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How to Win at Monopoly and Lose All Your Friends

Someone who goes by the name of elpher explained that he doesn’t like Monopoly. Yet he always wins. The point of winning is to prove to his friends that Monopoly is not fun, and they should play something else. Then he gives us his exact strategy so you, too, can win the game. First off, read and understand the rules, because no one else does. He lays out the best monopolies for you to collect. Never upgrade your houses to hotels, because you want to create a housing shortage. He is ruthless.   

At this point, you more or less have the game sewn up. If losing a normal game of monopoly is frustrating, losing to this strategy is excruciating, as a losing opponent essentially has no path to victory, even with lucky rolls. Your goal is to play conservatively, lock up more resources, and let the other players lose by attrition. If you want to see these people again, I recommend not gloating, but simply state that you're playing to win, and that it wasn't your idea to play Monopoly in the first place.

My normal strategy is to avoid the game in the first place, but if you want to learn to win, make sure you load all the images at imgur. -via the A.V. Club

Quentin Tarantino Confirms His Movies All Exist In The Same Universe

The characters in Quentin Tarantino's movies feel like part of the same universe, and whether the storyline takes place in the past or present certain key elements seem eerily similar in all of his films.

Tarantino also likes to include unifying elements that are obviously meant to be, like the Big Kahuna Burger or having a Vega brother in both Pulp Fiction and Reservoir Dogs, all leading to the unified Tarantino universe fan theory.

Quentin finally revealed the fan theory to be true during a recent interview on The Project, confirming that his movies all take place in the same cinematic universe, well, two universes to be precise.

(YouTube Link)

There's the "realer than real" universe, which is where all the characters live, and then there's the "movie" universe within the "realer" universe that serves as entertainment for the characters.

Which is why Uma Thurman's "realer" character in Pulp Fiction describes the plot to Kill Bill to Vincent Vega when talking about her favorite TV show Fox Force your brain smoking yet?

-Via Polygon

The 10 Best Superhero Performances in Movies

Here’s something that fans can argue about for days. Who portrayed Batman the best? I am partial to Michael Keaton, but that may just be an artifact of my age (and the fact that I still haven’t seen The Dark Knight). You may prefer Christian Bale or even Adam West or Val Kilmer. What if none of them made this list of the ten best superhero performances in movies? There are also plenty of actors who’ve played Superman, not to mention the Avengers, X-men, Spider-Man, and so many other superheroes on film. The list isn’t ranked, but if your favorite made it on there at all, you can pat yourself on the back for your good taste.

The picture here? Well, I have taste, too.

Two Tough Lizards Take Their Scrap To The Street

Lizard gangs like to take their rumbles right to the middle of the street, so all the wimpy humans watching the fight will see how tough they are and leave them alone.

But only one lizard gang lord can rule the block, and as this video shows it can take quite a while for the king lizard to come out on top!

(YouTube Link)

Sadly, this epic battle was ignored by virtually every human who passed by, but the guy who decided to capture the whole thing on video is now under the protection of the South Side Saurians.

-Via Daily Mail

Two Single People Get Married For A Week

Some people are what they call "terminally single", also known as "undateable", meaning they have a really hard time finding anyone who "gets" them and therefore might end up "dying alone".

These forever alone folks never seem to land a relationship that lasts and will therefore forever wonder what it's like to get married...or they could just do like the two in this silly social experiment by BuzzFeedVideo and get married for a week! (Video contains NSFW language)

(YouTube Link)

The two singles in the video agreed they wouldn't want to marry each other again, but they may live to eat those words and look back on this video as the time they met and married their soulmate...Naaaaaaaah!

-Via BuzzFeed

Monkey Adopts Puppy, Cuteness Ensues

Image: Facebook 

An unlikely bond between a 
rhesus macaque monkey and a puppy warmed hearts and brought out curious crowds in Erode, India earlier this month. The monkey apparently took the stray pup under her wing and off she went.

The macaque made sure her adopted baby ate well, and kept a tight hold on him as she traveled both on the ground and up in the treetops. Locals who found the pair endearing set food out for them and watched as the monkey had the puppy eat before her. 

There are now unconfirmed reports that local officials may have taken the puppy away from mama monkey, which, though a sad parting, is likely better for the puppy in the long run.

See additional photos — including one of the monkey flying through the trees with the puppy under her arm — and read more on the story here. 

The White Room

What happens when you die? The people who know the answer to that are dead, and they’re not telling us anything. A skit from Chris and Jack takes a look at what may be in store for this one guy when he buys the farm.

(YouTube link)

It’s a little reminiscent of the classic scene of St. Peter meeting you at the Pearly Gates to announce your final disposition. Except it’s not like that at all. -via Viral Viral Videos

The Disappearing Puppy

This little guy is learning to come when called, just like the big dogs! But it’s not always easy when you’re that little.

(YouTube link)

Looks like someone has been landscaping. One more shrub to go! I’m just glad this isn’t an old septic tank hole, because those are truly dangerous. -Thanks, hearsetrax!

Can You Guess What Names These Baristas Are Trying To Spell?

Writing a name coherently on the side of a cup is definitely not a prerequisite skill for baristas, which is why I always tell them my name is Frank, because it's hard to muck that one up.

But some baristas have a real knack for turning a perfectly ordinary and easy to read name into a illegible jumble of letters or a bizarre new word nobody has ever heard of.

If you think you've got the code breaking skills to figure out barista handwriting then you should take the Can You Guess What Names These Baristas Were Trying To Spell? quiz here.

Some of them are really hard to figure out, but they'll all make you wonder what those coffee fumes are doing to their minds!

What Job Does Your State Google the Most?

Have you ever, while simply dreaming, seriously planning or during a day of frustration in your career, Googled another job title? Specifically for the purpose of seeing what experience or certifications it may require, or even what related positions are available in your area? 

Recently an employment website recorded what job positions were most Googled by each state. Check out the map to see what potential career is most popular in your vicinity. Via Daily Dot

Five Possible Futures for How We Watch Television

Television is in a state of flux. Everyone watches, but they also complain about the cost. Some people are surprised that their parents still have cable, while the parents are surprised that the grandparents only watch broadcast TV. And your friend wonders why you pay for a subscription while they just pirate the shows they want. What will people do to watch TV ten or twenty years from now? Paul Tassi lays out several scenarios at TVOM, with their advantages, drawbacks, and odds of becoming the standard for the future of television as we know it.

(Image credit: Zaphod)

Can You Tell Why People Are Drawn To This Hot Dog Challenge?

Most hot dog challenges involve shoving dozens of hot dogs down your throat in front of a cheering crowd, but this video by Howard Lee of Aberystwyth, Wales features a different kind of hot dog challenge.

The challenge here is to figure out which hot dog is real and which is a photo realistic drawing:

(YouTube Link)

And here's a collection of Howard's 10 most impressive, photo realistic illustrations complete with time lapse of the drawing process, to further showcase Howard's amazing drawing skills.

(YouTube Link)

-Via Daily Mail

23 Movies That Were Written By People You’d Never Expect

It's Pat | Image: Touchstone Pictures

The movie business is never short of secrets, or stories that certain people might be somewhat embarrassed to comment on or acknowledge. Prior to the year 2000, the Alan Smithee pseudonym was employed by film directors who didn't want their names associated with disappointing final products. Screenwriters like Joel and Ethan Coen, Charlie Kaufman and Woody Allen have used pseudonyms, not necesarily out of embarrassment, but for other reasons. 

The list linked below connects famous writers to some film scripts they've written, some of which are hard to fathom. For instance, take It's Pat. A largely unremarkable Saturday Night Live skit-based movie, it follows androgynous protagonist Pat. Too roly-poly to discern the outlines of her critical bodily features and with a partner whose gender is also maddeningly questionable, this bizarre comedy keeps the audience guessing. And guessing. But who would have guessed that the writer was none other than Quentin Tarantino? What's that? It's... not Reservoir Dogs.  

Read a list of 23 film writers— talents such as Noah Baumbach, Louis C.K., J.J. Abrams and more — in this article. 

Manny the Selfie Cat

Cats each have their own quirks, habits, and hobbies. Manny is obsessed with the GoPro camera. He’s reached out and batted the camera so many times that he’s learned to trip the shutter and take selfies! The best are posted by his human, who goes by yoremahm on Instagram. Manny even manages to take pictures of himself with the numerous family dogs.

#selfiecat #GoPro

A photo posted by @yoremahm on Dec 23, 2015 at 8:45am PST

And he’s apparently working on his facial expressions. Here he is trying to look seductive.

when cats do #duckface #selfiecat #gopro

A photo posted by @yoremahm on Dec 11, 2015 at 6:38am PST

And even art shots! I wouldn’t be surprised if he ends up with an art exhibit in a gallery somewhere.

#selfiecat #gopro #tongueouttuesday

A photo posted by @yoremahm on Jan 5, 2016 at 12:44pm PST

See more of Manny’s selfies at Instagram, along with pictures of his large animal family. -via Uproxx

I Love You, Toooo!

Mom says, “I love you,” in a singing voice, and daughter does her best to imitate Mom. A YouTube commenter described it well:

My wife told me about this and how cute it was. Sure, honey. Yes, I'm sure it was very OH MY GOD THAT'S ADORABLE!!!!

(YouTube link)

Dennis Neely’s daughter Gemma Kate was 15 months old in this video. She’ll grow up to be a singer, too. (via Viral Viral Videos

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