Blog Posts John Farrier Likes

Baboon Reacts to Magic Trick

As we’ve seen with many other videos, zoo animals can see people behind the glass pretty well, despite the difference in lighting. Here, a man interacts with a baboon by doing a little sleight-of-hand.

(YouTube link)

You have to love the way the monkey’s skeptical eyebrows shoot up just before the “You gotta be kidding me!” moment. The man must be pretty satisfied with the incident -after all, it’s not easy to find an appreciative audience for simple magic tricks these days.  -via reddit

How 10 Shows Hid Their Stars’ Real-life Pregnancies

A continuing TV series can’t just stop production when a pregnant cast member starts to show. Productions have found various ways to deal with the fact. They can write the pregnancy into the story. They can make the character take a vacation. They can add prosthetics and make her obese for a while (it happened). Or they can put her in oversize coats, adjust camera angles, and have her carry large bags all the time, which ends up looking pretty ridiculous, especially to fans who know what’s going on. Vulture gives us list that’s not intended to be comprehensive, but an overview of the different techniques TV shows have used to deal with pregnancy, from I Love Lucy to The Americans.

History of the Batmobile Parachute Pickup Service Van

Best job in the world: driver of the Batmobile Parachute Pickup Van. Not only are you working for Batman, but you probably don’t have to do anything all that often. And the sign on the side of the van is a great conversation starter.

(YouTube link)

Too bad the job was only part time. And the van was also used as every other van in the series. -via a comment at Metafilter

This Could Be the World's Largest Passport

Did you know that, until recently, if you have so many visa stamps in your U.S. passport that you run out of room, you can get more pages added? You’d have to travel a lot to even know that. How many pages could you possibly need in ten years before it expires? Eric Oborski has one passport with 331 pages! Altogether, he’s used over 1,400 passport pages. Oborski has been an avid traveler since 1965, and eventually became a travel agent.

All that international travel put a real strain on Oborski’s passport. That’s where the loophole comes in: At the time, U.S. citizens could take their passport to U.S. embassies to have more pages added. Oborski got to know the staff at embassies in Tokyo and Bangkok because he was there so often. They began adding pages to his passport—no questions asked. Oborski claims that the U.S. policy that no passport could have no more than three sets of extra pages was just that: a policy, not a law. Soon, his passport was spilling over with new pages, all full of stamps and visas.

But that changed at the beginning of this year. New U.S. passports can contain only 28 or 52 pages, which means that no one will surpass Oborski’s record. That doesn’t mean he will travel any less. Read how Oborski racked up so many miles over the years at Smithsonian.  

(Image credit: Eric Oborski)

Toddler Sings Bo Rhap

(YouTube link)

Parents want to introduce their children to the music they love. But there’s a catch. A child may very well claim that music for her very own, as in the case of 2-year-old Millie. She’s singing “Bohemian Rhapsody” in the car. But she doesn’t want anyone else to sing! It’s her music now! Too bad, Mom and dad.  -via Viral Viral Videos

Why the Wingdings Font Exists

You may have had some fun in your early days of computing playing with the Zapf Dingbats font. Type something, convert it, and voila! You have a “code” of sorts. Then the internet grew and you had better things to do with your computer. But dingbats are way older than the internet, and there was a real use for them.

(YouTube link)

When typographers, engineers, and calligraphers got together to create computer fonts, there was still a purpose for dingbats, webdings, or wingdings. See, they aren’t a code for letters, but a language all their own. Read more about the history of the decorative fonts at Vox. -Thanks, Phil Edwards!

Formal Dehyde

This was spotted on the whiteboard in a classroom, most likely a chemistry class. I will probably never need to know the chemical structure of formaldehyde, but now I know it by heart, and how to spell it, too. -via reddit 

Store Clerk Grabs Gun From Robber, Chases Him Off With Hammer

Convenience store clerks have to deal with a lot more crap than most other clerks, and they often get paid less than retail store clerks, so they are forgiven for sometimes coming across a bit surly.

You'd be ticked off too if you had young punks coming into your store to shoplift or, even worse, pull a gun on you and threaten your life for the cash in the register.

Some clerks crack under the pressure and quit, others adopt a badass attitude so potential stick up kids will think twice, but the small lady in this video proved she's a big ol' badass with her actions.

(YouTube Link)

Armed robbers in Atlanta, Georgia will think twice from now on before they try to rob the story while this lady is working!

-Via MSN

Reporter Narrowly Avoids On-air Car Crash

(YouTube link)

KTVU reporter Alex Savidge was reporting live this morning from the scene of a train derailment in Fremont, California. As he was doing an on-air segment, two cars collided behind him and careened off the road, right into the parking lot where he and cameraman Chip Vaughan were standing! We heard them say they are alright before the station cut back to the studio. Here’s a video of them checking in a few moments later.

(YouTube link)

Neither of the drivers were injured in the accident, either. You can read more about the incident at KTVU. 

Man Saves Child from Flying Bat

There was a training game between the Pirates and the Braves Saturday in Florida. A bat was slung up into the crowd. It headed straight for the face of a boy who was looking at his phone. You can see above how close it came to taking him out, except the man beside him, maybe his father, instinctively stuck his arm out to shield the child instead of taking a self-defense stance like everyone else.

These pictures were shot by Pittsburgh Tribune-Review photographer Christopher Horner. You have to imagine the size of the bruise on that guy’s arm. Remember, kids, when you’re at a baseball game, watch the game, not your phone. -via Uproxx

Update: Here's an interview with Shaun Cunningham and his son Landon about the incident.

Inside the Global Scotch Shortage

Oh dear, it appears that price of whiskey is climbing through the roof, mainly because the demand is high. The word “shortage” is enough to make some people panic. First it was bourbon, then other kinds of whiskey, and now the high demand has affected the supply of Scotch whisky!

Booze-loving Cassandras have been warning of Scotch and other whisky shortages for the past two years. In 2014, the main concern was bourbon; as the liquor experienced an uptick in popularity, distilleries began to struggle to keep up with demand. The problem was so severe that Buffalo Trace Distillery released a public statement outlining their efforts to address the shortage. Wood shortages for making aging barrels compounded the matter, leading some to call for legal changes to allow Tennessee whisky barrels to be re-used; this in turn alarmed Scotch distilleries, who often purchase used bourbon and whisky barrels for their aging processes. Prices for older bottles skyrocketed—according to a 2014 Esquire article, a bottle of Pappy Van Winkle 15 that went for $47 in 2007 cost a whopping $982 in 2014.

So what can be done about it? Distilleries are looking at a variety of ways to alleviate the shortages, to “ensure no glass remains empty.” Read about them, and the various reasons for the whisky shortage, at Atlas Obscura.

(Image credit: Trollhead)

Goal Kitty

Look at this cat, throwing her hands run the air like she just don’t care! Her name is Keys, and she belongs to Peter Mares, who noticed her odd habit of stretching straight up. He took some pictures, and then encouraged Keys to keep it up, as it were, by rewarding her poses.

You can see a half-dozen pictures of Keys, who’s become known as GoalKitty, in an imgur gallery. And since that’s been posted, now there’s also an Instagram account specifically for Photoshopped images of GoalKitty put into various ridiculous scenes. -via HuffPo

Chicago Rat Insists on Entering Storefront, in Spite of What They Want

YouTube Link

It wasn't so long ago that we featured the amusing antics of Pizza Rat, a New York City rat who scored a tasty slice and was dragging it to his rat lair in order to feast. That is, he was dragging the tasty treat until someone walked by, which caused him to take cover until danger passed.

In stark contrast, feast your eyes on Bustin' In Rat, a Chicago native who makes his New York cousin look like a major wuss. This guy's coming in the door, one way or another. One man and his broom are no match for his ninja rat moves. The man might have won the battle, but this rat is outside scheming to win the war. Via Daily Dot

Modern Solo Adventures

The weirdest family dynamics of all time cover the several generations of Skywalkers. After The Force Awakens, we were left to imagine the interactions we missed between episodes VI and VII. Filling them in can be hilarious.

A Tumblr blogger named mamalaz has been publishing a series of photo-illustrated conversations between members of the Solo family, mainly Han and Ben, called Modern Solo Adventures. We see the fate of the galaxy interfering with quality time between parent and child, and vice-versa. The images are animated .gifs at the site. There are occasional guest appearances by Leia, Luke, Lando, and even Darth Vader if the joke calls for it.  -via Buzzfeed

Ghostbusters Key Lime Slime Twinkies

If you thought that the worst thing that could happen to Twinkies was that Hostess went out of business, the relaunched company would like to prove you wrong. To promote the upcoming Ghostbusters movie, a limited edition run of Key Lime Slime Twinkies has been spotted. Slime wasn't too appetizing when Slimer used it in the first movie. Knowing it is lime-flavored isn't helping.

One of the comments under the above Tweet said, "something strange and it don't look good, who you gonna call." One thing is right- it don't look good. -via Uproxx

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