don’t speak English, and so their judgements won’t cross the species border. This is the latest from Lunarbaboon.

Goliath the Calf Thinks He's a Great Dane, Like His Buddy

Goliath, a calf rescued from a dairy farm by his human Shaylee Hubbs, may think he's a dog, like his housemate Leonidas. Goliath was sickly from birth, and Hubbs saved the calf's life by bringing him home and nursing him to his current healthy state.

Leonidas, the Hubbs family dog, is a Great Dane who took to Goliath immediately. He would often lick the calf in the face and nudge him when he was sick in an attempt to get him to stand. Hubbs told Country Living magazine, 

"He would lay down with the sick little cow for hours just to keep him company. The Great Dane and [Goliath] became the best of friends.​"

Hubbs didn't realize the extent of Goliath's comfort with his new surrounds until one morning when she went to the barn to feed her other animals. Upon returning from the barn, she couldn't find Goliath. Hubbs said she was panicked until,

"We found, lounging ever so comfortably on our couch, Goliath! This was triumph and victory, a nice comfortable place on the couch!​"

Way to assimilate, little guy! 

As it should be for all lovable dog/calf hybrids, Goliath can be followed on social media via Twitter.  

Via My Modern Met | Images: Shaylee Hubbs

17 Pioneering Facts About Little House on the Prairie

The TV series Little House on the Prairie ran for nine years and became a symbol of wholesome family television. Don’t tell Grandma, but things weren’t quite so wholesome behind the scenes. The production of the Ingalls family saga was a completely different story.


A “secret” memo was circulated at one point discussing the romantic pairings on the show; Laura and Almanzo just didn’t look like they were in love, and couldn’t the actors do something to generate some “sparks” between the two of them? The same memo pointed out that when Nellie and Percival were together they “looked like they f*** like crazed weasels.” Unbeknownst to the production staff, Steve Tracy, who played Nellie’s husband Percival, was gay. But he and Alison Arngrim were great friends and used to swap passionate, open-mouth kisses during their love scenes just because they knew it grossed Melissa Gilbert out.


Alison Arngrim often caught a nap during her breaks in the prop truck, and it was there while she was hunkered down on the front seat that she overheard Michael Landon say “Hit me” to propman Ron Chiniquy at the rear of the truck. She lifted her head to peek and saw Chiniquy pour the requested four fingers of Wild Turkey into Landon’s coffee cup, even though it was only 10 a.m. She later found out from Ron that the crew usually went through two cases of Coors beer per day while working. Particularly stressful days, when rewrites and retakes were necessary, were referred to as “three-case days.” After filming was wrapped for the day, a makeshift bar with hard liquor was set up on a sawhorse for the “real” unwinding to begin. Yet both Alison and Melissa Gilbert report that despite all the alcohol consumption going on, no one (cast nor crew) ever appeared the least bit tipsy, nor did their work suffer.

Other stories from the Little House on the Prairie set involve vanity, adultery, toxic waste, and Sean Penn’s first acting role. Read it all at mental_floss. 

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