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A Street Scene Becomes a Masterpiece

The Manchester Evening News published a bunch of pictures of New Year revelers, and one taken by Joel Goodman stood out and has become a viral talking point. Groen Maar Niet Gek saw the golden ratio in it.

He even used one of our old posts to illustrate how the golden ratio works with news photography. Other people compared the image to a painting, and one even turned it into a painting.

And another into a charcoal work.

Oh, and there are many Photoshop remixes, which you can see in the string of replies to the first Tweet. Read more about the original photo at the Manchester Evening News. -via Metafilter

Dog Pants

Yesterday, the question was posed as to how a dog would wear pants. More than 80% of Neatoramanauts declared dogs would wear pants on their rear legs only, with the waist going vertically around the middle of the pup. Today, redditor Falcrest123 shows us dog pants that are actually sold in pet stores. They’re called Muddy Mutts Dog Apparel, and they are designed to protect your dog from getting snow and ice stuck in their fur, or wet when the weather’s cold, although they also keep you from having to wash off mud every time your dog ventures out in certain seasons. Some will argue that these are coveralls instead of pants, but on the other hand, why do we want to argue about dog pants?  


The moral of the story: never make a deal with the devil without haggling a bit first. Okay, let me rephrase that. Never make a deal with the devil. This comic is from Alex Driml at Thor’s Thundershack. -via Geeks Are Sexy

This Crawl Space In San Francisco Can Be Yours For Only $500 A Month

(Image Link)

I'm sure you've heard stories about how San Francisco is quickly catching up to New York in terms of cost of living and overinflated rent prices (the prices in the illustration above are for one bedroom).

However I think even the most desperate renter wouldn't be willing to pay $500 a month to live in this crawl space.

A post appeared on Craigslist advertising this crawl space as a rental property, which was quickly removed because it was probably just a joke posted by a San Franciscan with a knack for crafting social commentary.

Here's how the original post read:

With rent skyrocketing in San Francisco, desperate times call for desperate measures and we recently came up with the idea to rent our crawl space out to cash strapped young San Franciscans.

We aren't going to sugar coat this, as you can see by the photos, this is a basement crawl space and the ground is un-even. My roommate Neil has agreed to help out and level off the dirt crawl floor and we have some scraps of rug to throw down. There is a decent amount of room for a mattress and night stand and you can keep a dresser in the garage. You will be able to run an extension cord into the crawl space for light and the garage provides decent heat for those chilly SF nights or feel free to bring in a space heater. 

About You:
Since you'll have access to our bathroom and kitchen, we don't want any slobs! It would be great if you were also in tech so that we can talk shop but that is not a deal breaker, perhaps you are a founder still looking to get that seed round and this is all you can afford!

We'll be hosting an open house this weekend to pick our next crawlspace housemate!

Sadly this sort of thing has happened for real in New York, so it's only a matter of time before somebody tries to rent out every square inch of their home in SF.

-Via The Daily Dot

2016 Conversation Guide

“Hey, it’s 1026, where’s my….” followed by one of the many things we were promised in all those futuristic stories like The Jetsons or Back to the Future Part 2. Strangely, 2015 was a year in which we made progress on many of these things, while some others, like the floating city, just don’t seem worth the bother. Randall Munroe at xkcd gives us a proper response when each of those those subjects comes up in the new year.

The Expense of Rescuing Matt Damon

Maybe we should do away with the term “damsel in distress” because the most rescued person in cinematic history is any character played by Matt Damon. A Quora user posed the question, “How much money has been spent attempting to bring Matt Damon back from distant places?” From Saving Private Ryan to The Martian, fictional enterprises have spent untold effort to rescue him. Kynan Eng actually came up with estimates, both in filmmaking costs and estimated actual costs if the scenarios had been real.

Movie Budgets
Courage under Fire: $46m
Saving Private Ryan: $70m
Titan AE: $75m
Syriana: $50m
Green Zone: $100m
Elysium: $115m
Interstellar: $165m
The Martian: $108m
TOTAL: $729m

Fictional Costs
My estimates, costs are in 2015 currency
Courage Under Fire (Gulf War 1 helicopter rescue): $300k
Saving Private Ryan (WW2 Europe search party): $100k
Titan AE (Earth evacuation spaceship): $200B
Syriana (Middle East private security return flight): $50k
Green Zone (US Army transport from Middle East): $50k
Elysium (Space station security deployment and damages): $100m
Interstellar (Interstellar spaceship): $500B
The Martian (Mars mission): $200B
TOTAL: $900B plus change

This raises another question: Is there any other movie star worth this much hassle? The original calculations included more movies, which were deleted for one reason or another. You can read the whole thing at Quora. -via Uproxx

Kylo Ren Rides BB-8 and Plays Flaming Bagpipes in the Rain

The Unipiper (Brian Kidd) gets into the spirit of The Force Awakens by trading in his unicycle for a BB-8 torso. The balance is strong with him. Not only is he staying upright on that thing in the rain, he’s also playing his flaming bagpipes while wearing a Kylo Ren getup!

(YouTube link)

As usual, he’s doing his best to keep Portland weird. -via Digg

Drawing Star Wars Characters with GPS Tracking

Gene Lu is a runner who uses the Nike+ running app. It has a GPS tracking feature that plots your running route. Lu plotted his to render images of characters and spaceships and things from the Star Wars universe. He started off with a TIE Fighter

While the system was probably developed to measure your route and to keep you from getting lost, creative people will always find another cool use for technology. Check out the Stormtrooper as well. Each picture has a link to the directions. There may be more routes coming to Lu’s Instagram page. -via The Daily Dot

Throwing Hot Tea Into The Air In The Arctic Circle

It's hard to understand how cold it is in the Arctic Circle unless you've been there, but photographer Michael Davies came up with an interesting way to illustrate the chill- his friend flung hot tea into the air while Michael snapped a pic.

When the hot tea hits the subzero temperature air it instantly turns into a spray of ice crystals that look especially beautiful when paired with a sunset glow.

The hot tea experiment is just one of the many interesting aspects to Michael's photographic trip to the Arctic Circle, which you can see in his Flickr gallery here.

-Via Bored Panda

Choose Your Character

Wouldn't it be cool if we could all choose our own paths in life?

We would be seen as serious spellcasting Warlocks or mighty head chopping Warriors simply because we chose that path from the very beginning, gaining (life) experience points as we grow.

Sadly, life is not like a roleplaying game or Choose Your Own Adventure book, and once people see you as a sneaky Thief instead of the mighty Wizard you aspire to be your character class is set for life.

For Lack Of A Better Comic knows that feel, and even though he self identifies as a Barbarian Bard with Chaotic Evil tendencies he's often mistaken for a Druid from the Underdark. Go figure, eh?

-Via Geeks Are Sexy

Cool Anime Inspired Cartoon Art Drawn On Paper Cups

Some people sit around restaurants gabbing and watching people walk by while eating their meal, but Japanese artist Shin Shinrashinge is busy doodling while he dines.

Shin creates some truly magical motion art on found objects, watch as he brings his One-Punch Man inspired cartoon art to life using three paper cups.

(YouTube Link)

Couldn't you see this kind of multilayer cartoon art being used on take out cups in the future? Maybe Shinrashinge is on to something...

-Via Pee Wee

Cat Tames Cone of Shame, Uses it to Her Advantage

YouTube Link

This Swedish kitty named Mine has been subjected to the cone of shame after having surgery, but she has no shame in her game. Mine quickly figures out a way to make the cone work for her. By the end of the footage, she owns the cone, and her whistle is whetted. Via Laughing Squid

Gingerbread Van Gogh

IndigoSalsa made a gingerbread house and layered on the frosting in the manner of Vincent Van Gogh’s “Starry Night.” And look, there’s the artist himself as a gingerbread man- with one ear! We don’t know if that was the way he was made, or whether someone bit off the other ear. How appropriate that a famous redhead gets rendered in gingerbread. -via reddit

No Spoilers

The reviews are in, and so far everyone thinks The Force Awakens is pretty good. In case you are trying to avoid any spoilers at all, here is a spoiler-free roundup of blurbs. However, if you go read an entire critique, you won’t learn so much that it ruins the movie for you.

The A.V. Club:

There’s a very good chance that most diehard Star Wars fans are going to love The Force Awakens. They’re going to love it because it’s been made to their exact specifications, relayed through years of constructive criticism and very vocal bellyaching.


…The Force Awakens is almost a Han Solo movie unto itself.

But, not quite, because Daisy Ridley as a lonely desert scavenger named Rey; John Boyega as a former First Order Stormtrooper, now wanted deserter, Finn; and Oscar Issac as Resistance pilot Poe (I would have liked to have seen a little more Poe) are all so fantastic and they bring to The Force Awakens what the prequels were so desperately missing: a sense of humor. There are actual laughs to be had in The Force Awakens! The original Star Wars had laughs. It’s this, more than anything, that makes The Force Awakens feel like a direct sequel to the original trilogy.

Screen Rant:

In summation, it would seem that for the most part, J.J Abrams has done a good job at capturing the original Star Wars magic; in particular, the characterization.

Den of Geek:

The good news is that Star Wars: The Force Awakens is a terrific and at times purely wonderful movie. It has its faults for sure – every Star Wars movie has at least some – and while I wouldn’t call it a truly great motion picture, it is a worthy follow-up to the original trilogy. It captures so much of those movies’ warmth, sense of fun, and entertaining tone that it leaves the prequels quickly behind as a bad, distant memory. It has a sweep and grandeur all its own, and while it may just miss the mythic power of the series at its very best – i.e. A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, and most of the third act of Return of the Jedi – it sets up the sequels to do that.

Rotten Tomatoes:

Packed with action and populated by both familiar faces and fresh blood, The Force Awakens successfully recalls the series' former glory while injecting it with renewed energy.

The New York Times:

The big news about “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” is — spoiler alert — that it’s good!

At the top is the latest comic from Lunarbaboon.

Dear Brother

Daniel Titz and Dorian Lebherz, students at the Film Academy of Baden-Württemberg, made this spec ad for Johnny Walker Scotch. Be ready to feel some feelings.

(YouTube link)

Watch it, and then go read the story behind the ad. The students haven’t formally shown it to Johnny Walker yet, but it’s already a hit at YouTube. -via Digg  

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